Iran’s Holocaust conference and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism
transender | 23.12.2006 11:31 | Anti-racism | World
The "speech of Rabbi Cohen in Teheran: Orthodox Jewish attitude to the 'Holocaust'" repost has, so far, over 50 comments, many of a dubious nature:
The WSWS web site has just published an article on "Iran’s Holocaust conference and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism":
An extract appears below.
The WSWS web site has just published an article on "Iran’s Holocaust conference and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism":
An extract appears below.
In his year-end press conference, President George W. Bush once again condemned the Iranian government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the officially sponsored conference of Holocaust deniers convened in Teheran earlier this month, declaring that it “heralded a really backward view of the history of the world.”
This is from a US president whose administration frankly discusses the options of supporting a sectarian civil war that would result in the “the uprooting or extermination” of Iraq’s more than 5 million Sunni Arabs and of provoking a region-wide Sunni-Shia war that could claim millions more victims (New York Times, Dec. 17, “The Capital Awaits a Masterstroke on Iraq”).
The denunciations of the Iran conference have been nearly universal. Leaders of governments in Europe and America as well as the Vatican—all of whose predecessors actively collaborated in the Holocaust, ignored and covered it up or worked strenuously to prevent its survivors from entering their territories—were among the loudest critics.
The hypocrisy underlying such condemnation is plain. The aim of Washington and its allies is to use the issue to provide one more justification for another war of aggression in the Middle East aimed at securing domination over the region’s vast energy supplies.
Having said that, the conference convened by the Iranian regime was as shameful as it was reactionary.
It managed to turn Teheran into a temporary Mecca for the jetsam and flotsam of Holocaust denial and outright neo-fascism. Such unlikely friends of the “Iranian revolution” as David Duke, a former “Imperial Wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan and self-described “white nationalist,” were provided a platform courtesy of the Iranian government to spew their anti-Semitic and racist filth.
By Bill Van Auken
23 December 2006
This is from a US president whose administration frankly discusses the options of supporting a sectarian civil war that would result in the “the uprooting or extermination” of Iraq’s more than 5 million Sunni Arabs and of provoking a region-wide Sunni-Shia war that could claim millions more victims (New York Times, Dec. 17, “The Capital Awaits a Masterstroke on Iraq”).
The denunciations of the Iran conference have been nearly universal. Leaders of governments in Europe and America as well as the Vatican—all of whose predecessors actively collaborated in the Holocaust, ignored and covered it up or worked strenuously to prevent its survivors from entering their territories—were among the loudest critics.
The hypocrisy underlying such condemnation is plain. The aim of Washington and its allies is to use the issue to provide one more justification for another war of aggression in the Middle East aimed at securing domination over the region’s vast energy supplies.
Having said that, the conference convened by the Iranian regime was as shameful as it was reactionary.
It managed to turn Teheran into a temporary Mecca for the jetsam and flotsam of Holocaust denial and outright neo-fascism. Such unlikely friends of the “Iranian revolution” as David Duke, a former “Imperial Wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan and self-described “white nationalist,” were provided a platform courtesy of the Iranian government to spew their anti-Semitic and racist filth.
By Bill Van Auken
23 December 2006
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Full Marx for idiocy
23.12.2006 23:02
Those who think about how to achieve the wealth to population ratios necessary to produce the Higher Communism Marx was on about should be flabbergasted that Marx did not see the obvious solution. I have been blathering about it off and on since the late '40s. There were Wobblies who had worked it out the basic theory in the 1920s but feared to offend their Comrades.
It is long gone time for the Dialectical Synthesis of Marx and Malthus, Homo Sap survival is almost certainly about to end. And Bill Gates is making a massive contribution to Mass Extinction with no human survivors. He thinks he is clever, but he is an even bigger idiot than Marx was. It is overdue time to build an Ark to carry a reseed microcosm of EarthLife. Unles of course you are on the side of Satan and determined to end this Creation.
not a rabbi after all
24.12.2006 02:00
OK, OK, "The red Sea parted". There I said it. Can I go now?
27.01.2007 12:56
Reading through a thousand blog reactions to Duke v Blitzer on CNN, a generalization crystallizes. People confuse being told something six million times with knowing something. They are not the same. “It ain’t what you don’t know, it’s what you know that just ain’t so.” The average man ‘knows’ the Holocaust exists because: 1) everybody uses the term; 2) he has seen photos of stacked bodies; 3) he has read Anne Frank’s book; 4) authorities agree that questioning any of this is ‘hate.’ In other words, the average man believes in the Holocaust for no logical reason, but out of simple mammalian conformity.
‘Holocaust’ is a loaded, dishonest term.
You can’t debate with undefined terms without making a joke of yourself, but the average man does not realize this. It is the part of public school, reinforced by mass media, to disable his thinking so that he’s worse positioned to defend himself because he can’t understand how he is manipulated to accept the illogical.
Debate in the mass media of a democracy is nothing but the shuffling of loaded terms. ‘Holocaust’ is no ordinary noun. Rather, it is a loaded gun leveled at the head of the West and the rest. Give them their money and their pride of place or get your head and reputation blown off. You will notice that never, ever does debate in the captive media condescend to deconstruct the Zionist Privilege embodied in and sanctified by the designer label ‘Holocaust.’ Worship the Zionists and submit to their demands - that is what the term Holocaust means.
A demand for special privilege protected by a shell of pseudo-history; that is an objective description of the term. The heart of the ‘Holocaust,’ taking at face value the term’s pretension to historical designation, is the claim that six million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany, most of them by gassing. The evidence for the gassing is never discussed. Photos of crematories and bodies stacked like cord wood are shown. No context or explanation of the reason for showing them is given. The connection is to be assumed. But never is any ordinary evidence, let alone proof, of the gassing allegation advanced. That Jews were gassed is treated as though it were already proved and therefore unquestionable, save by the depraved. Thus, the practical job of the media and the well intentioned everyman is to smear and ostracize anybody who argues against settled truth. We all know that Jews were gassed, and that those who say otherwise are deniers driven by hate. But it ain’t so just because “everybody knows” it is.
We are told repeatedly that the ‘Holocaust’ is both the worst thing that ever happened and the best documented thing in human history. We are to take these assertions on authority, since no genuine debate is allowed.
There are men who can prove the ‘Holocaust’ is a Big Lie.
You can find them in jail.
Their imprisonment is scarcely mentioned in the mass media. Their imprisonment goes unlamented by the mass columnists. To discuss these men and their work would endanger the Propa-sphere the media construct. They must disappear.
But we know, mass media. And we’re not going away. We’re getting louder and stronger. And there’s nothing you can do to stop us.
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