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Greece: Attack with rocket against the us embassy

spartacus | 12.01.2007 10:12 | Social Struggles | World

In this period that occupation army is sent around the world, and "civilized" countries watch the massacre of populations from their TV's ...

american embassy in Athens under attack
american embassy in Athens under attack

The night of 12 january a rocket targeting the US embassy in the center of Athens was fired resulting in some damage on the building and brough a lot of frustration to the local authorities and especially the local minister of public order ( that is Mr Polydoras, or better search in google for the word φασιστας , aka fascist in greek and you'll be presented to his page).

Nobody was injured from the attack. The small rocket launched from across the street shattered windows and woke up nearby residents

That is supposed to be the most serious symbolic attack after the dislocation of the country's famous leftist organization "17 November" a few years ago and the mass delirium introducing security (guaranteed by thousands cops, cameras and rambos) to the local people's lives.

Personal comment: It's good that at the climate of generalized numbness there are people that show with their actions the disaprovement to what the US GOVERNMENT does to the world.

Kisses to all (link from site )



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Dim view

12.01.2007 11:33

Would you be so pleased if someone got killed? How about two people? How about a fireman or paramedic? How about someone dying elsewhere because the emergency services were tied up dealing with this idiocy?

Personally, I think making a point with a rocket launcher against a non-military target equals terrorism.

Would you like it if fascists got rocket launchers and decided to express their views with them?


More to the point?

12.01.2007 13:06

Except an embassy ISN'T just a "non-military" target.

Even if you go to war with another country, its emabssy (and consulates) are SUPPOSED to be inviolate. You may kick the ambassodor out but not imprison him or her. Get it? This is the place where you are supposed to be able to talk EVEN WITH THE ENEMY.

A silly convention? Perhaps. But suppose those who did this were pinned down somewhere and decided to surrender under a white flag.

So I would not exactly call whoever did this "terrorists". But I would say that they self define themselves to be outside the conventions. And if not abiding by the limitations imposed by those, well then not under the protections of them either (the orginal sense of "outlaw"). No legtimate beef if unable to surrender under a white flag, summary execution, etc.

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

lets have more of this please

12.01.2007 14:28

Bollocks to the American embassy!

Stop whining liberals!

well done to all involved

well done to all involved

12.01.2007 14:52

Well done for endangering innocent lives by tying up emergency services? Perhaps even killing someone indirectly?

Grow up!

Less of this terrorist crap.


Good shot!

12.01.2007 15:19

No one got killed - and if they did are their any innocent in the US embassy? - I doubt it.

nice comments you "liberal" people

12.01.2007 15:53

people doing comments like the above are typical examples of the same people that think that Iraq and its people are liberated when bombs fall on their heads ...or feel safer if they have 1000000 cameras watching at every move they make...GET SERIOUS people, we are talking about the embassy of the US, that was a symbolic hit against the "democracy" they enjoy themselves and export to the world. If you dont think that the US government is a bunch of criminals, then what can I say, either you're very distracted, or you're just the x cop on duty commenting on indymedia. And just keep in mind this has nothing to do with antiamericanism, we are talking about the US government here, same government creating so many wars and terror around the globe for the last decades...

nice one guys, keep commenting from your nice house and nice pc the actions of people that oppose to this insanity...

one from greece

from england.

12.01.2007 17:11

Not everyone from england is a bleeding heart liberal. But many of those who post comments are here. Shame really.


White Flag

12.01.2007 17:38

Is this is the same Mike Novack who last year helped to organise the Northern Green Gathering on the same site as the British National Party's 'Red White and Blue' festival, putting money into the pocket of their scumbag host, and even sharing a site with BNP members for several days? Something he along with his co-conspirators tried to keep quiet even from the NGG's own membership, and then when the news came out, did his best to denigrate antifascists. Who give a toss what this yellow-spined, white-flag waving, BNP brown-nosing, liberal idiot think?

Barney Bear

Franky Says

12.01.2007 18:34

lets all just relax for a mo and wait to see what happens. If no announcement comes out declaring who did this then we cant know what the ideological reasons for it are but lets get a couple of things straight.

1 There are NO innoecnts working in the amerikkkan embasy. They are the ones who will negotiate other countries level of involvements in their wars, they will negotiate the repressive 'anti terror' measures to be taken in other countries, they will befriend violent dictators and negotiate the ammount of weapons they can sell to them in order to keep their people repressed and wage wars with others.

