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Northwood gets fluffed up

L Hoppstubbe M | 29.12.2006 11:32 | South Coast

Brain center for Military Operations gets nerve overload by mixed perspective faith fluffies?

A bunch of mixed faith nonviolent, calm interventionists went 'the other way' to address the necessity of speaking out that life is worth loving, appreciating and the poor, weak and destitute are our brothers and sisters. They included catholic workers, a mennonite and a few other faith based nonviolent anarchists. Others not able to be there were very much part of this community and contributed with essential childcare, hospitality and their insights / reflections etc.

Carrying banners, one of which stated that 'WISE *MEN GO THE OTHER WAY', lengths of finger knitting, which were seen on the ground stating our need and call on Northwood to 'resist (the killing of innocents) and love (humanity)' and 'life' (insist on it), as well as materials for a makeshift shrine a liturgy was begun and ended amidst opposition by local police.

Whilst there was some threats of using pepper spray (was not used) and minor brutality by the police it was because they were frightened and did not know how to handle people nonviolently, training was offered though not at this point taken up. They did later calm, and nearby service men were concerned about their behaviour and said so (royal marines).

One man (a royal marine) approached those on the opposite side of the road in uniform and thanked a particular woman who was calling out the role call (of names for our memorial of those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq).

This 'booktneck' had friends who had seen others pals killed, he cared that he was not seen as evil, he wasnt. This was a moving numan moment, and I can not detail it well enough myself and I very much respect this courage and vulnerabilty.

L Hoppstubbe M
*(we meant 'woman' too).


L Hoppstubbe M