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BNP member, Peter Bradbury

Croft Kate | 14.01.2007 18:25

I was shocked by the news in the Guardian 21.12.06 that told of Peter Bradbury’s membership of the British National Party.The BNP are trying to infiltrate the middle class.

BNP Central London member
BNP Central London member

I was shocked by the news in the Guardian 21.12.06 that told of Peter Bradbury’s membership of the British National Party. He told the undercover journalist that he was friends with the late founder- John Tyndall. Tyndall was on the extreme right, a confirmed Nazi.
Complacency is what lead to the holocaust. The BNP are trying to infiltrate the middle class, to become acceptable by following respectable careers. The BNP leader is convinced that with support from 18% of British electorate would put the party just ‘one crises away from power’.At the last election BNP had 2/3 of the number of votes that the Green Party had.

Peter Bradbury lives in central London. It is possible that he recruits BNP members through the Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists International or General Naturopathic Council. He is a board member of both. Naturopathy is to aim to live in harmony with our environment and use natural lifestyle methods to maintain maximum personal health. Being a member of BNP actively goes against this.Naturopathy does not align with Nazi ideals. Naturopathy followed through in to all parts of our life’s is anti racist.

Croft Kate


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NO -- and this is an important point

14.01.2007 20:03

"Naturopathy is to aim to live in harmony with our environment and use natural lifestyle methods to maintain maximum personal health. Being a member of BNP actively goes against this.Naturopathy does not align with Nazi ideals. Naturopathy followed through in to all parts of our life’s is anti racist."

No Kate, naturopathy and nazism are ORTOGONAL, completely independent of each other. There is NO good reason to suppose that a desire to live in harmony with the natural world and to use natural methods to achieve personal health makes one immune to hating some of your fellow humans.

Look folks, this business USUALLY comes up in the other direction. Something or other is acused of being "pro-nazi" because one can point to nazis wo connect/identify with this other. For example, we see things like "environmentalism is fascist" (becuase there have been fascists who were environmental. Well .... there have been mazi philatelists and nazi twitchers. Does that make stamp collecting or bird watching nazi?

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

Does Griffin have friends in The Guardian?

14.01.2007 22:33

I don't usually buy a newspaper, but bought The Guardian on seeing the BNP story on the front page.

It didn't tell me anything about the party I didn't already know, but did list a number of promenent members, including Simone Clark. I think it did the BNP more good than harm and certainly won't harm the recruitment of the middle class, who the party are currently seeking to target. Nick Griffin said in his blog recently that people have been asking him how much he paid The Guardian for the advert.

And what about this BBC item: - compare and contrast the loud mouthed, obsese, banner waving tellytubby (is it male or female - I can't tell) with the graceful ballerina below. It must be the first time the BBC have ever run anything positive on the BNP. Wonder if the BNP have friends in the newsroom or if the BBC perceive that they are now part of mainstream politics. The item also carried the URL of the BNPs web site, which usually only happens at election time for reasons of political balance.


Amazing lookalike

15.01.2007 10:19

If Elvis was alive today....



15.01.2007 11:17

Not fat enough...


operation harmony

15.01.2007 13:54

write on brothers and sisters

caitlin grove