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Help breath life back into a 'Zine project

Gemstone | 13.01.2007 15:24 | Sheffield

A chance for people to co-operate to let their views be heard.

I have run Minor Details zine along with several friends for a few years now however the project has fallen silent recently. Though originally based mainly around the UK ska and punk music scene I'm wanting to breath new life into the project and include more diverse articles from more people. I want to base the zine in the sheffield area where I currently am as I'd like to see more communication between the people working on it and greater co-operation. I'm appealing for anyone who has something to say, whether you'd like to write about the music you like, including reviewing cds and gigs, about political and social issues, or things that have happened to you ... anything really just get in touch. Get your voice out to people and let your opinion be heard.

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