Night of a thousand bigots pix
Paddy Garcia | 10.01.2007 10:02 | Gender | Social Struggles | London
Pix show mainly christian fundies, including bigot in chief ian paisley on demo last night as well as gay rights counter demo.
Paddy Garcia
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How dare they discriminate against us/them
10.01.2007 13:18
cuts both ways
Its about time people change!!
10.01.2007 15:03
It seems to me that these so called Christians forget there Christian values and what the meaning of the word Christian means " To be Christ Like "
Jesus did not condemn or mock anyone so why do Christian feel they have too?
What people seem to also forget is that allot of people turn to Christ when they cant do it on there own or are or have been doing things in their lives that are not good.
I personally called out to Jesus when I was at breaking point, and he turned my life around and gave me a purpose. He didn't say " Sorry your Gay your on your own mate "
No he got me to a place of safety and gave me total peace in my heart which is priceless.
This is not the way Jesus wants people to behave, Its about time people take a long look at what they are doing.
Because its creating an even bigger rift between Christians and everyone else ( Whether they are Gay or straight )
Which is completely opposite to what Jesus did.
Think about?????
Jesus did not condemn anyone… (priceless!)
10.01.2007 20:37
As an adulterous Christian man it shocks he to see Christians condemning adulterers.
It seems to me that these so called Christians forget there Christian values and what the meaning of the word Christian means " To be Christ Like "
Jesus did not condemn or mock anyone so why do Christian feel they have too?
What people seem to also forget is that a lot of people turn to Christ when they cant do it on there own or are or have been doing things in their lives that are not good.
I personally called out to Jesus when I was at breaking point, and he turned my life around and gave me a purpose. He didn't say " Sorry your and adulterer, and your own mate " No he got me to a place of safety and gave me total peace in my heart which is priceless.
Now thanks to Christ I can carry on fucking my neighbour’s wife up the arse without feeling guilty about it. Amen.
Think about?????
Myopic Twat
You say adultery, we say love making.
10.01.2007 23:26
Once you start saying, well he existed, and he is the one true lord, everything he said and done was holy, we have it all documented in a book, that is about as precise and accurate as a random posting on Indymedia, than you are a fool. Having read the bible in two languges, one of which is supposed to be the original, I can authoratitively tell you, it's a load of bollocks. If you want to read it and say, well I'm supposed to love my neighbour and never kill and all that than fine, but this isn't all it says is it? the second testamony is also fairly racist, the first one is just vile, and very poorly translated into english, just to point out how badly, jesus, is pronounced Ye-Ho-Shu-Ah (or Ye-Shu for short), it also says that all jews are killers, but it says as far as i know, nothing about gays, this has all being brought about by peadophile priests, and have been manipulated by people with a lot of social power, and some represed sexuality, if you read it like that, if you choose to take all the bigotry from it, instead of the being nice parts, well than you are a facist, and you'd do the same if you followed the Magic Roundabout as the true word of god. To hell with christianity, but to hell with facism first.
All those Christian fanatics should do their homework first, when you start descriminating and prosecuting people you end up with a spanish inquesition, and when you start refering to your religious beliefs in political terms you end up in a facist state, watch V for Vandetta,or read some history, those guys basicaly follow the word of Mussolini. just open your eyes
Jesus Christ
How dare they
11.01.2007 03:20
18.05.2007 14:32
einar thorrson
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