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Press release: Mumia Is an Innocent Man - Free Him Now!

Partisan Defence Committee | 19.12.2006 15:36

Press release from the Partisan Defence Committee.

The attached press release was issued by the Partisan Defense Committee in New York on 8 December 2006.

Also attached is a PDF file of a full page advert for the campaign including many notable signatories to the PDC's statement - including Tony Benn, Bob Crow, Jeremy Corbyn, Jeremy Dear, Gareth Peirce and others here in Britain - that has appeared in the Morning Star and Workers Hammer newspapers. Similar ads have placed in newspapers in the US.

Press release from the Partisan Defence Committee.

The attached press release was issued by the Partisan Defense Committee in New York on 8 December 2006.

Also attached is a PDF file of a full page advert for the campaign including many notable signatories to the PDC's statement - including Tony Benn, Bob Crow, Jeremy Corbyn, Jeremy Dear, Gareth Peirce and others here in Britain - that has appeared in the Morning Star and Workers Hammer newspapers. Similar ads have placed in newspapers in the US.

For more information, visit the PDC's web site at or e-mail the PDC in London at

The Partisan Defence Committee is a class-struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defence organisation which champions cases and causes in the interest of the whole of the working people. This purpose is in accordance with the political views of the Spartacist League.

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Innocent ?

19.12.2006 17:40

Mumia Abu-Jamal (real name Wesley Cook) shot and killed police officer Daniel Faulkner in December 1981 during an altercation that ensued from a routine traffic stop of a vehicle driven by William Cook, Abu-Jamal's younger brother.

During the traffic stop, Cook assaulted Faulkner, who in turn attempted to subdue Cook. At this point, Abu-Jamal emerged from a nearby taxi which he was driving and shot Faulkner in the back. Faulkner was able to return fire, seriously wounding Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal then advanced on Faulkner, and fired four additional shots at close range, one of them striking Faulkner in the face, killing the policeman. Abu-Jamal was unable to flee due to his own gunshot wound, and was taken into custody by other police officers, who had been summoned by Faulkner at the time of the traffic stop. Abu-Jamal was taken directly from the scene of the shooting to a hospital, and treated for his injury. Witnesses stated that while he was receiving medical treatment, Abu-Jamal acknowledged that he shot Daniel Faulkner.


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19.12.2006 17:44

On December 9, 1981, at approximately 3:55 a.m., Officer Danny Faulkner, a five year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, made a traffic stop at Locust Street near Twelfth Street. The car stopped by Officer Faulkner was being driven by William Cook. After making the stop, Danny called for assistance on his police radio and requested a police wagon to transport a prisoner. Unbeknownst to him, William Cook's brother, Wesley (aka Mumia Abu-Jamal) was across the street. As Danny attempted to handcuff William Cook, Mumia Abu-Jamal ran from across the street and shot the officer in the back. Danny turned and was able to fire one shot that struck Abu-Jamal in the chest; the wounded officer then fell to the pavement. Mumia Abu-Jamal stood over the downed officer and shot him four more times at close range, once directly in the face. Mumia Abu-Jamal was found still at the scene of the shooting by officers who arrived there within seconds. The murderer was slumped against the curb in front of his brother's car. In his possession was a .38 caliber revolver that records showed Mumia had purchased months earlier. The chamber of the gun had five spent cartridges. A cab driver, as well as other pedestrians, had witnessed the brutal slaying and identified Mumia Abu-Jamal as the killer both at the scene and during his trial. On July 2, 1982, after being tried before a jury of ten whites and two blacks, Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering Officer Danny Faulkner. The next day, the jury sentenced him to death after deliberating for two hours. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania heard the defendant's appeals and upheld the conviction on March 6, 1989.

Donations to the Daniel Faulkner Educational Grant Fund can be sent to:

Education Fund
Justice for Daniel Faulkner
PO Box 39270
Philadelphia, PA. 19136


Danny Faulkner was the kind of young man every father and mother wants for a son, every child wants for a brother and every person wants for a friend. He was easygoing and friendly, yet organized and focused. He was a hard worker who always had time for his friends.

Danny was the youngest of seven children, born to an Irish-Catholic family from the southwest side of Philadelphia. His father, who was a railroad worker, died of a sudden heart attack when Danny was only five years old. Danny was raised by a working mother and his older siblings. After school, he would walk to the home of Tom and Trish Faulkner. Tom was Danny's big brother. There, Danny would play with neighborhood kids and do his homework. He loved to run around the corner to a neighborhood clothier and pretend he worked there. He would dress up in a tie, then pick up a broom and sweep their walks.