2 All those who hastily jump to attack this action are the same people who will never favour direct action whenever it takes place. Their analysis of every situation is 'cant we all just get along' and coz of this we have not achieved anything significant as a peoples for decades now.

Again im waiting to see who takes responsibility for this attack but it seems to have been for all the right reasons so well done


Barney, you're an ass (and of course a liar)

12.01.2007 19:03

I use my real name.

I have NEVER been in Britain (never been on your side of the Atlantic for that matter)

And your charge against whomever is ridicualous in any case.

Well MAYBE not, but first clear up a possible source of misunderstanding. Is it possible that in Britain, unlike the US, you don't have "public accommodation" laws? That a place in the business of renting out "accommodation" can easily turn down a customer without a valid reason? So if you don't want to rent to blacks or Jews or Gypsies or whatever you don't have to?

Because as I understand it, you are blaming SOMEBODY (obviously not me) for not boycotting some site renting outfit for the reason that they rented out to the BNP. Well spell it out for us,please. Assuming this outfit couldn't demonstrate the date was taken or that there was some GOOD (in the legal sense) reason for them to turn down the BNP how could they? Or CAN you do that in Britain and not get sued or face criminal "discrimination" charges?

PLEASE --- if you have been paying any sort of attention to the sort of things I post you would know that they are intended not to tell people WHAT to think but to THINK. In this case, about the question of whether an EMBASSY (even of a country you hate) could EVER be a valid target. Or assuming that you felt that was OK, why would you expect any of the other "conventions" to hold?

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm


12.01.2007 19:29

The use of violence as a means for political action is definitely an issue that can't be discussed with single-phrased sentences for 'innocent-people' or 'guilty-diplomats'. It is a discussion that has emerged within all formal left and anti-authoritarian organizations, after the arrest of the N17 organisation a few years ago. As expected, those "internal" and nevertheless scared discussions, led to multiple conclusions, starting from a complete disapproval of such actions as backing-up security police measures, to the defense of the rights of the political prisoners, or even very few rare ones who would approve them as a part of the revolutionary action.

One of the most according aspects, according to my thought, are the following: Few were the Greeks that didn't welcome the attack with at least some slight smile. The role of the Americans in the modern Greek history is considered by everybody, even by the conservatives, pretty much bad, while the recent alleges of the Police for allowing a police control of phone-systems all around the Embassy reminds us the organised phone-tapping installment that was proved to have been set up somewhere around (or in) the American Embassy.

Looking at the results of such incidents, we have to underline the danger for the civil rights and the radical politics, which may face strong repression, and further surveillance of any kind. After the permission for keeping an eye on the phone-calls made in the area, the Ministry of Public Order insisted on using the CCTV for security reasons, despite the recent decision of the Authority for the Privacy, not to allow any use of such systems apart from traffic control. What's more, this incident happened a few days after the decision of the Ministry to limit the formation of the marches in a part of the street and comes to distract the people's attention from a major political issue, the upcoming revisal of the Constitutional Article 16, aiming to stop the state monopoly on the Universities. It is indicative that the anarchists' march in solidarity to 2 arrestees under hunger-strike, that had been scheduled for today, was almost banned, as a part of the general terror-panic.

Without alleging that there is any evidence, so far, for the initiatives of such actions, that was the reason for most of the radical people who think deeper, that after smiling, took a deep breath in front of the upcoming repression that everyone of us will face in their political action.


Does it MATTER?

12.01.2007 21:23

"There are NO innoecnts working in the amerikkkan embasy"

Wrong question, Franky, or at least I am trying to raise the issue DOES THAT MATTER?

In other words, not a question of "guilty diplomats" but whether or not diplomats, WHATEVER they might be doing, are operating under a "truce flag".

Yes or no? Do you REALLY want to be saying that whether or not a "truce flag" convention needs to be upheld should depend upon whether you (or I or whoever) considers those appearing under the cover of the white flag DESERVE its protection?

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm


12.01.2007 21:33

You obviously wouldn't mind a member of your family burning to death or dying needlessly of a minor heart infarction just because someone decided to whack some mostly embassy with some crappy rocket.

How about you all tell me where you live and I can constantly attack the emergency services with hoax calls and you can pray you or someone you care about doesn't need them.

As for "all Americans" needing to killed all I can say is, fuck off racists. Not all Americans are neo-con fascists. In fact, nowhere near it. But don't let that stand in the way of steortypes.


Remember Gladio...

12.01.2007 23:34

LA's comment above is the most insightful:

If it was a real left wing person who fired the rocket or if it was a false flag attack the results will be the same -- more repression, so who is it going to benefit?

