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BERLIN: 80 000 remember to Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht

communist | 15.01.2007 22:08 | Workers' Movements | World

Berlin. 80 000 people came to visit the "Cemetary of the Socialists" to remember to Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, the founders of the German Communist Party. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were murdered by "Freikorps" Soldiers after World War I.

Pics from the protest march through Berlin.

80.000 visited the "Cemetary of the Socialists"
80.000 visited the "Cemetary of the Socialists"

Big Brother is watching you!
Big Brother is watching you!

protest march
protest march

protest march
protest march

protest march
protest march

The revolution says "I was, I am, I will be." (Rosa Luxemburg)
The revolution says "I was, I am, I will be." (Rosa Luxemburg)

the left party (former SED in GDR) remembers to Luxemburg Liebknecht Lenin
the left party (former SED in GDR) remembers to Luxemburg Liebknecht Lenin

"Nobody is forgotten. Stand up and resist!"
"Nobody is forgotten. Stand up and resist!"

"The main enemey stands INSIDE the country: the capital."
"The main enemey stands INSIDE the country: the capital."

"Down with the government! Down with war!"
"Down with the government! Down with war!"

"Fascism is not an oppinion. It is a crime."
"Fascism is not an oppinion. It is a crime."

"Smash! Break! Destroy!" (Lenin)
"Smash! Break! Destroy!" (Lenin)

------ links -----------

Christian Klar | Offener Brief an die RL-Konferenz:

Junge Welt | Und Arnaldo Otegi sprach doch

Junge Welt | Bericht über die Konferenz, bis zu 2000 Menschen:

Junge Welt Artikel über Hetze in der FAZ:

------ links -----------

Homepage Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine Revolutionäre Perspektive:

Homepage Anti-G8-Bündnis gegen Imperialismus und Faschismus:

Homepage Antifaschistische Linke:

------ links -----------

Video on YouTube | DKP- und SDAJ Block:

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Slogan of the Rosa Luxemburg conference:

15.01.2007 22:42

make capitalism history!
make capitalism history!

Make capitalism history!
Fight the game, the players!


Lenin quote - little translation mistake

16.01.2007 13:49

the quote of Lenin (pic) is translated wrong by my.

I wrote "smash, break, destroy"

It means, word by word: "smash, break, bring to explode!"
In this sense this equals: "smash, break, set free."

mistakes like this can happen when translated from russian into german into english. sorry.