Danny left high school prior to graduation and joined the U.S. Army. It wasn't that he didn't like school, but this was a kid who had matured beyond many of his classmates. He just needed to get his life started. While serving in the armed forces, Danny continued his studies, earning his high school diploma as well as an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice.

Upon fulfilling his military service, Danny went home to Philadelphia to began his law enforcement career. His first position was that of a corrections officer. In 1975, he was able to make the career move he hoped and worked for and became an officer of the Philadelphia Police Department.

Being the organized and focused young man he was, it wasn't long before he had purchased a home of his own in his old neighborhood in southwest Philly. Not long after, he began dating the young woman that would become his wife. Danny and Maureen dated about a year, were engaged for another six months and were married in the fall of 1979.

Maureen remembers Danny as easy going, while she was the one who always worried. He was the extrovert. Once a month, the couple would host a get-together of all their friends and the group would play cards in the Faulkner home until the wee hours of the morning. Danny was the neighborhood leader for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the organizer of the Annual Softball Marathon to benefit that charity. One of his childhood friends had suffered from the disease and Danny felt strongly about helping in the fight against it.

Danny loved the outdoors and when deer season opened in Pennsylvania, you would find him stalking the forests of the Pocono Mountains. Maureen, too, loved beauty and the freshness of the Poconos. The couple were saving their money with dreams of purchasing a vacation home there.

Danny loved being a police officer and planned to spend the rest of his working life advancing his career in law enforcement. He had enrolled in community college and was working toward his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration. He also had plans to go on to law school, hoping to ultimately become a prosecutor in the District Attorney's Office.

Danny Faulkner was a young man with clear goals and dreams. He truly represents an American Story and the best traditions of our nation. He was raised in a loving family and was building his own family with the same love and determination with which he had grown up. He took time to serve his country. He was bright and energetic -- caring and giving to his neighborhood, to his friends and to his profession. Mumia Abu-Jamal did not just kill a cop. He murdered a loving husband, a caring son, a brother to all around him and a friend to those he served. Mumia shot and killed a piece of America, a piece of America we would all like to see more of today.

By all official accounts, the murder of Officer Danny Faulkner was a clear cut case. The murderer was caught at the scene and readily identified by witnesses to the whole incident. Mumia Abu-Jamal should have shared the same fate as that of other cop killers -- living out his life in prison in anonymity, filing numerous appeals and waiting for his sentence to be carried out. Danny's killer, however, is not your typical killer.

Mumia Abu-Jamal was raised in the projects of Philadelphia. At 15, he helped found a local chapter of the Black Panthers. He became an ideologue, joining radical fringe groups like MOVE. He saw himself as a soldier in the fight against minority oppression. He became a local radio personality doing stories on the disadvantaged. He learned how to mold public opinion and how to take full advantage of the politics of race. Mumia, working with his lead attorney, Leonard Weinglass (Weinglass is also known for his work with attorney William Kunstler and their controversial defense of the Chicago Seven), has been able to bring together a diverse coalition of anti-death penalty groups, left-wing extremists, academics, fools and the misinformed. They have made Mumia their cause célèbre.

Such high profile personalities as Spike Lee, Susan Sarandon, Paul Newman, Maya Angelou and Alec Baldwin, to name a few, have lent their names to advertisements claiming Mumia's trial had been unfair and calling for a new trial. Danny's killer has also become a symbol for international organizations in places such as France and Denmark that oppose the death penalty. They have turned this murderer into a "political prisoner." Alternative rock bands like Rage Against the Machine and the Beastie Boys have done benefit concerts to raise money for Mumia's defense. Students at the University of California wear "Free Mumia" t-shirts. This culmination of politicos and personalities, regardless of their motivations, have turned Danny's murderer into a mythic figure. Truth has been damned and fantasy has become fact.

It is the weight of this coalition, built by the supporters of this killer, that demands that organizations such the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police also weigh into this fight in an effective and substantial way. It is our responsibility to Danny, and all the fallen officers he represents, to assure that the public knows the truth about this incident and that substance will prevail over celebrity. Maureen Faulkner, Danny's widow, cannot do it alone. The Philadelphia and Pennsylvania FOP Lodges cannot do it alone. The financial and public relations resources that have come together to render aid to this common killer with the uncommon knack for propaganda, are too much for any one group to face alone. It will take the effort of all the members of the FOP from across our country. We must all become aware of the facts of this case. We must speak out so that the truth is heard. Danny Faulkner was a good and decent man and an honorable police officer. He was brutally murdered and his killer is Mumia Abul-Jamal. This is a time when justice demands that no honest man sit silent.

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