US-based interests push enforced circumcision agenda
James Edwards | 22.12.2006 11:30 | Health | Repression | Social Struggles | World
In a concerted and well resourced media campaign, circumcision enthusiasts based in the United States have attempted to dupe us all into believing that male circumcision is a magic bullet for HIV prevention. Whatever your own view on circumcision, this campaign for enforced surgery crosses lines of ethics and consent that are fundamental for personal freedom.
Male circumcision is a common routine procedure for newborn infants in the United States of America, regardless of their parents' religion. In Europe, particularly in Scandinavia, and in most parts of Asia, male circumcision is uncommon, being performed only as part of religious practice or because of a serious medical problem.
Evidence on the impact of circumcision upon a man's sex life is mixed. Whilst many men who have been circumcised as adults profess benefits as a result, it is likely that these men were circumcised because of a medical problem which could have tainted their pre-circumcision sexual experiences. It is also likely that men who have not found the operation beneficial will be too shy or embarrassed to say so.
A 2002 study published in the Journal of Urology found that, following circumcision for a medical problem, 50% of men reported improvement to sexual function. 38% of men reported harm to sexual function and 12% reported no change.
+For more information see
Additionally, many intact or ‘uncircumcised’ men are enthusiastic about the sexual benefits of their status.
++The Campaign++
* If you’ve missed the story about the Ugandan HIV/Circumcision study you can read it here -
* Most worryingly, the central campaign has been augmented by a series of circumcision advocates publicly suggesting that an enforced global circumcision programme should be directed at those least likely to benefit, and least able to defend themselves: baby and infant boys.
* Enthusiasts have suggested that infants should be circumcised, not just in Africa, but across the world, including in Asia and Europe. In the UK, a Scottish urologist who is a known advocate has inexplicably demanded that infant circumcision be paid for by the cash-strapped NHS.
* Infants simply aren’t vulnerable to contracting diseases through sexual intercourse, and won’t be until they become sexually active in at least ten years. By this time, cures or vaccines could be available, and even if they aren’t, the young adult can then choose circumcision for themselves, if it really has been proven as an effective measure.
* Other, more sinister interests must be behind this. It could perhaps be described as a “project for a new circumcised century”.
++Motivation of circumcision enthusiasts++
* Financial - The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) quotes an estimated total cost for circumcision as $US150-270 million in the US each year. Many of the companies benefiting from this are active worldwide and would benefit substantially from a worldwide increase in demand. (+see$$$.html )
* Religious - People are of course free to exercise the beliefs of their chosen religion; however we all know that there are plenty of religious zealots who like to impose their agenda on the rest of us in whatever way they can, regardless of our faith.
* Financial 2 - Amputated foreskins are sold to middlemen who then package them for sale to research companies. Human body parts, especially from the very young, are considered gold mines for pharmaceutical development. (+see )
* Sexual - a number of groups exist that profess a sexual interest in circumcision. In 2003 police investigating a paedophile in Scotland found photographs depicting the circumcision of a young boy amongst his collection. (+see )
* Personal – Some men who have been circumcised like to insist that circumcision is a good thing. Some take this further by, for example, having their own children circumcised without any medical need. It is conceivable that there are men who wish to see the whole world circumcised in their image.
* For more information see the links at
++Issues with the Ugandan study itself, and the likelihood of success in controlling the HIV epidemic in Africa++
* The number of infections as a proportion of the survey group is very small. Some 5000 men participated; half were circumcised and half were not. Of the group only 70-80 contracted HIV, about 25 from the circumcised group and 50 from the intact group. In other words, 1% of circumcised men contracted HIV whereas 2% of intact men contracted the disease.
* The survey was concluded early, allegedly for “ethical reasons”. Studies that are stopped early have a tendency to over-estimate the efficacy of the intervention. Offering circumcision to the intact group precludes collection of more reliable data.
* The premise for the survey is ethically dubious. If all the men in the study had been given condoms and ensured that they used them not one would have contracted HIV.
* Mass circumcision will undermine, and take money from, efforts to promote fidelity and condom usage, the two strategies that can protect people from infection all the time, not just (if we accept the results of the study) half the time.
* Witch doctors, barbers and other traditional healers in Africa will see an opportunity to make money by performing unsafe and unhygienic operations which will often result in complications and injuries as well as directly transmitting the HIV virus.