Remember that there is a very long history of terror attacks in Europe being carried out by agents of the state, in the name of left wing groups, as a method of getting public support for repression.

The most documented cases are the Italian ones, watch the BBC2 Timewatch series from 1992:

Timewatch: Operation Gladio - Part 1

The first of three programmes about `Gladio', the secret terrorist network operating in Europe. Discusses the network's creation, after the end of the Second World War, from a group of Nazis remaining in occupied territories, and in resistance to the rise of communism. Reveals the role of the CIA in the political affairs of post-war Europe through their manipulation of `Gladio' and the network's influence in the internal affairs of almost every European country.

Timewatch: Operation Gladio - Part 2

Second of three programmes exploring the influence of `Gladio', a state-sponsored terrorist network organisation operating in Europe. This programme examines the Bologna railway bombing in 1980 ostensibly by the Red Brigade. The programme argues that the Brigade had been inflitrated by right-wing agents who conducted a series of atrocities that so terrified citizens that they called for greater state security.

Timewatch: Operation Gladio - Part 3

Third of three programmes exploring the influence of `Gladio' a terrorist network organisation operating in Europe. This programme examines the kidnapping and subsequent of murder of Aldo Moro.

But it didn't only happen in Italy, this book also covers 18 other countries:

NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe
By Daniele Ganser


Was it a firework rocket?

13.01.2007 12:21

The reason for attacking every arm of the US Government may be that one arm has not done its duty to the Nation. Has the FBI done a proper investigation to show that there were as many defective chad makers in the Republican voting Wards as there were in the Democrat voting wards in Florida? Evidence needed.

The rot in the USA was built into their system by the Hamiltonians right from the start. It killed any hope of achieving the American Dream, and reinstituted the stranglehold of the Rich after the American Revolution.

Were it not so the Supreme Court would not have been packed with political appointees, the FBI would have done their job and brought Charges in Florida, and no American soldier would be dying in Iraq, though a Democrat might have sent them there, it would have been as UN troops..

Apparently someone was stupid enough to put here a particulary offensive comment that promotes terrorism, an Anarchist objected to the Editors, and it has been censored. So we cannot read it.

If there is a comment that should be removed it is the one attacking Mike Novak who has long been a useful and instructive contributor.. Standing, the comment is a discredit to every anti-fascist. Perhaps they deserve it, many of them voted for Blairites.



13.01.2007 18:42

Are you surprised when the original article blatantly promotes terrorism?
I'm a bit surprised that rather than hiding it on the basis of the pro-terrorist sentiment, an admin has actually promoted it!


innocent lives???????

13.01.2007 20:08

Innocent lives?
We talk too much about innocent people.
Are there, anywhere, innocent people?
Besides, can Americans working in their embassy be considered innocent people?

When civilians die in Iraq or in Afghanistan nobody talks about "terrorist crap".



13.01.2007 21:46

I think many people here are being short-sighted:

1.) Abusing the emergency services puts innocent people at risk. It denies other people life-saving help.

2.) Hitting a non-military target with a weapon is whether you like it or not terrorism. Just like dropping a bunker buster on a Mosque or hospital or shool is terrorism. So, one is no better than the other. I don't support humanitarium crime on any level.

If you don't understand the convention of the special protection of Embassies and consulates, then I am not surpirised you seem to think the stupidity of this action is laudable.

I suppose if you were banged up on false charges in some tinpot dictatorship, you'd be glad be glad that someone had bombed your local embassy and no-one was availible to negotiate your release.

But I forgot, all Americans are "scum". I guess that includes all the Yanks that support the US IMCs? I suppose that includes the Eugene Anarchists, Chomsky, King and X? All tarred with the same kneejerk brush because a handfull of arseholes stole an election and terrorised the world. I guess that makes us all legitimate proxy targets for our governments sins?

Where does it stop when you become your enemy and ignore international law? Would you applaud the killing of US Red Cross or UN humanitarian staff ?

Since when did anarchists think that nationality made someone a legitimate target?

I'm frankly appalled this shit has been promoted.


this is bad news

14.01.2007 04:51

a protest outside the embassy wouldn't have made the news internationally, but it would've been much better than doing something like this. such vigilante actions are counter-productive, which makes me wonder: who did this?



