Big Brother Is Watchin You.
Eyesee | 02.01.2007 16:12
I agree the state is using far too many suveilence camers.But i'm all for private individuals using them.Especially in crime ridden area's.The early hours of this morning i was woken by loud banging.Across the street four yobs were destroying a Smart bus shelter.The then crossed over and began kicking in the panels of a nieghbors new 4x4.As they made their way to my daughters Golf i knew to confront them would result in all the house windows being broken.But then i heard one say "Don't".Another said "Why?"."Look" Was the reply.It went quiet as the moved away along the street.They had spotted my camera.So there you have it.I am now in support of everyone having one and think the local councils should give them to people.We pay enough tax for them.Incidently further up the street the damage continued.But unfortunetly for them they picked on a Lanrover belonging to the local hardcase.
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Goobye Sweet Privacy, Hello 1984
02.01.2007 23:03
After all, you could be smoking around your children, taking illegal drugs or beating your wife. Suckers like you will welcome this "innovative" idea.
If the government really wanted to tackle crime they would stop closing youth clubs, provide meaningful apprenticeships and real jobs for school leavers.
One in every home...
03.01.2007 11:40
that should deter criminal activity.
and while your at it, why bother with a I.D card when you can have a digital angel verichip implanted in to your body, hey soon you wont even know what crime is, you won't even need to think for your self, the chip will think for you like that guy with the computer linkup implanted into his head,
I suggest you read Orwells book, nineteen eighty four.
you might start by looking at this website too:
Okay but
03.01.2007 13:16
03.01.2007 14:25
Welcome to Panoptica
05.01.2007 02:09
Winston Smith