Unite organises against the BNP ballerina
red letter | 10.01.2007 10:41 | Anti-racism
Musicians and workers at the English National Ballet (ENB) have reacted with outrage at the revelation that the company’s principal dancer, Simone Clarke, is a member of the fascist British National Party (BNP).
Unite Against Fascism has called a protest outside a lunchtime performance of the ballet Giselle this Friday which Clarke is performing in.
The anti-fascist campaign group is also circulating a petition condemning Clarke and calling on her to be removed from her position.
Clarke’s BNP membership was revealed by the Guardian newspaper over the Christmas break.
She responded by giving a lengthy and unrepentant interview to the Mail on Sunday, where she defended the BNP and praised its anti-immigration policies.
Many people involved in the arts world as performers or workers have contacted Unite to express their outrage at Clarke’s endorsement of the BNP.
Pressure on the ENB can force the company’s management to take a clear stand against fascism.
The Musicians’ Union has put out a statement condemning the BNP’s “attempts to portray itself as part of mainstream politics” and calling on the ENB to “act in order to maintain its position as a flagship for equality and fairness in the arts”.
“The BNP is exploiting Simone Clarke’s membership in order to promote and prettify their extreme right wing politics,” says the statement from Unite.
“Such developments are not new – historically the far right has sought the endorsement of artistic figures to attempt to normalise and disguise the reality of their politics.
“One of the many victims of the Nazi holocaust was choreographer René Blum, who was murdered in Auschwitz in 1943. It is in those people’s memory that we should oppose all forms of fascism.
“Those artists – and everyone else – who defend the BNP should tell us if they defend the full reality of its politics. Claims of ignorance are no defence,” the statement continues.
“We are calling on all those who have an appreciation for
the arts, music and dance to demand that the promotion of racist and fascist politics are incompatible with a leading arts institution.”
Protest against racism and fascism at the ballet. Assemble at 12 noon on Friday 12 January outside the London Coliseum,
St Martin’s Lane, London WC2.
Unite Against Fascism’s national conference will be held in central London on 17 February. Go to www.uaf.org.uk for more details
© Copyright Socialist Worker (unless otherwise stated). You may republish if you include an active link to the original and leave this notice in place.
red letter
Hide the following 11 comments
10.01.2007 15:25
and, er, if your socialist worker party just happens to offend those that believe the rampages of socialism (in national socialist germany and stalins soviet socialist paradise), tipping them further into the manipulations of the British Nutter Paranoids it's a price worth paying for you to look holier than thou
don't happen to agree or like her views
but then again I bet most of the other proformers agree more or less with positions i also might disgree with and even dislike
permanant action against everything
construct some decent arguments with which to nullify the pathetically simple minded twaddle the bnp disgorge
deconstruct the indecent arguments with which the bnp fails to nullify the vast majority of people with heads containing working brains
going around pretending that your idea of the world is the only 'good' and therefore you have the right to slap down those 'others' is actually a very similar message to the one the bnp stand for
leave the woman alone or engage her in debate
don't play the fucking soap box hero to me mr socialist worker rich boy
daddy's got a paper
Liberal tossers please awake.
10.01.2007 16:46
The BNP is a Nazi Party, when hitler was in power liberal arguements would and could not stop the force of nazism, we must learn lessons and therefore we must not allow the BNP to become respectable by allowing celeberities to endorce the party.
liberals can make me so mad sometimes.
now re-read
10.01.2007 20:04
if you think fighting fascism with fascism defeats fascism then fascism defeats you
why become the thing you hate
you might try also reading a good book about fascism, nazism and stalinism - whilst each adopted similar methods, their outlooks differed widely
each has become popular in various parts of the world at various times
not because there were no groups and individuals opposed to them, but because they tried and failed to extinguish the effect without addressing the cause
fighting fire with fire sounds poetic but is bloody useless when yer chip pan is alight
killer aguments destroy fascists
arguments for killing fascists only spur them on
sicker hammer
11.01.2007 14:28
Which one does the UAF see as a threat and which one do they prattle on about voting for to keep fascists out of power ????????????/
12.01.2007 12:12
The UAF ARE the New-Labour party. Nearly everyone of them I have ever met have either been Labour councillors, candidates, supporters/leafleters or friends and family of the same; its like a little clique. If you don't fit in with it they'll have you out.
They call themselves 'anti-fascists' but all they are is a bunch of hypocrites looking out for themselves and their expenses at the local council through fear of losing out to the BNP and others.
Don't take my word for it, investigate yourself and you'll see the same I'm sure.
Nazi welcome to work by protesters
12.01.2007 15:23
Publisher: Jon Land
Published: 12/01/2007 - 13:18:04 PM Printable version
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'BNP ballerina' Simone Clarke
(pic: PA) Relevant News
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Anti-fascist protesters staged a noisy demonstration outside the home of the English National Ballet today as "BNP ballerina" Simone Clarke prepared to take the stage.
Principal dancer Clarke is due to dance the lead role in a matinee performance of Giselle - the first time she has performed in public since she was outed as a British National Party member.
