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Ayoub Bazzaz (BSc,MSc,PhD) | 26.12.2006 19:23 | Analysis | Anti-racism | London

The verdict of Saddam's execution is illegitamate and unfair because it was conducted by his enamies in an occupied country. His execution will close the curtains of several awfull and unjustified roles of USA administration in Iraq and in the middle East which Bush's administration is trying to hide. It will not solve the Iraqi problem but would rather fuel the insurgency all over the country. It will put the reputation of the USA in a serious trouble worldwide as a main exporter of violance and wars.

By: Ayoub Bazzaz (UK).

The pronounced death penalty verdict by the special Iraqi tribunal against the former Iraqi president “Saddam Hussein” and two of his assistants, despite relieved his persistent political opponents, the Shiite and Kurds, had already fueled millions of Iraqis to battle each other. Amid the execution verdict was not un-expected; however it implies an extremely bad sign for future of Iraq so as to the stability of the Mediterranean countries if it is carried out.

The present Iraqi puppet rulers, without doubt, are not patriotic but impartial due to their history and link with the USA invaders. These rulers are absolutely rejected by most Iraqis from inside and from exiles. Saddam’s enemies have always had intention to rip him off in an inhumane way, if they could. Such a wildish animal desire, although condemned worldwide, but is likely to happen in a country like Iraq by the new Shiite and Kurd tyrants due to the imposed unfair USA policy of the false imported democracy.

To verify the legitimacy of the execution verdict against Saddam Hussein for a fair judgment, a few fundamental political, legal & religious foundations do clearly stand there to dispute the credibility and legitimacy of the court.
1). Over an almost a year long the special Tribunal has been trialing Saddam and co-defendants upon no legal basis. All judges (two Kurdish and two Shiites) were counted as Saddam’s enemies and were neither, neutral nor a national court never mind its establishment by the invaders; 2). Saddam Hussein has been captured and detained by the USA special troops in December 2003 was already maltreated, tortured and physical abused by his own enemies, the Shiite and Kurds during his captivity inside Iraq. These enemies do carry an absolute hatred against and do owe him a serious revenge. According to the Geneva Convention of the “Human Rights” any prisoner of war (POW) should not be put to trial by his own enemies but by an independent team and in a neutral country. As an example, “Slobodan Milosevic”, the former Croatian dictator and a POW was trialed by none Croatian judges and in Netherlands; 3). Both, the puppet president Mr. Jalal Talbani, and the new Iraqi rulers, are appointed by the USA administration after a fake election so as the fabricated referendum. None of them represent national symbols of the country; hence, have no creditability to trial Saddam in the first place at all and their positions are absolutely illegitimate. Literally, their decisions or any verdicts being issued by such a court are questionable and rejected by Iraqis, as the country is still invaded and occupied; 4). Should the so called (Saddam’s crimes against humanity) be counted as brutalism; then, they can no way be counted for a no reason nor his own initiatives. They rather were in line with his central responsibility status as a leader of Iraq to control some of his own outlawed people who raised weapon to assassinate him in several occasions. Any leader in any none democratic or developing country could have done the same to punish the rebels if not worst. In late seventies of the last century, and as an example, the King of Saudi Arabia had killed over 500 Muslims inside the Islamic pilgrim, Mecca, with the aid of French intelligent without even getting questioned for such a mass killings. There are a few more examples to support the legality of Saddam’s action to punish his own outlawed people i.e. in the failed Dujail’s assassination attempt; 5). the none-legitimacy status of Saddam’s trial can be justified by assassinating his attorney general and four lawyers by the Shiite-Kurdish rulers throughout a year trial sessions to prevent Saddam and co-defendants to be fairly advocated; 6). According to Islamic law (Al-Sharee’a) no execution should be carried out against men over sixty or woman at any age unless in certain major sins. Saddam’s age now is nearly 70 in which case the execution should be prevented by Islamic law unless the present Iraqi rulers denies the Islamic Sharee’a and are not a real Muslims. 7). There seem to be international interests in Saddam’s execution i.e. to bury down the roles of some American and Western personnel. His execution will wipe up and may close curtains on their dirty involvement in Saddam’s policy throughout his era. The dismissal of Donald Rumsfield, the former USA defense secretary might be due to his role in selling chemical weapons to Saddam to fuel the Iraqi-Iranian war in the early eighties of the last century and his obvious role in abusing the Iraqi prisoners in “Abu-Greeb” and “Basra prisons”.

