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'Corrie' canceled in Canada - Play has potential to offend Jews

RICHARD OUZOUNIAN | 28.12.2006 07:55

Showiz paper "variety" is reportin 'My Name is Rachel Corrie' has been pulled from CanStage's 2007-08 season.

It's curtains for "My Name Is Rachel Corrie" in Canada.
CanStage, the country's largest not-for-profit theater, has reversed its earlier decision and opted not to present the show as part of its 2007-08 season.

Play, about the 23-year-old American activist who died under the wheels of an Israeli bulldozer in 2003, was originally produced at London's Royal Court Theater in 2005.

James Nicola programmed it this year for the New York Theater Workshop, but that production was canceled after resistance from board members and subscribers. Show was eventually produced Off Broadway, where it ran for two months.

"It didn't seem as powerful on the stage as it did on the page," said CanStage creative producer Martin Bragg after seeing the production at Gotham's Minetta Lane Theater.

But in a situation eerily similar to the one that faced Nicola, it appears that Bragg faced pressure from some of his board members not to alienate Toronto's Jewish community.

While admitting he has neither read nor seen the script, CanStage board member Jack Rose said, "My view was it would provoke a negative reaction in the Jewish community."

Philanthropist Bluma Appel, after whom CanStage's flagship theater is named, concurred. "I told them I would react very badly to a play that was offensive to Jews," she said.

Bragg denied he was lobbied by the board in any way and insisted, "I pick the plays. No one on our board has ever told me what we can and can't do."

CanStage posted a $700,000 loss in its most recent season and is facing a struggle as this year it produced 10 plays, none of which met with critical or audience approval.

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The flipside of the coin.

28.12.2006 10:10

Much as I have nothing but short shrift for people who hide their antisemitism behind the notion of anti-Zionism, I conversely have little patience who hide their Pro-Israel (at any cost) stance behind the notion of Jewishness.

Shame no-one was in a position strong enough to argue that it would offensive to displaced Palestinians not to run it!

Ray Miland


28.12.2006 13:40

I hope they also ban Schindlers List since that may offend Germans.


Potential to offend?

28.12.2006 18:13

James Nicola and Martin Bragg are anti-Semites for giving the impression that Jews are responsible for stopping the play being shown.

Says Who?

Money Talks

28.12.2006 19:24

He who pays the piper calls the tune. There is an easy solution to this problem. That's right - dig into those purses and support the arts. Then, you can call the tune.

Barney Fife

Canada's Newly-Empowered Zionist Lobby

31.12.2006 18:26

This action corresponds directly with the newly-empowered Zionist Lobby in Canada. Organizations, such as the Canadian Jewish Congress, which were formerly for the advancement and protection of Canada's Jewish community, have had their popularly-created Boards replaced by pro-Israel, Zionist 'Emergency Cabinets", to counter the growing criticism of Zionism and its actions worldwide.

This, as well as the minority Government of Stephen Harper, which is closely aligned with the Bush/PNAC Ideolgues in the US, has also resulted in a complete reversal of Canadian policy in regards to Israel and the UN. This has seriously damaged Canada's credibility on the world stage, but it has also exposed the effectiveness of this Lobby, as well as the corruption of those aligned with it.

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation