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Hansi, the Friendly Nazi.. (cartoon)

Hansi | 21.12.2006 07:09 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression | World





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other great artwork..

21.12.2006 07:47

Zionist inversion of valus,


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Nice picture

21.12.2006 07:55

Which IM moderstor is this ???


Shome mishtake shurely

21.12.2006 19:54

As any fule kno, "Judea" is the southern section of the so-called West Bank disputed territory, including Bethlehem, Hebron etc.

Voice of Reason


23.12.2006 01:57

Skinhead = nazi?

Only if you're a spineless liberal idiot.

Some of the most courageous and dedicated anti-fascists I know are skins - not that we ask for the approval or understanding of middle-class lefties.

I'd suggest you learn a bit more about what you're trying to ridicule, but then I don't really care what you think, and I doubt you'd care what I think either.

Yorkshire RASH

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