The appeal had already been turned down due to the influence of the Shiite-Kurdish regime which is unlimitedly backed up by the USA administration. Therefore, the unfair conditions are unlikely to terminate. Such obvious offences against Saddam are counted as ruthless breach of human right laws by the present American agents the new governors of Iraq. While these ordeals went on against Saddam Hussein the Western countries did not do more than a glance reference in newspapers.

Since the invasion of Iraq in 20th March 2003 to date, the death tolls amongst the Iraqis had already exceeded three quarter a million, never mind the wounded civilian victims. The so called establishment of “American democracy” in Iraq is absolutely refused by the Iraqis if it is built up over corpses of million Iraqi victims. The officially announced death tolls, amongst the American soldiers, apart from wounded and disabled ones had already exceeded 3000s. Both George Bush and his allied counterparts are responsible for the blood sheds of these Iraqi civilians so as for their own soldiers. The innocent Iraqi civilian victims are estimated several thousand folds as many as they were during Saddam’s era. If Saddam Hussein has to be trialed for his mass killings of Iraqis during the 35 years ruling, then George Bush himself as well as his allied counterparts should also be trialed for similar crimes.

The history of the double American-Western agent Jalal Talbani is an ex-war criminal himself and his involvement in mass killings of Iraqi soldiers and officers since 1961 to date is well documented by Iraqis. Many innocent Iraqi people in both Mosul a sunny Arab province in March and in July 1959 at Kerkuk, the Turkmen province in Iraqi were killed, hanged on trees or on Electric post and/or towed by Jalal Talbani himself and gangsters together with his communist comrades upon Mustafa Barzani’s commands. Jalal Talbani, must be trialed for these inhumane crimes, in the first place, but contrarily, is rewarded by the USA to be the president of Iraq!

Moreover, the present Iraqi Shiite governors i.e. Nouri Juwad Al-Maliky as well as the Shiite scholars are graduates of Khumaini’s school who are absolutely inspired by the Iranians with an Iranian descendant and a Persian as a second language. Some even have Indian roots that always proved to have no loyalty to Iraq but hatred to sunny Iraqis. These Shiite traitors equally, with their partners, the Kurdish leadership, the most opportunist politicians ever, had traduced the unity of the Iraqi nation by their intentions to divide the country. The Shiites do absolutely abhor the USA and the West while their adulatory to the USA administration and to the Kurdish allied is just a step towards their strategy in linking the partitioned Iraq to Iran to establish a rather stronger Shiite union. Such a Shiite policy is really endangering the stability of Iraq which could explore into a severe threat to the whole region in the near future. Such adopted traitorous policy of them is betraying most Iraqi people particularly the Arab Sunny Muslims as well as the Iraqi Turkmen and jeopardizing the stability of the region by dividing the country despite the public prejudice. The invaders are liable for such partition which contradicts their declared claims in establishing democracy in Iraq by backing those Iraq’s enemies without limit. Nobody can really conclude the real USA intention in supporting the Iraqi Shiites, at this stage, unless it is to repeat Khumainy’s regime in Iraq. The USA administration, therefore, is gradually gaining more enemies worldwide and losing faith in its policy. Iraqis can do well enough on their own but without such American fake democracy and without federalism.

Saddam’s massacres against Arab Shias in Southern Iraq and Kurds in the North were only the consequence of the self-defense against his real enemies who raised weapon against him and challenged to topple him and Ba’athist regime down. No president on the earth ever, even George Bush himself is expected to reward his enemies’ with bouquet of flowers for offences. The massacre of Halabja in March 1988 was again, a re-action of Saddam’s regime to punish Jalal Talbani whose militia jeopardized the sovereignty of Iraq by allowing the Iranian army to invade Iraq from the northern borders. Hence, Talabani himself is accused and liable for the Halabja victims. The number of Halabia’s chemical raid victims did not exceed 50 victims in total despite the exaggerated high figures given by the Kurdish media which was merely for political reasons. No independent source had ever confirmed such unbelievably a high figure of Kurdish victims in time, but, the west blindly believed in those fakes and granted sympathy to Kurdish leadership.