++Statistics around the world++
(+see )
The HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate around the world, as published by the CIA, does not match a pattern that supports circumcision as an effective preventative measure. In the United States, where at least 60% of men have been circumcised, the figure (0.6) is three times that of the UK (0.2), where, at most, 20% of men have been circumcised. If circumcision is a universally effective preventative measure, then these figures should be reversed.
Moreover, why do other countries/regions where circumcision is known to be rare, such as Sweden, Japan, Norway, Hong Kong, Germany, Hungary and Croatia, appear close to the bottom of the prevalence list? Should these men not be more at risk than those in the equally 'western' and 'developed' but largely circumcised USA which has six times their prevalence rate?
++Statements from medical and ethical bodies++
The British Medical Association (BMA) -
(from )
"Unnecessarily invasive procedures should not be used where alternative, less invasive techniques, are equally efficient and available. It is important that doctors keep up to date and ensure that any decisions to undertake an invasive procedure are based on the best available evidence. Therefore, to circumcise for therapeutic reasons where medical research has shown other techniques to be at least as effective and less invasive would be unethical and inappropriate."
"Circumcision of male babies and children at the request of their parents is an increasingly controversial area and strongly opposing views about circumcision are found within society and within the BMA’s membership. The medical evidence about its health impact is equivocal."
The United Nations -
The Convention [on the Rights of the Child] establishes the right to “protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse"
++Fundamental ethical and consent Issues++
* Circumcision does not prevent HIV infection; it merely (assuming the studies are to be believed) lessens the chances of contracting the virus during unprotected sex. To be explicit about this, a man would only need to have unprotected sex a second time with an infected partner to face the same odds of contracting the virus.
* Any surgery causes irreversible damage to healthy tissue, and always carries a risk of complications, even when performed in the best possible conditions.
* Circumcision is an irreversible surgical operation.
* Governments and health corporations have no business imposing surgery on individual citizens without their fully informed and freely given consent.
* The male penis is a sensitive sexual organ, which does not come into full use until a boy reaches maturity and becomes sexually active.
* A child who has not reached sexual maturity cannot be expected to fully understand the purpose and workings of his genitals and is therefore incapable of giving fully informed consent. Moreover, a child is unable to contract diseases through sexual activity which he is physically incapable of participating in.
* Any decision to circumcise a man on the basis of protection from the HIV virus needs to be made freely by the man himself, without coercion, and after he has been presented with a full an unadulterated set of information that reflects the uncertainty of success, the risks of surgery, the risks of sexual dysfunction, the relative effectiveness of other measures (such as condom use), and the irreversible nature of the operation.
* There is absolutely no basis for circumcising a child to prevent HIV infection until he reaches an age when he is both capable of, and likely to, engage in unprotected penetrative sex.
++Beyond male circumcision++
Acceptance of this measure by the public at large could pave the way for further enforced surgical procedures on the pretext of public health or other concerns.
Top of the list is likely to be female genitalia, as this contains similar 'langerhans cells' that are said to be susceptible to HIV under the male foreskin. Amputation of the female clitoral foreskin, where these cells are present, is less severe than the most common traditional female genital mutilation (FGM) practices and could be viewed as a directly equivalent measure to male circumcision.
Another possible scheme is the surgical implantation of Radio Frequency ID (RFID) chips. This might be sold to the public as a way to protect children, who would grow up accepting both the concept and reality of a tracking device inside them.
And what if the spread of the H5N1 bird flu could, for example, be slowed by surgically sealing the nostrils, because cells in the sinuses were especially susceptible to infection?
++Do something++
This is not about whether circumcision is a good or bad thing; the available evidence on that shows a mixed picture. Neither is this about the HIV epidemic in Africa, which will only be controlled by improving education, condom provision, fidelity and genuine healthcare. Magic bullets don’t exist; and this one is a con.
This is about the individual’s right to exercise complete control over pre-emptive surgical modifications to themselves. Don’t let it slip away.
Suggestions –
* Copy and distribute this article.
* Talk to your friends about this article.
* Visit and read information on the websites listed for your country below
* Lobby political figures and corporate media outlets.
* Lobby healthcare providers, HIV organisations and influential NGOs.
