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British Army is 'Shrinking'

transmitter | 30.12.2006 01:58 | Anti-militarism

The overall number of soldiers in the British army has fallen, despite record sums being spent on recruitment, figures revealed in a written Parliamentary answer by Defence Minister Derek Twigg show. There were more than 12,700 new recruits in 2006, an increase of about 1,000 on last year, with some £89m spent on recruiting, an increase of £3.5m. Almost 14,500 personnel, whoever, have left the service this year.

Sadly, the reason to quit, in most cases, doesn't seem to have anything to do with politics. According to the Ministry of Defence, shorter gaps between tours of duty and concerns over kit, pay and allowances were "hitting morale and adding further pressure on service families."



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Too many homeless Ex-servicemen.

31.12.2006 20:30

It became more difficult to get Welsh volunteers to sign up for their initial training doing a tour of duty with the British Army once the Senior British Army Officer in Wales said how concerned he was that a large percentage of the Homeless were ex-service personel. Then the MOD proves is unable to keep the men still in the British Army properly equipped.

Must not blame the MOD, a couple of years ago they told the Nations of the dire straights the Politicians have put the Armed Services in by flying their Union Jack upside down on Armistice Day. The ignorant Press did not correctly read that MOD distress message, and blathered about ignorance and incompetence getting the flag upside down.

It is the corrupt foreign dominated Press that has rotted the fabric of British Society. The Press is overdue for a purifying purge. As are the Politicians.

The Free Wales Army had some defects, it was created unknowingly by the Britsh Public Scool System and the British Army - hardly the best parentage, redeemed perhaps by the number of people with close connections to the International Brigade who can be seen at their funerals.