While Saddam implemented a taught line policy throughout 35 years ruling era against these two enemies and behaved as a dominant nationalist and a tyrant he was so sincere to all Iraqis who showed him at least a glance of love or support. Despite his pitfalls in personality nevertheless he was a patriot and had shown a sincere loyalty to his country. He had also swept Iraq off almost all the spy, agents, thieves and traitors which Iraq is abundant of them nowadays. He also was a real gentleman for other Arab nations whose governors had betrayed him in the last minute. Saddam, lately, had changed his policy towards the west by adopting a rather soft line, but sounds were a bit late!

The execution verdict is likely to ignite a bloody civil war between Shiite, the adulators to USA and the close allied to Iranian regime and could lead to further blood baths. The Ba'athist party in Iraq and Saddam’s supporters could launch backslash revenge to hunt down the members of the present regime and the country will be turned into a real battlefield. This would destabilize the whole region which in turn will threat the interests of the west in the region.

Despite, the reluctant announcements from the “European Union Council”, “Human Rights Watches” and Tony Blair; however, these announcements should be practical and be implemented if they are serious.

George Bush had already disclosed his real brutal face by showing his personal hatred and welcomed the death penalty verdict against Saddam. He, as we all had expected has proven again to be a real enemy to the humanity worldwide, particularly to the Iraqis and assured his real aims of invading Iraq in establishing a fake democracy in. George Bush and others should remember that in any real democratic countries no death penalties should be carried out.

While No. 10 Downing Street had reminded Iraq on 6th November its opposition to the death penalty and claimed respect to the sovereignty of Iraq. Such a reminder is a fully dubious announcement with a double-dealer meaning. Simply, because it does represents a green light to the present Iraqi governors to carry out execution while the occupied Iraq has no sovereignty to respect. On the other hand, all Islamic and Arabic country rulers too would be liable for his end in a humiliating way. They are well reminded as if Saddam is executed then no respect will be due to them at all neither by Iraqi nation nor by the upper handed west.

Saddam as alive might’ve been a tyrant against his enemies but was a sincere and gentleman to the nation. He might be guilty by his enemies for crimes against humanity but was a real patriotic by others. He might be a criminal by his opponents but was a legendarily a brave patriot and a just by millions. Saddam could have sent thousand of Iraqis to gallows but not “for any reason”. However, at death, he will be a martyr and hero in the eye of millions of Iraqis and Arabs. His death will fuel the endless civil war inside Iraq to which USA and the West will be liable for ever.

Saddam, as an ex-ruler of Iraq, might have been a real tyrant during his 35 years era but he had ruled an uneasy people to rule. He might’ve well been so but was obliged to be a solid leader against some of his own people. Such a taught policy could’ve been a consequence of the unforgivable violated policies of both Shiites and Kurds. Saddam was always being taken advantage off, too, by the USA and West, to achieve their goals in the region. As a consequence, Saddam was made to be as he was. Those who made him to behave as they wanted should be liable for his mistakes and brutality he had implemented. In such circumstances, Saddam, as he stands as a guilty for crimes against humanity, may not absolutely be guilty, but rather a victim while others are not innocents.

If Saddam’s execution does guarantee the peace and justice to Iraq and to the Middle East it is then welcome but it will not. Contrarily, it would explore further bloodsheds which destabilize the whole region and creates millions of new enemies to the West and USA.

The USA administration is already blamed by the whole world for supporting the Iraqi new tyrants, the Shiites and the Kurds, and will be the first to be liable for such a mess the country will soon undergo.

We urge all the human rights organizations to interfere and stop the violations and the massacres which would likely be alerted sooner or later in Iraq if Saddam’s execution verdict proceeds. We also ask worldwide all peace loving peoples to seek the real justice and condemn the US illegal occupation to Iraq and illegal actions against Saddam by Iraqi puppets. The time has come now that American and all foreign troops should pull out of Iraq and leave Iraq to the Iraqis.

Ayoub Bazzaz (BSc,MSc,PhD)
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