++Organisations and Websites++
(Listing of sites below is not intended to imply a specific endorsement, and aside from the country grouping, order is random)
UK –
UK –
UK –
US –
US -
US -
US -
US -
US -
US -
New Zealand –
France (in French/Francais and English) -
Germany (in German/Deutsch)–
Israel (in Hebrew) -
South Africa -
Canada (in English and French/Francais) -
Denmark (in Danish) -
Turkey (in Turkish) -
Male circumcision is a common routine procedure for newborn infants in the United States of America, regardless of their parents' religion. In Europe, particularly in Scandinavia, and in most parts of Asia, male circumcision is uncommon, being performed only as part of religious practice or because of a serious medical problem.
Evidence on the impact of circumcision upon a man's sex life is mixed. Whilst many men who have been circumcised as adults profess benefits as a result, it is likely that these men were circumcised because of a medical problem which could have tainted their pre-circumcision sexual experiences. It is also likely that men who have not found the operation beneficial will be too shy or embarrassed to say so.
A 2002 study published in the Journal of Urology found that, following circumcision for a medical problem, 50% of men reported improvement to sexual function. 38% of men reported harm to sexual function and 12% reported no change.
+For more information see
Additionally, many intact or ‘uncircumcised’ men are enthusiastic about the sexual benefits of their status.
++The Campaign++
* If you’ve missed the story about the Ugandan HIV/Circumcision study you can read it here -
* Most worryingly, the central campaign has been augmented by a series of circumcision advocates publicly suggesting that an enforced global circumcision programme should be directed at those least likely to benefit, and least able to defend themselves: baby and infant boys.
* Enthusiasts have suggested that infants should be circumcised, not just in Africa, but across the world, including in Asia and Europe. In the UK, a Scottish urologist who is a known advocate has inexplicably demanded that infant circumcision be paid for by the cash-strapped NHS.
* Infants simply aren’t vulnerable to contracting diseases through sexual intercourse, and won’t be until they become sexually active in at least ten years. By this time, cures or vaccines could be available, and even if they aren’t, the young adult can then choose circumcision for themselves, if it really has been proven as an effective measure.
* Other, more sinister interests must be behind this. It could perhaps be described as a “project for a new circumcised century”.
++Motivation of circumcision enthusiasts++
* Financial - The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) quotes an estimated total cost for circumcision as $US150-270 million in the US each year. Many of the companies benefiting from this are active worldwide and would benefit substantially from a worldwide increase in demand. (+see$$$.html )
* Religious - People are of course free to exercise the beliefs of their chosen religion; however we all know that there are plenty of religious zealots who like to impose their agenda on the rest of us in whatever way they can, regardless of our faith.
* Financial 2 - Amputated foreskins are sold to middlemen who then package them for sale to research companies. Human body parts, especially from the very young, are considered gold mines for pharmaceutical development. (+see )
* Sexual - a number of groups exist that profess a sexual interest in circumcision. In 2003 police investigating a paedophile in Scotland found photographs depicting the circumcision of a young boy amongst his collection. (+see )
* Personal – Some men who have been circumcised like to insist that circumcision is a good thing. Some take this further by, for example, having their own children circumcised without any medical need. It is conceivable that there are men who wish to see the whole world circumcised in their image.
* For more information see the links at
++Issues with the Ugandan study itself, and the likelihood of success in controlling the HIV epidemic in Africa++
* The number of infections as a proportion of the survey group is very small. Some 5000 men participated; half were circumcised and half were not. Of the group only 70-80 contracted HIV, about 25 from the circumcised group and 50 from the intact group. In other words, 1% of circumcised men contracted HIV whereas 2% of intact men contracted the disease.
* The survey was concluded early, allegedly for “ethical reasons”. Studies that are stopped early have a tendency to over-estimate the efficacy of the intervention. Offering circumcision to the intact group precludes collection of more reliable data.
* The premise for the survey is ethically dubious. If all the men in the study had been given condoms and ensured that they used them not one would have contracted HIV.
* Mass circumcision will undermine, and take money from, efforts to promote fidelity and condom usage, the two strategies that can protect people from infection all the time, not just (if we accept the results of the study) half the time.