14.01.2007 08:41

Depending on whom we're dealing with.
we talking a people that now opposes war not because it's immoral but because they are losing it.
We are talking a government that, basing its reasons on lies, invades a country, kills thousands of civilians, puts up a puppet regime and hangs its president.
We talk about a political elite that doesn't respect anything and anyone in the pursuit of its agenda and that knows it can get away with murder because it represents the most powerful country in the world.



14.01.2007 11:52

Except that hitting non-military targets is a war CRIME.

You think that after decades of the IRA, ETA, RAF etc that another terrorist campaign is going to change anything?

The rocket attack is frankly pathetic. These people obviously don't have any popular support or else they would be able to carry out morally sound military attacks.

I suppose if they drove a truck load of TATP into the embassy during office hours you'd be ecstatic?

Pathetic armchair thugs.


who's a thug?

14.01.2007 13:24


Then APR the people you're defending are the worst criminals in the world, they hit civilian targets every second day or so.

Like Prattchett wonderfully put it 'people are bad not because say yes to evil but because they don't say no to it'

You're a step ahead, you're defending them.



14.01.2007 15:22

1 The same international laws you call upon to be respected are the laws created and abused by the institutions of the Imperialist west mainly the US. Where have these laws been to stop them from doing this. Therefore no I will not and cannot condemn these attacks.

2. Stop it wit the tying up of the emergency services being tied up. You make it out like athens only has one firetruck and 2 ambulances and will run out of resources for others. If thats not the case then do you think there are thousands who needed these services at the time of the event in which case yes the attack would be to blame for the lack of available resources. However being from greece i can tell you that neither of the two are the case. As for the police being tied up I can again safely say that it was a good day for immigrants in athens as they were not subjected to random searches and racist taunts by the police. Therefore more good came out of this.


Thugs & superthugs for the better of mankind

14.01.2007 17:27

santerre. I see your transformation into what you hate is so complete that you have started arguing like your stated enemies. I'm not defending war criminals. I'd love to see Bush, Blair, Cheney, Campbell, Rumsfeld, Albright rot in Spandau till they are dribbling and senile. I've even donated money to the attempted prosecution of Blair.

As for "..." you think that the Artciles of War, The Geneva Conventions, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Charter etc. are tools of repression rather than designed to defend innocent life?

While I would acknowledge that the controlling powers of the US, UK, Russia, France and clients like Australia, Indonesia, Israel, Uzbekistan etc have spat on the legislation and often through the totally crazy UN security Council and sometimes even just totally ignoring the UN... while seeing that, I see that your position is akin to arguing that we make murder, rape, paedophilia legal, because obviously the offenders pay not the slightest attention to the law... and here's where the biggest incredible leap happens... and therefore the legislation is designed to promote the crime... and even more incredible than could be predicted... the law should therefore be ignored and the same methods of the offenders adopted with impunity.

That has to be the most incredible leap of sophistry I have ever witnessed outside the bare-faced lying of Bush & Blair.

The law isn't the problem. Dissolve UNSC and its ridiculous vetos make security decisions in the general assembly, with a democratic vote on any escalation issues. Empower the ICC to be able to prosecute on behalf of the victims irrespective of whether the perpetrator is a signatory to a particluar paragrpah or not.

As for lying about emergency services. I saw several fire engines attending on TV and I would imagine that at least 1 paramedic and police would also attend. But feel free to post a comprehesive report that shows that no emergency services attended for someone strange reason.

I suppose the thugs knew in advance that there would not be some disaster elsewhere in the city that would overstretch the emergency services and result in loss of life or injury.

WOW, these rocketteers msut be superhuman with their powers to see into the future.


you're talking about things you DONT want to understand...

14.01.2007 20:18

or its your numbness that make you say things like this. You cant imagine how many demonstrations are being held annualy to the american embassy in greece...tenths of thousands people protest on EVERY big anti-war demonstration to the most suitable place for the occasion, that is the US embassy. Not to mention every 17 of november, that is the day to remember people's struggles to drop a dictatorship almost 30 years ago sponsored generously by the american government.

NOT to mention that the whole operation of watching every move of people during the olympic games 2 years ago was organized in the american embassy, with cutting edge equipment.

Now what can someone say about the arguement that "the more people do, it promotes repression by the state"...if EVERYONE was saying this the fascists in the 1940s would have conquered the world without an effort.Hopefully that wasnt the case. That has ALWAYS been the point of right or right-wind people. In greece the most teriffying anti-people surveillance things happened when the biggest "terrorist" organization was captured, does this say something to you "liberal-thinking" people?

from greece

from greece

14.01.2007 22:26

The concept is simple: no amount of self-righteous posturing excuses attacking or endangering non-combatants. It is terrorism and anyone who believes otherwise endorses terrorism.

