9/11 DVD distributed at Rosa Luxemburg conference in Berlin Germany
911blogger | 14.01.2007 15:54 | Anti-militarism
after about 6000 DVDs have been distributed through an independent network of 70 businesses, galeries, clubs now the Rosa Luxemburg conference, which is affiliated with the german Linkspartei - the only party opposing german military missions overseas - has decided to distribute the DVDs as well -
JUNGE WELT - Daily Newspaper
Jan, 12 2007
DVD with Dynamite
"You get a free "Loose Change" DVD at the Rosa-Luxemburg conference - that means you get a compendium for revolutionary practice."
Jürgen Elsässer
...............Someone who has watched the film, can not believe the lies of capitalism anymore. Probably because of that reason the public screening of the Film at the Berlin Humboldt University was banned using excuses. But we are not getting stopped that easy: A group of activists in Berlin started with the free distribution of the DVD, and every visitor of the Rosa Luxemburg conference on Saturday can get a free DVD.
That shows clearly what has to be done next: on 9/11 this year - like last year in New York - a silent march will take place also in Berlin: somber, dignified without hate and polemic - without party differences. All participants will wear black T-shirts with the logo: " Investigate 9/11".
Before the next National Elections the Linkspartei orders 20 million DVDs. Every party member is distributing 1000 DVDs - this way one could reach almost all german households. The DVD contains a paper: "Convince yourself: the anti terror war of the USA started with a lie. Thats why german soldiers can not participate any longer and all US-bases on german soil have to be closed down." That should be possible, or what do you think?
whole article
distributing 6000 DVDs through 70 businesses and locations in Berlin since December
english page http://www.bushtrash.com/vid/freelce.htm
(DVD contains US documentaries Loose Change and Terrorstorm )
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3041813745929345171&q=freeloosechange )
these businesses support the filmakers in their demands for a new international investigation into 9/11
FreeLooseChange.com supports tolerance of all ethnic groups and religions and explicitly rejects any association with right-wing and/or nationalist groups.
We think s.th like the shop distribution network should be possible in London as well - lets promote the film as much as we can before its hits the theatres in the US this summer or autumn
go to
www.loosechange911.com and check out the latest developments
Jan, 12 2007
DVD with Dynamite
"You get a free "Loose Change" DVD at the Rosa-Luxemburg conference - that means you get a compendium for revolutionary practice."
Jürgen Elsässer
...............Someone who has watched the film, can not believe the lies of capitalism anymore. Probably because of that reason the public screening of the Film at the Berlin Humboldt University was banned using excuses. But we are not getting stopped that easy: A group of activists in Berlin started with the free distribution of the DVD, and every visitor of the Rosa Luxemburg conference on Saturday can get a free DVD.
That shows clearly what has to be done next: on 9/11 this year - like last year in New York - a silent march will take place also in Berlin: somber, dignified without hate and polemic - without party differences. All participants will wear black T-shirts with the logo: " Investigate 9/11".
Before the next National Elections the Linkspartei orders 20 million DVDs. Every party member is distributing 1000 DVDs - this way one could reach almost all german households. The DVD contains a paper: "Convince yourself: the anti terror war of the USA started with a lie. Thats why german soldiers can not participate any longer and all US-bases on german soil have to be closed down." That should be possible, or what do you think?
whole article
distributing 6000 DVDs through 70 businesses and locations in Berlin since December
english page http://www.bushtrash.com/vid/freelce.htm
(DVD contains US documentaries Loose Change and Terrorstorm )
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3041813745929345171&q=freeloosechange )
these businesses support the filmakers in their demands for a new international investigation into 9/11
FreeLooseChange.com supports tolerance of all ethnic groups and religions and explicitly rejects any association with right-wing and/or nationalist groups.
We think s.th like the shop distribution network should be possible in London as well - lets promote the film as much as we can before its hits the theatres in the US this summer or autumn
go to
www.loosechange911.com and check out the latest developments
Hide the following 11 comments
14.01.2007 17:29
Adam Weishaupt
link to a free 9 min. version of `loose change´ on youtube:
14.01.2007 19:00
the film doubts the official version of 9 11
Yet more 911 spam
14.01.2007 22:40
or www.bautforum.com
See how long hour half baked science and selective use of evidence will last there (hint: about 10 minutes).
Where would you suggest Mr Architect sir ?
15.01.2007 10:29
you have so seriously debunked the alternative 911 theories that I wonder why you still bother to add your one liners to every thing posted on the subject.
Now as far as I know indymedia was set up to cover stories that the corporate masonic media ignored like to
give the "alternative" view on what is actually happening. Right !