* Witch doctors, barbers and other traditional healers in Africa will see an opportunity to make money by performing unsafe and unhygienic operations which will often result in complications and injuries as well as directly transmitting the HIV virus.
++Statistics around the world++
(+see )
The HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate around the world, as published by the CIA, does not match a pattern that supports circumcision as an effective preventative measure. In the United States, where at least 60% of men have been circumcised, the figure (0.6) is three times that of the UK (0.2), where, at most, 20% of men have been circumcised. If circumcision is a universally effective preventative measure, then these figures should be reversed.
Moreover, why do other countries/regions where circumcision is known to be rare, such as Sweden, Japan, Norway, Hong Kong, Germany, Hungary and Croatia, appear close to the bottom of the prevalence list? Should these men not be more at risk than those in the equally 'western' and 'developed' but largely circumcised USA which has six times their prevalence rate?
++Statements from medical and ethical bodies++
The British Medical Association (BMA) -
(from )
"Unnecessarily invasive procedures should not be used where alternative, less invasive techniques, are equally efficient and available. It is important that doctors keep up to date and ensure that any decisions to undertake an invasive procedure are based on the best available evidence. Therefore, to circumcise for therapeutic reasons where medical research has shown other techniques to be at least as effective and less invasive would be unethical and inappropriate."
"Circumcision of male babies and children at the request of their parents is an increasingly controversial area and strongly opposing views about circumcision are found within society and within the BMA’s membership. The medical evidence about its health impact is equivocal."
The United Nations -
The Convention [on the Rights of the Child] establishes the right to “protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse"
++Fundamental ethical and consent Issues++
* Circumcision does not prevent HIV infection; it merely (assuming the studies are to be believed) lessens the chances of contracting the virus during unprotected sex. To be explicit about this, a man would only need to have unprotected sex a second time with an infected partner to face the same odds of contracting the virus.
* Any surgery causes irreversible damage to healthy tissue, and always carries a risk of complications, even when performed in the best possible conditions.
* Circumcision is an irreversible surgical operation.
* Governments and health corporations have no business imposing surgery on individual citizens without their fully informed and freely given consent.
* The male penis is a sensitive sexual organ, which does not come into full use until a boy reaches maturity and becomes sexually active.
* A child who has not reached sexual maturity cannot be expected to fully understand the purpose and workings of his genitals and is therefore incapable of giving fully informed consent. Moreover, a child is unable to contract diseases through sexual activity which he is physically incapable of participating in.
* Any decision to circumcise a man on the basis of protection from the HIV virus needs to be made freely by the man himself, without coercion, and after he has been presented with a full an unadulterated set of information that reflects the uncertainty of success, the risks of surgery, the risks of sexual dysfunction, the relative effectiveness of other measures (such as condom use), and the irreversible nature of the operation.
* There is absolutely no basis for circumcising a child to prevent HIV infection until he reaches an age when he is both capable of, and likely to, engage in unprotected penetrative sex.
++Beyond male circumcision++
Acceptance of this measure by the public at large could pave the way for further enforced surgical procedures on the pretext of public health or other concerns.
Top of the list is likely to be female genitalia, as this contains similar 'langerhans cells' that are said to be susceptible to HIV under the male foreskin. Amputation of the female clitoral foreskin, where these cells are present, is less severe than the most common traditional female genital mutilation (FGM) practices and could be viewed as a directly equivalent measure to male circumcision.
Another possible scheme is the surgical implantation of Radio Frequency ID (RFID) chips. This might be sold to the public as a way to protect children, who would grow up accepting both the concept and reality of a tracking device inside them.
And what if the spread of the H5N1 bird flu could, for example, be slowed by surgically sealing the nostrils, because cells in the sinuses were especially susceptible to infection?
++Do something++
This is not about whether circumcision is a good or bad thing; the available evidence on that shows a mixed picture. Neither is this about the HIV epidemic in Africa, which will only be controlled by improving education, condom provision, fidelity and genuine healthcare. Magic bullets don’t exist; and this one is a con.
This is about the individual’s right to exercise complete control over pre-emptive surgical modifications to themselves. Don’t let it slip away.
Suggestions –
* Copy and distribute this article.
* Talk to your friends about this article.
* Visit and read information on the websites listed for your country below
* Lobby political figures and corporate media outlets.
* Lobby healthcare providers, HIV organisations and influential NGOs.