That attack endangered innocent parties and no proof has been given it didn't actually harm innocent parties.

You want to strike the U.S. then declare war on the U.S. and engage military targets.

Every embassy on this planet is riddled with spies. But the embassy servess for international diplomacy and legal and general support for foreign civillians too.

As soon as you cross the line and see civillians as fair targets you lose the moral high ground and become as bad as the politicians and generals that decide to kill 70 civillians to "take out" 5 combatants.

And as they say, "If you get into bed with the Devil, you are going to get fucked!"

And frankly, I wouldn't cry to see the rocket firer in prison and away from endangering the general public.



15.01.2007 00:02

We have insufficient data to come to any firm conclusion about that rocket attack In the picture there is one broken window. That suggests a firework rocket. If it had been an explosive rocket from a launcher I would expect to see all the windows shattered. Of course the USers are so hated world wide that they probably have bullet proof glass in all their windows, and so withstood the blast that could have occured much further in.

Your idea of non combatants is very odd. Very old fashioned. There is now only one real war going on, that between those struggling to save this Creation of Life from extinction, and those who are ensuring extinction.

We can call it a war between God and Satan. With all the Ayatollahs, Rabbis, Priests, Ministers, Marxists, Anarchists, SWP, Economists, Politicians, Pope, Buffet, Gates, Investors, and Shoppers lined as combatants up on the side of Satan, there isn't any non combatant apart from a few Bushmen in the Kalahari. There are just too few on the side of God. Say Jeff Luers to Zerzan. So your argument about non combatants is not soundly based.

The only way God can save this Creation from Extinction is by getting a 70% lethal human to human bird flu spread across the world by Airliners now. Otherwise it will definately be too late. The Scientists will have God completely beaten and have perfected the antidote.and vaccine Start brewing for the Satanic Rites to celebrate Victory as Life Extincts.



15.01.2007 09:04

Well assuming that no-one did burn to death waiting for the fire brigade, or bleed to death in a car wreck waiting for a cutting team, got beaten to death by a spouse waiting for a police response or lose an unborn child waiting for an ambulance, I can only say it is a matter of pure luck. Any suffering caused on others as a result of the rocket, is 100% the guilt of the firer and no "higher cause" will detract from that.

I fail to see how people in distress can qualify as a threat, let alone as combatants. A combatant is a person that has indentified themselves as being martially opposed to you. This is signified normally by a distinct uniform or even just weilding a weapon.

Whilst I agree that the actions of many people constitute a threat to the ecology, I don't see anyone as a fair target.

If the rocketeer had targetted the CEO of Unocal, Exxon, Lockheed-Martin, Shell, RioTintoZinc, BAe Systems, I could at least see some relevance. But, needlessly endangering people needing an emergency response just to hit a mostly empty building with a firework is at the best wrecklessy stupid and sends out the message that the people reponsible are idiots.

I am guessing you are a religous person, and feel that you have special insight into what a human life is worth in relation to achieving a goal.

I have news for you: so do GWB and Tony Blair.

All the best!


You 've missed the point

19.01.2007 15:52

Sorry. I think that this conversation has gone far from what actually hapenned.

* There is no such issue as lack of resources, I think no fire brigate or ambulance was needed at the place. Apart from a possible traffic jam which is more than usual, anyway.

* I can't see why you stick on definitions of 'terrorism' as made by any sort of authorities or state organisations (UN mumbles all the time anyway) and not by others more accurate, eg Noam Chomsky and a lot of sociologists. Practically terrorism is anything that terrifies people. For the states, the label of terrorism is for every action or entity that opposes their power. And you completely miss the symbolic, or better the political concept of the action.

So, while I can't argue that this hasn't been a terrorist attack, it is more than obvious that was a pretty much political action, that most people can see at least some reasons for it happenning (apart from agreeing). And frankly speaking, since it wasn't intend to kill anyone, happening at 6am, it practicly terrified nobody apart from the guards.

* Finally, I would disagree that the US embassy is not a military target. As it has been said (Subcomandante Marcos I think), and you might have not noticed, we are living in a war, and there is nothing more connected to this war than a US Embassy.

* I would insist though, on the fact that apart from however you consider such actions, the most important thing when discussing their relation to any sort of radical movement, is to focus on whether they lack basic things the movement has used as means of organisation, collectivity and public consensus. But this is another long long discussion...