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Stop Thatcher!!!

stop thatch | 10.01.2007 21:49

The Beeb's politics show, cleverly named 'The Politics Show' are currently running a poll to find the greatest living political hero. Not something that would ordinarily interest us until we heard that the old witch Thatcher was in the lead.

Prompting the forces of righteousness into action this disturbing news rippled across the internet, manifesting in a call out to all sane and compassionate people to strike now to end this travesty of justice.

The options for resistance are sparse. Not many heros amongst politicians it seems.

The only viable contender for this dubious honour appears to be Lord Anthony Wedgewood Benn. So, with heavy hearts and our fingers crossed we can only call on the left to rise up and VOTE BENN!

go here

(voting closes tomorrow 11th Jan) at midday so vote now and please distribute asap

IMC-istas, I know it aint news, but it's a bit of a larf and it you want to hide it wait till after midday tomorrow eh...)

stop thatch


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aren't they both politicians

11.01.2007 00:11

i gave up voting for politicians longer ago than i care to remember!

seems a pointless exercise

who you vote for........... and all that!


All politicians.

11.01.2007 06:34

Yes voting only encourages them. Trouble is this poll gives the illusion that Thatcher and others like her are somehow important in the general scheme of things, instead of just being a bunch of jumped up power freaks out to spoil our lives. My advice in this particular case is to vote for the most obscure politician you can find in order to reduce Thatcher's share of the poll.

Did you know there is a celebration already organised in the event of her death? This would make a good centre column feature for IMCUK.


we won!

11.01.2007 13:58

Tony Benn

Margaret Thatcher

20560 Votes Cast

riot act
- Homepage:


14.01.2007 15:45

Oh aye, Tony Benn, he's retired now and lives on a State pension in a council house in East London doesn't he?

Come on, to me Benn was just another rich bastard who was born into lots of money and just had a guilty conscience.

In fact quite like Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Paul Foot, Tariq Ali and nearly every leftist 'leader' there's ever been in this country.