++Organisations and Websites++
(Listing of sites below is not intended to imply a specific endorsement, and aside from the country grouping, order is random)
UK –
UK –
UK –
US –
US -
US -
US -
US -
US -
US -
New Zealand –
France (in French/Francais and English) -
Germany (in German/Deutsch)–
Israel (in Hebrew) -
South Africa -
Canada (in English and French/Francais) -
Denmark (in Danish) -
Turkey (in Turkish) -
James Edwards
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Indymedia UK, more pathetic every day
22.12.2006 12:21
Any chance any of the doctors were Jewish then it could be the perfect Indymedia UK report !
Indymedia UK, more pathetic every day
penultimate paragraphs mar otherwise sensible article
22.12.2006 14:55
And the example of sewing the nostrils shut to prevent the transmission of 'flu is also crazy. O dear.
It's a tricky issue: circumscision in pre-pubescent boys is a much simpler and less complicated procedure than in adults; but only adults can give fully-informed consent. So we fall back into the usual munge of cultural, religious and family belief. Personally, I wouldn't have any son of mine done, but the risk/benefit calculation is different in different parts of the world.
Fair enough
22.12.2006 16:24
I agree that the RFID and Bird Flu suggestions are tenuous, I was trying to think of examples to demonstrate the importance of this issue beyond circumcision. Consider them retrospectively removed.
I'm not so sure of the basis for your statement that "circumscision in pre-pubescent boys is a much simpler and less complicated procedure than in adults" however. Are you basing this statement on scientific studies or received wisdom? Adult men seem to be circumcised quite regularly without too much trouble. Isn't the likely psychological impact of surgery much greater on a child? Isn't medical treatment supposed to be based on clinical need and sound ethics rather than the convenience of medics?
James Edwards
Cicumcision is beneficial
22.12.2006 16:53
CIRCUMCISION IS VERY BENEFICIAL, its cleaner and several research bodies have concluded that circumcised men have less risk of contracting STD's such as AIDS-HIV or herpes.
Uncircumcised penises are difficult to keep clean, and more prone to infections and penile cancer, studies have shown.
A circumcised penis is naturally clean and virtually free from urinary infection. You will not have to worry again with careful washing of your penis.
Is it NOT true that the AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics) does not recommend circumcision. They simply say they leave the decision to parents. But recently, and specially after the New Zealand study, the AAP has been discussing if it may be necessary to change their policy and recommend circumcision to all newborns as they used to do, so in the future we may see that the AAP advocates again circumcision.
Have a look at:
About STD's:
As I said, several studies carried out by prestigious research bodies have concluded that uncircumcised penises are more prone to infections and contraction of STD's, including AIDS-HIV. Circumcised men have been proved to be up to seven times less likely to be infected than those who are uncircumcised. Have a look at this site:
As for women, studies also show that circumcision also protects female partners from AIDS-HIV and other STD's. Browse this article:
About sensitivity of a circumcised penis:
No medical or physiological study has proved that circumcision reduces sensitivity, opposed to common belief. It is completely FALSE that circumcision reduces penis sensitivity. The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) confirms this on their web site; have a look at:
Circumcision is an easy and nowadays *painless* procedure, which has many benefits, and virtually no risks.
Circumcision is NOT an amputation. Circumcision is NOT comparable at all to female circumcision, which is something completely different.
Circumcision rates are INCREASING nowadays, both in the United States and overseas. Many African and South American countries with little circumcision tradition are starting to promote the procedure to help to reduce the AIDS-HIV infection rates.
Finally, this site has a lot of useful and *unbiased* information. Make sure you have a good look:
Sean Bell
zionists push for genital mutilation of their slaves
22.12.2006 20:24
Hitler's pseudo-scientist goons 'proved' that the perfect human was a blond blue-eyed aryan (using pseudo science 'methods' originally developed by jews working in US universities in the early 19th century in their attempt to 'justify' slavery of 'african' Humans). Blair's pseudo-scientist goons now tell you that the perfect male is one mutilated to the instructions of the zionists.
The history of circumcision in the US is interesting. Firstly, such genital mutilation applied to both boys AND girls, although female genital mutilation never took off to the same degree. Of course, I am talking about non-ritual mutilation here.