Around 50 members of Unite Against Fascism stood in front of the London Coliseum in Covent Garden waving placards which declared: "Ballet Not Bigotry."
They chanted "Ballet should be Nazi-free" and "The BNP has got to go".
Members also handed out leaflets to passers by headed "No to fascism and racism at the ballet".
"When fascists come to power they destroy the freedom of artistic expression," the leaflets read.
They cited the example of Rene Blum, choreographer and founder of the Ballet de l'Opera in Monte Carlo, who died at Auschwitz in 1943.
Clarke, 36, was exposed by a newspaper last month as a card-carrying BNP member and went on to give an interview defending her political beliefs.
She supports a crackdown on immigration despite the fact that her dance partner and boyfriend is a Cuban of Chinese descent.
She said: "Sometimes it feels as though the BNP are the only ones willing to take a stand.
"I have been labelled a racist and a fascist because I have a view on immigration, and I mean mass immigration, but isn't that something that a lot of people worry about?" she said.
"Everything will be different now. I will be known as the 'BNP ballerina'. I think that will stick with me for life. I'd rather it wasn't like that but I don't regret anything. I will stay a member."
Broadcasting workers union Bectu has called on the English National Ballet to distance itself from Clarke's pro-BNP comments.
Assistant general secretary Gerry Morrissey said: "We are calling on them to take action immediately, before the industry is brought into total disrepute.
"They should distance themselves from any comments which could be interpreted as supporting the policies of the BNP and make it clear that the English National Ballet supports equality and diversity."
Clarke attracted a high-profile supporter to the performance in the shape of Richard Barnbrook, BNP councillor for Barking and Dagenham.
"I don't normally go to the ballet but I'm going to support Simone Clarke. I'm supporting her freedom of expression."
He said of the demonstrators: "They have a democratic right to protest and the right to oppose us.
"But I find it really rather crude of them to take somebody who is a professional ballet dancer and say 'You haven't got the right to do the job you're doing'.
"They are trying to get her sacked for one simple reason: her standing up for common sense and saying she doesn't support the Government.
"She's not racist - she's going out with someone who is not of her own race."
Mr Barnbrook claimed to have no objection to Clarke's relationship with Cuban-Chinese partner Yat-Sen Chang.
"He works, he pays his taxes, he pays his dues, he has as much right to be here as anyone else," he said.
However, he hoped the couple would not have children.
"I'm not opposed to mixed marriages but their children are washing out the identity of this country's indigenous people," he explained, quickly adding: "That's my view, it's not the party's view."
Mr Barnbrook was accompanied by several burly associates and claimed that up to 40 BNP members would be in the matinee audience.
The English National Ballet has not publicly criticised Clarke for her comments.
A spokeswoman said: "The English National Ballet fully supports the democratic right of people to mount a legal protest.
"However, it is not within the company's mandate to express any political view, and any personal view expressed by one of our employees should not be considered as endorsed by the company.
"The company does not comment on any political affiliations of its employees or any other aspect of their personal lives.
"We are proud of the company's ethnic and cultural diversity. The English National Ballet has a diverse mix of employees from a broad range of sectors in our society. Our dancers come from 19 different countries around the world."
Copyright Press Association 2007.
red letter
Yet again!!!
12.01.2007 17:22
I thought after the Leeds trial fiasco, people might just start to learn, and approach this problem at a different angle but no, the fucking UAF go and put their idiotic size ten boots into it yet again and help hand the BNP a world-wide platform.
It has even made her out to be the victim and the BNP all nice and cuddly as she poses in her ballerina get-up! What a joke. Griffin must be laughing his arse off.
I am utterly infuriated.
Reply to James
12.01.2007 23:43
I do have sympathy in that it would have been better if the Nazi Ballerina had not been exposed as a BNP member and it was kept a secret, but this exposure was not initated by UAF. The Guardian newspaper first spilled the beans when a BNP undercover journalist discovered her membership and decided to print it in their news paper. The next thing you know, the daily mail interview the ballerina's husband and in turn supporting the BNP.
Under these circumstances UAF were right to attempt to isolate this BNP ballerina, hopely she will lose her public funded job and will make others feel less confident to express their Nazi feelings.
Unfortunately, with more disappointment with traditional political parties the BNP are likely to grow, one result means more high profile people will display public support towards gthe nazis, I regret to say if things do not get better than this ballerina could be the tip of the iceberg, we may need to get use to this more often. UAF will always attempt to isolate the Nazis and this ain't gonna be the last of this type of action.
red letter
UAF = State-Controlled Asset
13.01.2007 14:49
If you want to complain to him about his campaigns of harassment here are his contact details :
Name : Ketlan Ossowski
Address : 16 Laburnum Grove , LANCASTER , LA1 5RT
Phone : 01524 34296 or 840074
E-mail :
Or if you are thinking of popping round in person for a chat with him then here's some handy directions :
Here we go again...
14.01.2007 20:02
1) Why waste your time on the BNP when New Labour are so much worse.
