Collins Stewart London Boat Show Banned Family - Limited Picket
The Shalom Family Campaign for Social Justice (Re-Crest Nicholson plc) | 10.01.2007 12:07 | Education | Health | Social Struggles | London | World
St. Stephen's Entrance BMF House of Commons Dinner Picket
British Marine Federation House of Commons Family Picket for Help
Welcome To Excel London Home of The Collins Stewart London Boat Show
Collins Stewart Boat Show in association with Family Values Daily Mail
collinsstewartlondonboatshow Family Campaigner and 'Papa' Vince Shalom
Collins Stewart London Boat Show Welcome Not For Everyone!
London Boat Show British Marine Federation National Boat Shows
Proud Sponsors London Boat Show Collins Stewart
Daily Mail Millionaire's Megaprize London Boat Show
Proud Sponsors London Boat Show Inmarsat Collins Stewart Exhibar
Excel Welcomes Collins Stewart London Boat Show and Shalom Family Campaign
The letter is reproduced below :- :
3rd January 2007
The Directors of the British Marine Federation
Mr. Rob Stevens
BMF Chief Executive
Marine House
Meadlake Place
Thorpe Lea Road
TW20 8BF
Faxed as Urgent to 01784 475853
Emailed to
Dear Mr. Stevens,
Please Help Us!
Further to our earlier invitations to your organisation, one year ago today , we respectfully ask you, and the British Marine Federation, to help us in our Family Campaign for Social Justice, from Crest Nicholson Plc.
We kindly refer to your comments published in the June 2006 Edition of ‘British Marine News’, the Newsletter from the British Marine Federation. Speaking of the “Challenges” of the London International Boat Show, about to be held at Excel, you speak of a “need”, that the London Boat Show must be, “an exciting show, and a much more participatory event. One which, not only sells boats and all the associated Marine products, but one which also offers the public a good day out and, we hope, encourages people into boating.”
Despite our Family’s dire circumstances, we would welcome the opportunity of witnessing, first hand, what form your comments may take. However, you should be aware that your organisation has already previously banned our Family, with five children, from attending the London Boat Show.
Whilst we acknowledge that the British Marine Federation exists for its members, and to support, direct and protect the major interests of the British Marine Industries, we kindly remind you that key, continuous-members of the British Marine Federation (in various disguise) have played an active part in the total destruction of our once-beautiful Family Home, and our Way of Life of 14 years.
It is in this respect, we kindly ask you to consider calling to account the following British Marine Federation Members, who we feel sure can provide a valuable insight into the appalling events which have taken place and more specifically, what part each member has played.
Quay Marinas Limited - Mr. Simon Haigh & Mr. Andrew Yates, formerly Crest Nicholson Marinas Limited at
British Waterways - Mr. Gareth Stephens, formerly Penarth Marina Manager of Crest Nicholson Marinas Limited, Cardiff Bay Wales at
The Royal Yachting Association at
Cardiff County Council - Cardiff Harbour Authority Mr. Roger Thorney, at and
Bristol Channel Marine Insurance Consultants Limited - Mr. Tony Burris, formerly, Bristol Channel Marine Insurance Consultants LLP at
Bay Marine Insurance Consultants Limited - Ms. Susanne Newbold, formerly, Bristol Channel Marine Insurance Consultants LLP at
We acknowledge that both British Waterways & the Royal Yachting Association are ‘strategic partners’ of the BMF at
For the benefit of doubt, we should also like to inform you that the Association of Marina Industries in Washington DC USA at have also been openly invited to investigate our claims, regarding the ‘honesty and integrity’ of Mr. Simon Haigh, and Gareth Stephens, formerly employed by Crest Nicholson Marinas.
We very much regret that the British Marine Federation was unable to respond more positively to our earlier invitation regarding the consultation exercise, “Security of Tenure for Residential Boats” at . We understand that this was administered by Mr. John Connell of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, (ODPM), whilst under the direction of the Rt. Hon. John Prescott MP.
For the benefit of doubt, it is quite clear that over the term and to date, of our Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc, that company names and personnel details may have changed. Without exception, we also acknowledge that the ODPM has also changed names, to become the Department for Communities and Local Government and is led by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt. Hon. Ruth Kelly MP.
We would like to assure you that Ms. Kelly is aware of our Family Campaign efforts. Our enquiries with Ms. Kelly and her Department will continue for reasons stated below and we again invite the British Marine Federation to join with us in this regard.
The Rt. Hon. Ruth Kelly MP, has recently announced the ‘secondment’ of Mr. John Callcutt CBE, from his Chief Executive role with ‘English Partnerships’, (the UK Government’s National Regeneration Agency for England), to ‘head-up’ the ‘Review of Housebuilding Delivery.
You should be aware that Mr. John Callcutt was the former Chief Executive Officer of Crest Nicholson plc, the ‘ultimate holding company’ of Crest Nicholson Marinas Limited, (continuous BMF Member), and he was ‘solely responsible for implementing health and safety’, in the Crest Group of Companies, leading to the eventual destruction of our Home and seizure of all our worldly possessions.
We also understand from the ‘British Marine News’ that the theme of the Collins Stewart - sponsored London Boat Show 2007 is that of ‘Island Nation’ and that, “The vision behind the 2007 show was simply to reflect our impressive marine heritage. The Show is a celebration of everything from seafaring skills to boat design and the sea. There will be something for everyone who has a passion for water, inland or coastal.”
We would dearly love to see this vision of celebration, and/of encouragement in action, through the British Marine Federation. May we kindly remind you that our whole Family once had a living, breathing passion, for life on the water, totalling some 14 consecutive years. Our five daughters were born into this way of life.
We have lost a good Family Home. We have been robbed of our personal Family Possessions. In view of matters as they stand, we have taken the extraordinary measure of contacting Mr. Terry Smith Chief Executive Officer of Tullett Prebon plc, who we understand is the ultimate holding company of Collins Stewart Europe Limited, the major sponsors of the London International Boat Show 2007. We enclose a copy of that correspondence for your immediate attention, which specifically highlights a commonality of corporate shareholders, between/of, Tullet Prebon plc and Crest Nicholson Plc, in the form of Legal & General Group subsidiary, Legal & General Investment Management.
We sincerely hope that the BMF will reflect upon the many issues raised within our Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc. Please help us!
It only remains for us to wish you every success at the forthcoming Bi-Annual British Marine Federation House of Commons Dinner, a very successful London Boat Show and from all of our Family to you and all of yours, a very Happy New Year.
Should you have any queries or comments we would be happy to hear from you at a suitable time.
Kind Regards,
Yours sincerely,
Marie Louise & Vincent Shalom
With our Daughters Hannah 15, Naomi 13, Rachel 9, Rebekah 8 and Jessica 6.
Letter Ends
Crest Nicholson Houseboat Eviction Latest News at
The Shalom Family Campaign for Social Justice (Re-Crest Nicholson plc)
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Tullett Prebon PLC
01.02.2007 09:19
Ian Gardiner