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Campaigners claim John Reid is “not fit for porpoise”

NCC | 10.01.2007 13:16

Calls for John Reid to resign following latest Home Office blunder

Dressed as fish and dolphins, a group of campaigners will today gather outside the London Aquarium to demand John Reid’s resignation claiming that he is “not fit for porpoise”.

The stunt, organised by the No Confidence Campaign – the group that attempted to get George Bush sectioned under the Mental Health Act during his 2004 visit to London - follows revelations that criminals convicted of offences abroad have been allowed to return to Britain unchecked.

Simon Stefanowitz, NCC spokesman, said today;

“The fact that 25 rapists, 29 paedophiles and five murderers are among thousands of convicts left off the police computer and sex offender register shows that John Reid is failing to adequately protect the British public. It is likely that he will attempt to pass the buck to others in the Home Office, but we feel that responsibility must lie with him. It shows a level of incompetence and ineptitude that should immediately disqualify him for any position of responsibility in Cabinet and should ensure that his unseemly ambitions to become leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister of the country are consigned to the dustbin of history. We cannot allow convicted criminals to get jobs dealing with vulnerable people nor can we allow a man with such flawed judgement anywhere near the reigns of power. The whole matter is very fishy and John Reid is no longer fit for porpoise.”

Demo – 2pm, London Aquarium, South Bank, London.

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Abuse of IM

10.01.2007 13:34

delete this f***ing nonsense and make space for actual campaigning that has some substance behind it - like the vigil outside Downing Street this evening at 6.30pm for the UK resident Guantanamo detainee who was framed by MI5.
This post went out 5 mins after I posted a message about the vigil on newswire - funny that you are calling people to attend a demo (as a National posting - not just a London posting) giving them 45 mins notice....

bullshit detector

What is this doing on indymedia?

10.01.2007 16:24

This has nothing to do with us, or with our liberation struggles. This is just fascists asking for more efficient repression.
John Reid is a bastard and should resign, but not for the reasons stated by these fascists. We want him to go because he's bringing more repression and criminalisation, not because he is not 'effective' enough in so doing! Hide this post please!

Miss X