2) UAF are fascists because they oppose the 'freedom of speech' of fascists.
Okay then, as an antifascists who also detests both New Labour and tinpot leftist cults like the SWP, here's my repsonse...
Point 1 - no one is arguing that New Labour are scum because they are. The BNP would be a hell of a lot worse given the power, but that doesn't diminish the fact that New Labour are engaged in a poisonous attack on the British working class. No case to answer here.
Point 2 - I think UAF are completely ineffective and act as a virtual recruiting tool for the BNP in many ways. Their protest at this ballerina character was a laughable farce that made them (and unfortunately by association, antifascism as a whole) look stupid. But they are not by any definition fascists. I suggest anyone who levels this charge at them should read a bit and find out the difference between 'fascism' and 'authoritarian trotskyists who's middle-class leadership espouse futile gesture politics and a parasitic approach to genuine working class protest' - the latter is the SWP/UAF, but fascists they are not.
Furthermore, I can't see how protest (albeit ineffectual like the ballerina farce) is in any way fascist - by implication, that would mean that similarly pointless protests undertaken by BNP sympathisers (that Jerry Springer thing for instance) were fascist - and since they're so adamant in their refusal to acknowledge the F-word these days, the BNP would therefore have admitted defeat under the terms of their own argument.
Finally, on point 2 - GET A NEW ARGUMENT! For crying out loud, the BUF were bleating on about commies restricting their 'freedom of speech' seventy-odd years ago - it was a non-argument then, and it is now.
And as for the UAF=State Asset accusation... may be some truth in it, but I can't see it myself - and its a bit rich when the post in question has all the hallmarks of a certain Kevin Watmough, who has enough such accusations thrown at him over the years (along with a charmned ability to not get nicked when his 'comrades' do...) to make anyone who'd trust him a certifiable idiot.
Final tip - vocabulary... if you're going to try to pose as a red, best leave out words like 'ethnics'
Yorkshire RASH
Protest puts pressure on the BNP ballerina Simone Clarke
15.01.2007 12:03
by Anindya Bhattacharyya
Up to 100 protesters demonstrated outside the London Coliseum theatre this lunchtime against the first performance by Simone Clarke, principal dancer at the English National Ballet (ENB), since she was revealed as a card-carrying member of the fascist British National Party (BNP).
The protest, organised by Unite Against Fascism, was lively with constant chanting against the BNP. Demonstrators carried placards reading “Ballet not bigotry” and “No to fascism and racism at the ballet”. The demo also attracted significant interest from the mainstream media.
Clarke’s membership of the BNP was revealed in the Guardian newspaper over Christmas. She responded by giving a lengthy and unrepentant interview with the Mail on Sunday where she showered praise on the BNP’s anti-immigration agenda.
The actual performance of Giselle was disrupted by protesters from Love Music Hate Racism shortly after Clarke made her entrance on stage. They stood up and shouted that her presence was a disgrace, that there should be no racism in the arts, and that the BNP was a fascist organisation.
A group of a dozen or so Nazis were also at the performance, huddled around Richard Barnbrook, the BNP’s mayoral candidate and lead councillor in Barking & Dagenham. They loudly applauded and cheered when Clarke made her entrance.
Emma Blackwood, a visual artist and musician from west London, was on the Unite protest outside. She highlighted the BNP’s bigoted attitudes towards lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.
“Simone Clarke represents a fascist organisation. That seems to me to be incongruent with the arts world, which involves lots of LGBT people,” she told Socialist Worker.
“Clarke’s allegiance to the BNP must be distressing for her colleagues as well as for artists in general. She’s being employed by a publicly funded organisation, so she should not be publicly aligning herself with a fascist political party.”
Renowned classical pianist Ian Pace was also on the Unite protest. “It is incompatible for Clarke to be an active BNP member – going to meetings and using her prominence to promote the organisation – while also being in a multicultural state funded arts organisation,” he said.
“If she were to leave the BNP, then fine. But if not, she cannot remain part of a company with an extremely diverse group of dancers, many of whom are immigrants – she has to go.
“I also think she should say what she thinks about the politics of the BNP – which include Holocaust denial, racism and criminal violence.”
According to an article in today’s Independent newspaper, Clarke’s fascist sympathies have attracted anger from colleagues and workers at the ENB.
It reports “growing frustration among the troupe’s 150 dancers and backstage staff that Clarke has not been publicly challenged about her views when nine out her ten fellow principal dancers are immigrants”.
Both the Musicians’ Union and the Bectu theatre workers’ union have spoken out against Clarke and condemned the BNP. The actors’ union Equity, in contrast, has failed to comment.
Gerry Morrissey, Bectu’s assistant general secretary, said, “Simone Clarke earns her living in the subsidised arts and with this goes certain responsibilities, with which she has failed to comply. She has brought our industry into disrepute.”
The following should be read alongside this article:
» Unite organises against the BNP ballerina
© Copyright Socialist Worker (unless otherwise stated). You may republish if you include an active link to the original and leave this notice in place.
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