Simply put, medical science experienced a period of rapid acceleration in the 19th century. As a consequence, every kind of nut came crawling out of the wood work, and most of these 'nuts' ended up in the States. Human sexuality was regarded through 'scientific' eyes for pretty much the first time, and some very nasty conclusions reached. Masturbation became a target, both in children and adults. Circumcision, for males AND females, was seen as a method to reduce sexual desire by reducing the 'sensitivity' to physical sexual pleasure.
In victorian times the US (as is the case today) was the home of extremist 'science'-based cults. Many of these cults gained great influence with US politics and medicine. An example of this happened with the main proponent of 'medical' female circumcision. This nutter was actually British, but found his obscene ideas were repulsed in his native land. No problem, he simply moved to the United States, where tens of thousands (at least) of young women would suffer a life-time of suffering at his hands, and the hands of his followers (non-muslim US girls were being circumcised -that is having the surface of their clitoris destroyed- as late as the 1950's).
Now the medical services in the US have long had a massive disproportion of US jews working within them. Judaism requires, of course, that an ADULT follower chooses (of adult free will) to have his foreskin removed. Unfortunately, western society perverts ALL religions, due to the competition between them, so the rule of adult choice becomes the practice of childhood control and brainwashing.
Psuedo-medical circumcision to prevent masturbation had rapidly become an op performed on the youngest male infants. The jewish medical establishment in the US had been given a temptation beyond any Human self-control, and unsuprisingly did their very best to stand behind the growing practice (on non-jewish babies) with massive amounts of pseudo-scientific justification in any direction possible.
Today, US citizens don't even know where non-jewish circumcision of male babies came from. THEY ARE NEVER TOLD THAT THE PRACTICE STARTED AS A METHOD TO REDUCE MASTURBATION. They ARE told that the foreskin massively increases the probability of whatever ailment, physical or psychological, is currently fashionable.
Today, US zionists consider the mass circumcision of non-US-jews as one of their greatest achievements, and are convinced that the general US population seems to back every zionist atrocity against muslims because of this 'bond'. If this seems looney to you, you are missing the very mechanisms of 'religious' thinking, which by its very nature always assumes the effectiveness of such 'magic'.
It is the dream of zionists the world over to spread the practice of universal circumcision of male babies to Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Will they succeed? Well given that every zionist knows that they have now caused the murder of more muslims in their wars within Chechnya, Iran (the Iran-Iraq war was actually the true beginning of this current program), Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon etc than the number of jews killed by the nazis, I'm sure they are feeling unstoppable.
Sadly, most of you will dribble over this recent batch of psuedo-science, incapable of understanding that if non-religious circumcision has a universal history of being promoted by endless nonsense dressed up as 'science', it will continue to be promoted thus, in which case the real motivation for pushing this agenda of genital mutilation has NOTHING to do with science, and everything to do with population control via memes directly connected to irremovable physical markings.
Genital mutilation is identical in purpose to tribal tattoes and other forms of permanent tribal markings. The growth of such practices (including tribal FEMALE genital mutilation- or indeed genital enlargement) occurs through peer-pressure, namely the need to comform and have the same physical characteristics as other members of the tribe. It is commonplace to hear US parents, justifying the multilation of their sons, by refering to the discomfort a non-circumcised boy will feel when showering with classmates at school. "Dare to be different" is the credo of 'aphas' and they are always a tiny percentage of any population.
By the way, recently I was reading a training document for people working in medical facilities in the US that would have significant numbers of patients from South America (where male circumcision if often very uncommon). This document explicitly taught methods to target young women from this culture and ridicule their reluctance to circumcise their sons.
Hitler knew that you couldn't seek to conquer the world with the tool of mass slavery and mass murder, unless you infected the minds of those destined to support you with the most moronic ideas. Blair, and the pack of zionist monsters that he commands, are far better at this game than Hitler could have even dreamt in his most powerful moments. Ideas are the real weapons of World Wars, and the zionists control almost the entirety of mass media outlets across the planet. The widespread dissemination of the Uganda circumcision story merely represents the zionists basking in their propaganda dominance.
Good summary of anti-circumcision arguments, pity about the balance
22.12.2006 22:54
The links provided are almost exclusively anti-circumcision websites, rather than credible sources. Indeed, there is no evidence that the author has actually read any information from elsewhere.
