By Definition Every American Soldier is Legally Insane
Karen Fish | 07.01.2007 08:55 | Anti-militarism | World
As President Bush announces that he is now going to increase the American troop levels in Iraq, several important questions come to mind. Where does he plan on getting the soldiers from? We heard a general testify last week before Congress that the American military is already at the breaking point. One wonders if a military draft is around the corner. Right now America has an all volunteer army of boys and girls.
Let us examine the facts and the law. The fact is that already over 3,000 American boys and girls have been killed in Iraq and 17,000 American boys and girls have had an arm or a leg blown off. This adds up to 20,000 American boys and girls have been killed or maimed in Iraq so far looking for Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. They are harder to find than Waldo bin-Laden. There are 140,000 American troops in Iraq. This means that so far 15 percent of the American troops in Iraq have been killed or maimed. These numbers are common knowledge.
Let us assume that the troops are not insane. In law, a person is negligent if they cause injury even if they did not foresee the risk, if a reasonable person would have foreseen the risk. A person has the necessary intention for guilt if they commit a crime and they are reckless. This means that they saw the risk but decided to run the risk anyway. If the troops are not insane then they are certainly reckless.
In law a person is legally insane if they are a danger to themselves or to others. Anyone enlisting knowing that there is a 15 percent chance that they will soon be killed or maimed is absolutely a danger to him or her self and is therefore by definition legally insane. Furthermore it is common knowledge that 650,000 civilian Iraqi boys and girls have been killed so far by American troops. This makes the American troops a mortal danger to others and criminally insane.
The world is a lunatic asylum for the criminally insane and it is run by the most insane people of all, the Caesars, the Stalins, the Hitlers, the Ayatollahs, the American politicians. By definition every single American politician is criminally insane. This is why Woody Allen said that “politicians are one step below child molesters.” The insane American military command including the commander in chief knows all of this and this is why they have now drastically reduced the requirements for entrance into the military. They have now dropped the IQ requirement from 50 to 10. Eggplants have 15. They have now raised the number of violent criminal offenses committed from 1 to 5.
Hitler rounded up all of Germany’s lunatics and had them shot dead into ditches or put to death in the gas chambers. Is this what President Bush is really doing with America’s mentally ill? When President Bush stood on the aircraft carrier with the big “Mission Accomplished” banner draped behind him and declared to the world, “Mission Accomplished” what was he talking about? What mission? A person is legally insane if they are delusional. They believe that missions are accomplished when no missions are accomplished.
A person is legally insane when they are not aware of the nature and consequences of their actions. The previously highly touted by the Bush administration General in command of Iraq General John Abizaid testified before congress last week. He was asked, “Do you think that increasing the number of American troops in Iraq will help?” He answered, “No, it will make things worse.” Genral Abizaid swore under oath that the consequences of sending more troops to Iraq would increase the danger for the American boys and girls in Iraq. The Baker Hamilton report called for the withdrawal of the American troops from Iraq. The American voters just voted to remove the American troops from Iraq. The alcoholic commander in Chief who deserted from the National Guard has now decided to increase the troop levels in Iraq. President Bush told two BBC reporters that God told him to invade Iraq. One must assume that now God has told President Bush to surge. One wonders how far America is from a military coup led by General Abizaid in the best interest of the children.
Let us examine the facts and the law. The fact is that already over 3,000 American boys and girls have been killed in Iraq and 17,000 American boys and girls have had an arm or a leg blown off. This adds up to 20,000 American boys and girls have been killed or maimed in Iraq so far looking for Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. They are harder to find than Waldo bin-Laden. There are 140,000 American troops in Iraq. This means that so far 15 percent of the American troops in Iraq have been killed or maimed. These numbers are common knowledge.
Let us assume that the troops are not insane. In law, a person is negligent if they cause injury even if they did not foresee the risk, if a reasonable person would have foreseen the risk. A person has the necessary intention for guilt if they commit a crime and they are reckless. This means that they saw the risk but decided to run the risk anyway. If the troops are not insane then they are certainly reckless.
In law a person is legally insane if they are a danger to themselves or to others. Anyone enlisting knowing that there is a 15 percent chance that they will soon be killed or maimed is absolutely a danger to him or her self and is therefore by definition legally insane. Furthermore it is common knowledge that 650,000 civilian Iraqi boys and girls have been killed so far by American troops. This makes the American troops a mortal danger to others and criminally insane.
The world is a lunatic asylum for the criminally insane and it is run by the most insane people of all, the Caesars, the Stalins, the Hitlers, the Ayatollahs, the American politicians. By definition every single American politician is criminally insane. This is why Woody Allen said that “politicians are one step below child molesters.” The insane American military command including the commander in chief knows all of this and this is why they have now drastically reduced the requirements for entrance into the military. They have now dropped the IQ requirement from 50 to 10. Eggplants have 15. They have now raised the number of violent criminal offenses committed from 1 to 5.
Hitler rounded up all of Germany’s lunatics and had them shot dead into ditches or put to death in the gas chambers. Is this what President Bush is really doing with America’s mentally ill? When President Bush stood on the aircraft carrier with the big “Mission Accomplished” banner draped behind him and declared to the world, “Mission Accomplished” what was he talking about? What mission? A person is legally insane if they are delusional. They believe that missions are accomplished when no missions are accomplished.
A person is legally insane when they are not aware of the nature and consequences of their actions. The previously highly touted by the Bush administration General in command of Iraq General John Abizaid testified before congress last week. He was asked, “Do you think that increasing the number of American troops in Iraq will help?” He answered, “No, it will make things worse.” Genral Abizaid swore under oath that the consequences of sending more troops to Iraq would increase the danger for the American boys and girls in Iraq. The Baker Hamilton report called for the withdrawal of the American troops from Iraq. The American voters just voted to remove the American troops from Iraq. The alcoholic commander in Chief who deserted from the National Guard has now decided to increase the troop levels in Iraq. President Bush told two BBC reporters that God told him to invade Iraq. One must assume that now God has told President Bush to surge. One wonders how far America is from a military coup led by General Abizaid in the best interest of the children.
Karen Fish
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Sorry I forgot to mention..
07.01.2007 09:33
Karen Fish
Septic's are throbbers....
08.01.2007 03:21
I laugh everytime I see these families crying over their stormtroopers in caskets, Hopefully some day a can of instant sunshine will open in times square incinerating NY.