Chilling: "BNP patriots" Pray For Death and Disaster To Hit Britain
The Professor | 22.12.2006 12:29 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World
Today in the UK's Guardian newspaper, in a meeting with German neo-Nazis, the French National Front, and the Ku Klux Klan, the BNP outlined how they didn't have hundreds of years to "sweep to power", i.e., they needed a "revolution".
At this meeting in New Orleans (ironically, where a mini-catastrophe killed mostly black people), Fuhrer Griffin said in his speech, that the BNP were not content in the occasional gaining of a council seat, and that they were hoping and praying a serious disaster would befall Britain, allowing the BNP to take control of Britain.
In other words, beyond their spin and weasel words tapping in on popular discontment against an unpopular government, British Nazis are so unkeen on the power of their own policies, they are hoping and praying for a major catastrophe to befall Europe, such as a major economic slump, tsunami, drought, earthquake, etc, causing a situation of chaos, death, crime, anarchy, and confusion, in which populist lies, crude intollerance, and sheer desperation to survive, would pave the way for a fascist revolution akin to Adolf Hitler's rise to power during the economic slump of the 1920's.
Strangely for a supposed Eurosceptic party, the BNP plan to unite with other European far-right parties, to form a racist superstate, (akin to Nazi Germany conquering France, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Spain, etc). European unity for a supposedly eurosceptic party.
Work that one out......
Going back to the BNP's hopes for British people to suffer misery and hardship for their selfish ends and aims....... For a party to crave for the physical destruction of a country they supposedly adore as "nationalists", and for them to be jubilant at the death of millions of British people through natural causes, just so they can supposedly achieve their aims of power and domination against humanity, proves that the BNP's political aims come before everything else, including the preservation of human life, which all decent, honourable human beings claim to care about.
Oh, and if you still think the BNP are "proper politicians" not Nazis, please bear this in mind: - During the New Orleans speech, Nick Griffin boasted how they would get rid of everything the BNP didn't like, without opposition. Democracy wouldn't come into it...
A coded reference to setting up Nuremberg laws, making political descent illegal, and the setting up of concentration camps. If it could happen in Bosnia, it could still happen anywhere else, today, including, as the BNP hope, Great Britain.
So much for the "BNP patriots" wearing poppies of remembrance during the Nick Griffin trial in Leeds.
Blair and Cameron are might be questionable, dishonourable, and banal, but at least they don't crave for disaster to hit Britain, and the deaths of millions, like these so-called "patriots", the 100% nazi BNP.
Just a footnote: BNP media guys, usually elected councillors, spend all day trolling Indymedia to "poo-poo" any negative comments on the internet about the BNP, such are they scared of the truth.
Head of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, in Nazi Germany, heavily censored all critical comment, while brainwashing the German public that Germany's economic problems stemmed from "outsiders" (Jews, Roma, Slavic peoples, Russians, socialists, and homosexuals, and anyone else who weren't part of their so-called "Aryan heritage", so lies and spin are nothing new to neo-Nazis.
For more on Joseph Goebbels, check out the Wikipedia encyclopedia
In this technological age, Mark Collett (Griffin's Hitler-loving Goebbels), and other nazis with plenty of free time on their hands, use the internet to troll sites such as Indymedia, so there will no-doubt be posting follow-ups to this article, defending the BNP from all criticism, as they always do to all anti-racist articles on Indymedia.
Thank you for reading
At this meeting in New Orleans (ironically, where a mini-catastrophe killed mostly black people), Fuhrer Griffin said in his speech, that the BNP were not content in the occasional gaining of a council seat, and that they were hoping and praying a serious disaster would befall Britain, allowing the BNP to take control of Britain.
In other words, beyond their spin and weasel words tapping in on popular discontment against an unpopular government, British Nazis are so unkeen on the power of their own policies, they are hoping and praying for a major catastrophe to befall Europe, such as a major economic slump, tsunami, drought, earthquake, etc, causing a situation of chaos, death, crime, anarchy, and confusion, in which populist lies, crude intollerance, and sheer desperation to survive, would pave the way for a fascist revolution akin to Adolf Hitler's rise to power during the economic slump of the 1920's.
Strangely for a supposed Eurosceptic party, the BNP plan to unite with other European far-right parties, to form a racist superstate, (akin to Nazi Germany conquering France, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Spain, etc). European unity for a supposedly eurosceptic party.
Work that one out......
Going back to the BNP's hopes for British people to suffer misery and hardship for their selfish ends and aims....... For a party to crave for the physical destruction of a country they supposedly adore as "nationalists", and for them to be jubilant at the death of millions of British people through natural causes, just so they can supposedly achieve their aims of power and domination against humanity, proves that the BNP's political aims come before everything else, including the preservation of human life, which all decent, honourable human beings claim to care about.
Oh, and if you still think the BNP are "proper politicians" not Nazis, please bear this in mind: - During the New Orleans speech, Nick Griffin boasted how they would get rid of everything the BNP didn't like, without opposition. Democracy wouldn't come into it...
A coded reference to setting up Nuremberg laws, making political descent illegal, and the setting up of concentration camps. If it could happen in Bosnia, it could still happen anywhere else, today, including, as the BNP hope, Great Britain.
