No Indymedia in Ireland- Rights Referendum Upcoming
Chris M | 17.01.2007 10:58 | Gender | World
It's election time in Ireland and with that we get a 'Rights Referendum'
which is a unique little piece of political obfuscation which creates
the necessary division between left/right- traditional/liberal to advance
yet again the cause of mediocre politics and refusal to look at issues
such as climate change and environment.It's all sponsored by the Catholic Church.
which is a unique little piece of political obfuscation which creates
the necessary division between left/right- traditional/liberal to advance
yet again the cause of mediocre politics and refusal to look at issues
such as climate change and environment.It's all sponsored by the Catholic Church.
In Nicaragua and In Poland, the Catholic church interefered in the electoral
processes- the issue, as usual was 'abortion rights'. Ortega signed onto
an agreement to criminalise all abortion one month before the election.
He won.
He builds his constituency on a mix of morality and ensuring a booming
population. the women of Nicaragua danced on the streets.
One 9 Year old girl had a legal abortion in Nicaragua. But the 'National
Interest' comes before women's rights/children's rights.
The LPR forced a parliamentary debate on changing the Constitution
to Protect life from the moment of conception- that vote is not in
yet. (Poland)
On Feburary 12th the Portugeuse will vote on abortion rights.
Solidarity from Ireland.
In Ireland, we have a very wealthy economy.
We have not transposed the rights of the child into Law.
The Government seeks to do so in a referendum in March.
Only thing is this- The rights of the child are understood within the
constitutional definition of the family- the primacy of the family
In Irish Law is defined by the Catholic Ethos and we have no
women's rights to abortion, to certain forms of genetic therapy
for pregnant women.
There is no free, safe and legal abortion in the 26 counties, In Ireland.
We has a rape debate in the summer of '06. A grey area has emerged
its called the consent issue- consent is currently 17. The biologically
functional girl aged 13-17 is 'co-equal' to the foetus she carries in Our
law. But she may be a rape victim, she may not want a child, she may
be an incest victim- she is not allowed abortion in her country of
residence. She is not allowed the freedom to be a kid and not a woman
as defined by the ethos of the Catholic Church which governs how we are
defined within this society.
There will be women voting in Ireland to 'protect' their children, in
doing so they will imprison their daughters within the unresolved
consent issue and the biologically determined role of women within
our primitive and uncaring society.
The current government in Ireland has been in power for nine years
it has not addressed the issues brought into the public arena
by the 'x' case, it has not defined the rights of the child within
international law- but alone within the constitution and the constitutional
definition of family.
I won't be voting in either the election or the referendum- it makes
mediocre politics and cowardly policy. the Irish cowardice and refusal
to address these issues by generating this row also denies our
huge environmental problems, our problems with emmissions
and mass development. Maybe if the question were framed
in am manner that did not involve such idiotic ties to the church
there would be real political development.
There's no IMC in Ireland.
processes- the issue, as usual was 'abortion rights'. Ortega signed onto
an agreement to criminalise all abortion one month before the election.
He won.
He builds his constituency on a mix of morality and ensuring a booming
population. the women of Nicaragua danced on the streets.
One 9 Year old girl had a legal abortion in Nicaragua. But the 'National
Interest' comes before women's rights/children's rights.
The LPR forced a parliamentary debate on changing the Constitution
to Protect life from the moment of conception- that vote is not in
yet. (Poland)
On Feburary 12th the Portugeuse will vote on abortion rights.
Solidarity from Ireland.
In Ireland, we have a very wealthy economy.
We have not transposed the rights of the child into Law.
The Government seeks to do so in a referendum in March.
Only thing is this- The rights of the child are understood within the
constitutional definition of the family- the primacy of the family
In Irish Law is defined by the Catholic Ethos and we have no
women's rights to abortion, to certain forms of genetic therapy
for pregnant women.
There is no free, safe and legal abortion in the 26 counties, In Ireland.
We has a rape debate in the summer of '06. A grey area has emerged
its called the consent issue- consent is currently 17. The biologically
functional girl aged 13-17 is 'co-equal' to the foetus she carries in Our
law. But she may be a rape victim, she may not want a child, she may
be an incest victim- she is not allowed abortion in her country of
residence. She is not allowed the freedom to be a kid and not a woman
as defined by the ethos of the Catholic Church which governs how we are
defined within this society.
There will be women voting in Ireland to 'protect' their children, in
doing so they will imprison their daughters within the unresolved
consent issue and the biologically determined role of women within
our primitive and uncaring society.
The current government in Ireland has been in power for nine years
it has not addressed the issues brought into the public arena
by the 'x' case, it has not defined the rights of the child within
international law- but alone within the constitution and the constitutional
definition of family.
I won't be voting in either the election or the referendum- it makes
mediocre politics and cowardly policy. the Irish cowardice and refusal
to address these issues by generating this row also denies our
huge environmental problems, our problems with emmissions
and mass development. Maybe if the question were framed
in am manner that did not involve such idiotic ties to the church
there would be real political development.
There's no IMC in Ireland.
Chris M
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No IMC in Ireland???
18.01.2007 19:25
From this article it is clear that the Catholic dominated European Union must be destroyed. It should be enough for any Protestant that its founding is Treaty of Rome. Those Protestants who signed were traitors. They celebrate that Rome is the home of Fascism, and work to to include enough Catholic countries like Poland to swamp and overpower the Protestants and give the perverts of Rome a free hand.
The proof of EU Fascism is that the EU is funded by VAT - a tax that bears very lightly on the Rich, and very heavily on the Poor. It s time to stop that,and impose a progressive tax on wealth. It is the wealthy who are destroying Creation. They have an absurd idea that when they have destroyed this Creation of God's.they will find a welcome in the Life hereafter. they are too stupid to see that the Wrath of God will cancel the Resurrection the Christians expect, and the Life hereafter of all the other daft religions.
If you believe in God, think how you can help preserve this Creation from being destroyed by the industiral military financial complex built by Civilisation. Destroy all its legs or the human race will terminate..