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cheeky monkey

3wisemonkeys | 04.01.2007 03:29

sail away

Boy of 14 arrives in carribean.After the worst storms this year.Do you know were he sailed from.I don't. I only heard of his arrival.he says it was a breeze,in sorta them words.An unpublished begining?????????



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Media Ballyhoo

04.01.2007 10:27

Claiming this as a solo record is a fraud. It was an accompanied passage with an escorting vessel about two miles behind. Many twelve year olds could have done it. It is an example of pure media ballyoo. I bet he had radar and satnav as well as self steering. That could be counted as crew.

Slocum went solo around the world as a sailor, his chronometer an alarm clock that he boiled in oil when it stopped working. He probably used the techniques described in to ensure his safety. I recommend a download from that Polynesian navigation site to those going on the sea. It is of such merit that the Royal Institue of Navigation awarded a Gold Medal to the man who passed on his knowledge to the PVS so that he was not the last of the skilled Polynesian Navigators.. My memory ig going, I have known his name...
