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Support working class Indians against Caste oppression.

Uncle Joe | 19.01.2007 00:33 | Analysis | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

Indian Maoists have been carrying out a dignified struggle against class oppression in India for some years - all leftists should support this struggle against class and caste oppression by millionaire, conservative, Hindu BJP supporters (like Shilpa Shetty).

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is conducting a 'people's war' against the millionaire plutocrats of the Indian government and it has effective control over some regions of Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh as well as presence in Bihar and the tribal-dominated areas in the borderlands of Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Orissa. The CPI(Maoist) aims to consolidate its power in this area and establish a Compact Revolutionary Zone from which to advance the people's war in other parts of India.


With support they may establish a peoples government such has been achieved in Nepal.

Uncle Joe


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Livingstone's condemnation of C4 hides his moral cowardice re the poor in India

21.01.2007 14:53

Dear ‘Uncle Joe’,

You must have noticed how the BBC and even Channel 4 news gave long time and space for London mayor Ken Livingstone to express his alleged concerns against C4 racism on Big Brother.

Livingstone said that Channel 4 used racism to maximise publicity for the Big Brother Programme.

We do not have any inside knowledge on that.

Livingstone must be privy to using racism for promoting his career. So he is an expert at using racism.

All we know is that Livingstone was allowed to give his 'reason' as the future of British business with India.

No sign there of any concern for the poor in India.

Wouldn’t it be good to see 'Big media friendly' British politicians show they even know that there are HUNDREDS of millions in poverty in India!

How far the alleged Red Ken Livingstone has travelled!

Or may be he has never moved. May be he was a political agent for big business all that time that he posed as a Red!

One small point, have you noticed the timing of the news that one of many of Tony Blair’s Indian pals, Lakhsi Mittal, has provided Blair party with £2 million!

The news came through as if on cue to facilitate all the Blair gang members – typified by former Red Ken – making themselves available for an exceedingly India-accommodating British mainstream media o condemn alleged racism against an actress they were very careful to describe as Indian [ not as Asian].

It is very interesting to see Mr Red Ken Livingstone being feted as a publicist for No racism to Indians!

It is a word also used by Mr Livingstone’s mixed race adviser Lee Jasper who was one of about 50 characters who were brought in by the BBC to give their allegiance to the idea of Indian partnership with British enterprise.

How the rest of the world affected by racist British establishment was allowed to be isolated in that historic time slot of 72 hours!

Just look at the British tabloid front-pages of Saturday 20 January 2007 and you will see the visual similarity they were showing between the ‘sexy Hollywood actress’ and the ‘normal British’ counterparts.

Jade Goody has now been shown to have confessed to her own racism.

But in the great revivalist propaganda for the big interests that dominate the India trade, Jade Goody was a neat scapegoat!

What, no concern for the poor in India by global business mayor Ken Livingstone!

Millions of the poor and unglamorous Indians in the India outside Bollywood [where Gordon Brown staged his own timely dedication to the ruling castes] will have no hesitation in identifying the social stigma that Jade Goody has been pushed back into!

India is not free. It has not been free for 60 years.

For hundreds of millions, it is a vicious cycle of servitude, starvation and famine.

With the post 1947 India being portrayed by a media that is still very much pro-colonialist and pro-British empire in culture, there is no chance that the so-called lower caste people in India will achieve the liberation they deserve unless there is a recognition at the world forums that India is the country in Asia that has the most poor!

Who will dare call for the removal of the big time criminals who are responsible for the violation of the human rights of hundreds of millions of Indians in India?

Will Blair dare tell the truth on that?