Jake Waskett
22.12.2006 23:19
Twilight, you're letting your lunacy get the better of you. For God's sake, start taking the pills again.
It's pretty clear - even to a non-zionist Jew - that circumcision is cleaner and patently less likely to lead to infection than leaving a boy uncircumcised. It would seem more sensible then to circumcise. Of course, loonies like Twilight would prefer non-circumcision so that, when the glorious fascist revolution comes, he'll be able to, like Nero, 'lift up the soldier's kirtles to check that their prepuce is intact' and thus to swiftly tell the difference between perfect Aryan manhood and the rather cleaner Jews.
I wonder if Nick Griffin's circumcised? Perhaps we should ask Martin Webster. Or, of course, Twilight.
The other King Zog
-a paedophile in Scotland-
22.12.2006 23:37
in the section: ++Motivation of circumcision enthusiasts++ you include the statement...
========== Sexual - a number of groups exist that profess a sexual interest in circumcision. In 2003 police investigating a paedophile in Scotland found photographs depicting the circumcision of a young boy amongst his collection. (+see ) ==========
i have a number of problems with this.
1) possessing a photograph of a circumcision is not evidence of a sexual interest in the procedure. even pedophiles have interests outside their erotic ones.
2) accusations of 'pedophilia' are typically levelled at men who speak out =against= circumcision. it seems at least as irrelevant to direct this threadbare slur against proponents of it.
3) if there is a sexual motivation for proselytizing circumcision, which i strongly believe there is, then it is rooted in sexual anxiety & sex hostile ideology. the obvious sexual motivation for circumcision is sadistic, authoritarian will to supress childhood sexuality/masturbation.
Is Jake Waskett Unbiased?
23.12.2006 02:02
Philip Gordon
Lots of conventional American wisdom and ego stroking here
23.12.2006 05:03
And its very true, somehow, even with our tremendous circumcision rate, the United States has a higher HIV infection rate than other noncircumcising countries with similar medical care standards, like JakeW's UK. Its a fact that these circumcision promoters would rather you not think about.
I'll even bet that the circumcision promoters would credit my (forced infant) circumcision with my HIV-free status, when in reality, I had very few partners and practiced safe sex up until I got engaged/married. They'll even credit low HIV rates in Muslim nations to their circumcisions when monogamy is the law there. You can't get HIV from your only HIV-free partner no matter your circumcision status. That's another thing that the circ promoters don't want you to think about - that monogamy, small numbers of partners, and safe sex work and work very well.
This HIV thing is just another blatant attempt to increase the circumcision rate. I won't speculate why, but if you read some of the pro-circ literature and who's making money, you can come to your own conclusions. Then there are people who have to justify to themselves just why they would want to cut off part of their penis or why their parents cut off part of their penis.... insecurity can be a very dangerous thing
Very Important Article
23.12.2006 11:32
Some of the comments here seem to bear out the author's statement that -
"Some men who have been circumcised like to insist that circumcision is a good thing. Some take this further by, for example, having their own children circumcised without any medical need. It is conceivable that there are men who wish to see the whole world circumcised in their image".
A rush to judgement
23.12.2006 22:36
* The study hasn't been published or critiqued in a scientific journal.
* Even if it is correct, the figures imply 56 men would have to be circumcised to prevent one HIV transmission per year in Uganda (more where the incidence is less). That doesn't sound like good value.
* Let it run its full term, and the result might not be so impressive
* Surely they have to study the costs and risks of circumcision, compared to education, condoms, treating ulcerative diseases and preventing malaria, both co-factors in HIV transmission, before endorsing it?
* Women are many times more at risk of HIV than men: the protection male circumcision offers them is much less - if any. It will also make it harder for them to refuse sex, and unprotected sex, disempowering them.
* Just trying to combine circumcision with Abstinence, Being faithful and Condoms sends men a hopelessly mixed message: "Circumcision protects against HIV but it won't protect you personally." What will they hear?
* What effect will circumcision have on "dry sex" which probably increases transmission by breaking the membranes of both partners?
* Circumcising babies won't have any effect on HIV transmission for 12+ years. The epidemic is more urgent than that. Many of those boys won't survive to puberty if their parents succumb first.
