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Reduce CO2 in Ten Years, or Climate Will be Out-of-Control

reposted | 03.01.2007 21:15 | Ecology

With the new scientific discovery
that the result of global warming
will be "abrupt climate change"
to ice age conditions (Broecker)
due to a shut down of ocean currents,
this article is a scream in the wilderness
from a scientist that has been muffled
for years by the US Government. Note
it was not printed in the US.

If we fail to act, 'we will end up with a different planet'

By Steve Connor, Science Editor, UK Independent
01 January 2007

One of the world's leading experts on climate change has warned that the Earth is being turned into a "different planet" because of the continuing increase in man-made emissions of greenhouse gases.

In an interview with The Independent, Jim Hansen, who was one of the first scientists to warn of climate change in scientific testimony to the US Congress in 1988, claimed that we have less than 10 years to begin to curb carbon dioxide emissions before global warming runs out of control and changes the landscape forever.

Last year, Dr Hansen, director of the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies, part of Columbia University in New York, complained that Nasa public relations officials appointed by the Bush administration had tried to gag him by limiting his access to the media. But in talking to this newspaper he was outspoken, warning that there are already worrying signs that global warming is beginning to trigger dangerous "positive feedbacks" within the climate, which can accelerate the rate of climate change.

Dr Hansen said: "We just cannot burn all the fossil fuels in the ground. If we do, we will end up with a different planet. I mean a planet with no ice in the Arctic, and a planet where warming is so large that it's going to have a large effect in terms of sea level rises and the extinction of species."

For the complete article click the link below:



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Big Joke

04.01.2007 11:12

That positive feedback is already happening with a vengance. About the only thing that might save Life on this planet is an Economic collapse back to 1932 and a very lethal dose of human to human bird 'flu. The joke on the Scientists and Economists is that even if God makes that happen today, it is probably too late, and it is their fault. Along with the Politicians.