So it would appear that Indymedia was just the place to publish 911 articles and to be totally honest I think we could do without the comments altogether. You have been around for a while and there alwasy seems to be
a resident group of people hanging around IMC UK who are basically towing the governments line by keeping
up a constant barrage against certain stories. As far as I am concerned IMC UK is the appropriate place
for articles on 911, perhaps as a member of the professional classes you should be hanging out somewhere
else like maybe the Temple Bar or Duke Street ..... architect of the Universe perhaps ?
Libero Muratore
Tedious 911 Spam
15.01.2007 11:06
What REALLY annys me, however, is when 911 Truth nutters spam this site with the woefully researched, unsupported rubbish that constitutes their theories. Steel doesn't fail in fires. There were no planes. Evil Silverstein did it for the money. The towers fell faster than free fall (like, how is that even possible?).
THEN I respond.
Or is it really just that you're upset because I keep putting the boot into the 911 Spam?
i saw a 9-11 film
15.01.2007 12:23
Personally if i was a black ops guy planning 9-11 as an inside job, i'd involve as few people as possible, hire a load of islamic militants to do the job, via former CIA contacts (al qaeda) so they wouldn't know who you were, and then pull enough strings to 'let it happen' - ordering fighter jets to stand down etc. no need for demolition explosives, missiles, holograms or lizards, and not much of a paper trail and few witnesses. but that's just me.
Read the above-posted blog.
15.01.2007 13:32
As a documentary it falls down in being uncritical and selective ofthe information it runs with.
The blog critique points to a wealth of factual distortions and misrepresentations.
Like others, I am deeply skeptical of the hypthoses regularly parroted here without the slightest effort to examine the feasibility of them.
If half the nonsense was true, it would indicate the work of total morons who couldn't successfully pull of a pyramid scam or tax fraud let alone the biggest crime on US soil since the genocide against the Indians.
Like suggested, the best conspiracies are kept as small and simple as possible.
If I were Bush & Co. and the massive Enron scandal was about to blow and my pals and possibly myself were looking at jail time, I'd quietly tap on the shoulder of my friends in Saudi- someone in a position to manipulate an Al Qaeda cell. The cell would be trained and funded to actually carry out a real attack (thus as far as possible burying the evidence of an inside job).
The motivation behind the attack could be sold on various levels. To the PNAC mob: get rich, get out of jail free, get a place in history. To Saud: Get rich; get rid of that nasty Bin Laden brat and then that fucker Saddam, plus after the fact be able to uncontroversially knock off some prime movers in the effort to force regime change in Saudi. To the al Qaeda patsies: jihad, fame and the prospect of causing the US to attack Saudi and attract untold mujahadeen into the Holy Land and provoke civil war against the Saud Infidel lovers.
You may even have the situation where only one person in each time is a fully trained pilot and the rest think they are going to divert the flights... who knows. Many of the identities of the hijackers may have been stolen or even flat out fabricated by Saudi intelligence Al Qaeda sympathisers.
Of course, I have absolutely no evidence of this at all. But doesn't it all sound a lot easier than rigging a building with some crappy and unpredictable incendiary compound, threatening or paying off every forensic scientist on the globe (even your enemies!) and faking a whole host of other evidence?
Why run the risk when all you need is a handful of people in the know and the rest are unwitting pawns who couldn't reveal the truth if you stuck a soldering iron up their urethas!
This way or similar, the only people who could blow the gaff are those on the inside. The won't because they get the death penalty for it.
By the same token, the whole thing could have played out the same way without Bush & PNAC even being complicit. Or all it would take is GWB and Bandar and one point of contact with Al Qaeda connections.
Loose Change's take on things is straight out the pages of some Hollywood script that would forever rot in a landfill site.
Adam Weishaupt
faster than free fall
15.01.2007 18:38
terminal veloocity
Well, like, Duh!
15.01.2007 19:21
Entirely correct. Now you show us all the wee rockets attached to the WTC debris, then you'll have a point (sheesh)
Wee Rockets
15.01.2007 20:32
I saw clearly energy generated that was not consistant with the small fires that are supposed to have brought down all THREE buildings.
Investigate 911
Crossing Cassandra...>Again
15.01.2007 20:49
And you alone saw these. Well, you and Steve Jones. All the rest of us - architects, structural engineers, fire engineers, and demolitions specialists - have somehow been fooled, have we. Face it. The only thing you saw was collapse ejected debris.
"I saw clearly energy generated that was not consistant with the small fires that are supposed to have brought down all THREE buildings."
More rubbish. Those of us who actually watched the news feeds saw real fires, with flames licking out of windows and people forced to jump because of the heat and smoke. Those of us who read the NIST report saw this confirmed by fire modelling.
Once again the uneducated CT mob our board with unmitigated and poorly researched SPAM.