So much for the "BNP patriots" wearing poppies of remembrance during the Nick Griffin trial in Leeds.
Blair and Cameron are might be questionable, dishonourable, and banal, but at least they don't crave for disaster to hit Britain, and the deaths of millions, like these so-called "patriots", the 100% nazi BNP.
Just a footnote: BNP media guys, usually elected councillors, spend all day trolling Indymedia to "poo-poo" any negative comments on the internet about the BNP, such are they scared of the truth.
Head of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, in Nazi Germany, heavily censored all critical comment, while brainwashing the German public that Germany's economic problems stemmed from "outsiders" (Jews, Roma, Slavic peoples, Russians, socialists, and homosexuals, and anyone else who weren't part of their so-called "Aryan heritage", so lies and spin are nothing new to neo-Nazis.
For more on Joseph Goebbels, check out the Wikipedia encyclopedia
In this technological age, Mark Collett (Griffin's Hitler-loving Goebbels), and other nazis with plenty of free time on their hands, use the internet to troll sites such as Indymedia, so there will no-doubt be posting follow-ups to this article, defending the BNP from all criticism, as they always do to all anti-racist articles on Indymedia.
Thank you for reading
The Professor
Hide the following 17 comments
22.12.2006 12:40
Just to add...
Wanting disaster to befall Britain, is unpatriotic to extreme, and exposes the party as not giving a damn about anyone but themselves.
No one can ever again, call this ragtag bunch of racists "nationalists".
Neo-Nazis are a stain upon humanity. Fascism is nothing but a racist, destructive power trip, just like the evil exploits of Adolf Hitler.
22.12.2006 12:45
Indeed, the public must be made aware of the BNP's genocidal intentions.
Sarah Emms
Say No To Racism
22.12.2006 12:54
Black, white, Asian, gay, straight, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Budhist, athiest, we are all worthy members of humanity. This is the new millenium. Racism and fascism are relics of a bloodier, self-destructive age, that we must not be allowed to regress back to.
The BNP must indeed be stopped.
As for the nazi trolls, who will, undoubtedly, be along any minute, to pollute this thread with their hatred, you are sick in the head"!!!
There is no such thing as a the Aryan race, so quit the bullshit, losers, and go back to living in caves!!!
we will overcome
22.12.2006 14:44
Reality check
22.12.2006 15:17
I agree the BNP are neo-nazi scum who deserve a slap.
However, the BNP demonstration fielded only about 70 in Dagenham last week; hardly a mass organisation is it?
According to your report they are awaiting a 'doomsday' event to sweep them to power - hardly a plan of action more of an admission that they haven't got a clue how to achieve power and they have joined the David Icke school of political change - waiting for an alien to land or something
By contrast
1. New Labour have managed to off far more non-white people than Nick Griffin and all his nazi chums ever have.
2. New Labour have colluded in imprisonment in concentration camps of British Citizens.
3. New Labour has made us the most monitored population in the world and now wants ID cards.
4. New Labour have torn up any separation between the judiciary and the executive.
5. New Labour are destroying the civil liberties of British citizens on an unprecedented scale.
6. New Labour have adopted a corporatist ideology allowing big business unprecedented access to public services, even determining what gets taught in our schools.
7. New Labour have introduced death squads to ex-judicially murder those mistakenly believe to be terrorists.
8. New Labour have proven to be corrupt and corrupted democratic political life.
9. New Labour have sort to introduce Faith Schools and Academies, while privatising Higher Education.
10. New Labour have tried to use the Olympics to endorse their regime.
Where have we seen this pattern before?
Whilst no-one on the left steps-up to taken on New Labour, then the BNP can present themselves as the legitimate opposition.
Whilst the left ignore the white-working class, then the BNP can provide the political leadership to an increasingly marginalised, isolated and abandoned community.
The struggle against the BNP begins with the struggle against New Labour!
Marinus Van der Lubbe
22.12.2006 15:28
22.12.2006 15:28
22.12.2006 15:31
survival of the fittest?
22.12.2006 16:00
fao.John Gwiff Woods
22.12.2006 17:06
You were warned to keep your fat little paedo mouth shut, see what you have done pretty soon, fucking slobbering speech impaired gimp.Still using the websites to tell all and sundry what is going on I see!!!!GRASS!! Wun awong and gwass somemore wittle wanker.
JGW (Your worst Nightmare)
fao.John Gwiff Woods
22.12.2006 17:13
JGW (Your worst Nightmare)
22.12.2006 18:28
Marinus Van der Lubbe...
23.12.2006 01:46
The line we see so often on Indymedia is the "I don't like the BNP, but look how much worse New Labour are"... apparently an attempt to deflect attention from themselves.
As if crititicism of the BNP are Labour are mutually exclusive - personally I'd like to see Griffin and Blair strung up from the same lamp-post...
And I'm not sure that the reference to corporatism is strictly accurate - would "Marinus Van der Lubbe " care to expand on that?
Yorkshire RASH
The Guardian article
23.12.2006 11:37
RASH, You democrat you.....
31.12.2006 05:30
How..... Fascist of you RASH.
Or Im sorry, the only people allowed to threaten others free speech are the people who think the "right" thoughts, correct?
James Jesse
06.01.2007 22:54
Thank heavens for little girls
14.01.2007 23:28