* Circumcising babies raises human rights issues.
* Circumcising babies is a more delicate operation than circumcising men. Any mistakes get bigger later.
As well as the countries mentioned:
* virturally all men in Ethiopia are circumcised, and the HIV rate is higher than many non-circumcising African countries
* Non-circumcising Thailand and Cambodia have brought the rate down with condom and education campaigns
It doesn't need a conspiracy, religion, or "more sinister interests" to explain the push for circumcision - only a lot of (circumcised) men who are indifferent to the many issues mass circumcision raises.
Like the HIV experiment, results about circumcision and Sexually Transmitted Infections were rushed into the media a month ago, but when they were critiqued, the authors had to tone them down, admitting they were anomalous, and it would take more than 20 circumcisions to prevent one minor STI.
------------- is compiled from New Zealand, but it takes a comprehensive view, with pages about various countries and issues.
Male-to-female transmission study misreported
24.12.2006 00:23
Here are the details:
Urgent: Population reduction agenda?
24.12.2006 19:13
Evidence is accumulating that medicine is the dominant vector of HIV transmission in africa:
The latest circumcision studies only looked at female->male HIV transmission while totally ignoring the equally important and obvious male->female direction. Scientific evidence strongly suggests the impact of MGM on this mode of transmission will be both adverse and significant:
Intact epithelium blocks HIV, inflammation or abrasion provides a gateway:
MGM correlated with chlamydia
MGM connected with abrasion
Using the data from the study of US (high MGM rate) vs european (low MGM rate) HIV infection at
ignoring possible variations in transmission modes due to different HIV strains, MGM halves the rate of female->male HIV transmission (transmission per intercourse) but more than QUADRUPLES the male->female rate to a factor of 4.75, for a net increase of 2.375 in overall transmission rates. Presumably these researchers
Population reduction in the "third world" has long been a staple of elite foreign policy goals. The selective targetting of women (as opposed to men) would be the most effective approach.
The National Security Council. NSSM 200 - "Implications of Worldwide
Population Growth for US Security & Overseas Interests", Washington
DC, the White House, December 10, 1974. Declassified July 3, 1989.
1. "Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy
towards the Third World".
2. "Reduction of the rate of population in these states is a matter
of vital US national security".
3. "The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of
minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries.
That fact gives the US enhanced interests in the political, economic
and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening
of population can increase the prospects for such stability,
population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and the
economic interest of the United States".
Also see for an idea of the sociological consequences of mass pleasure deprivation.
Rich Winkel
Barbaric excercise of manipulation
25.12.2006 13:56
Helen Fitzpatrick
Circumcision could save billions of dollars in AIDS-hit Africa
25.12.2006 19:02
Circumcision has emerged as a new tool in the battle against AIDS following results in three African studies which showed it cuts the chances of HIV infection by as much as 60 percent.
Researchers who conducted one of the studies in Orange Farm outside of Johannesburg concluded that circumcising 1,000 men would prevent an estimated 300 new HIV infections over 20 years -- translating into savings of some $2.4 million that would have been spent on treating AIDS patients in this group alone.
"I would say we're making two points -- it's an effective strategy and it's cost effective," said James Kahn of the University of California-San Francisco, one of the researchers on the project.
The study in the medical journal PLoS Medicine has implications for other African countries, Kahn said.
"The estimate is that a fully scaled-up programme might save ... well over $5 billion in savings if it were done throughout sub-Saharan Africa based on the infections prevented over 10 years," he said.
While researchers have hailed the circumcision studies as opening a new front in the war on AIDS, some African governments have reacted cautiously -- noting that it appears to provide only partial protection against HIV.
Public health experts have also warned that promoting circumcision may confuse or undercut other AIDS prevention strategies such as condom use and reducing a person's number of sexual partners.
Khan said however that, on a cost basis, circumcision was a good idea for Africa.
"HIV is particularly attractive (for finding cost savings) mainly because it's so serious a disease and so expensive to treat," he said. "But male circumcision looks pretty good compared to many other strategies that we use for HIV prevention."
Roman Everton
a mohel conspiracy?
18.01.2007 21:25
go find a hole and crawl in it you stooge.
Alex Eiffel
Eugenics and the prepucial frenular delta nerves
27.01.2007 16:34
Fred Rhodes
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