Anti Lydd Airport statement from LAAG.
pirate | 18.12.2006 16:35 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
Lydd Airport bossses have today lodged a planning application to Shepway District Council for expansion.
Both group in the area are gearing up to respond to this and fight it all the way during next year. SDC are likely to put the plans out for wide consultation during first half of 2007.
Both group in the area are gearing up to respond to this and fight it all the way during next year. SDC are likely to put the plans out for wide consultation during first half of 2007.
Nb: Lydd Airport-No expansion group ( Shepway Freinds of the Earth, Green Party and Lib Dems allied to second anti-group) will also be responding to these plans ,though through the planning process in the main. see website.
Preserving w Protecting w Defending w Romney Marsh
Lydd Airport Action Group
Press Release: December 18th, 2006
LAAG Opposes Lydd Airport Planning
Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG) vigorously opposes Lydd Airport’s
planning application for a new terminal and a 444m runway
extension and believes that the Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) which accompanies the planning application is incomplete and
The airport plans to grow passenger numbers from 3000 in 2005 to
2million passengers per annum (mppa) by 2011/2014 and 6mppa by
2021.The runway extension will allow the airport to achieve this
ambition by enabling large commercial jets such as the Boeing 737
and Airbus A320 to operate from the airport. Lydd Airport is not a
suitable site for the creation of a regional airport, being surrounded
by fragile habitats protected under European and UK laws, located
less than 3 miles from the Dungeness Nuclear Complex and less than
2 and 8 miles respectively from the Lydd and Hythe Military ranges.
We think the proposal will lead to the destruction of Romney Marsh
in exchange for the creation of a small number of mainly low skilled
jobs. We believe there are serious public safety issues as large commercial
aircraft will be taking off and landing beside nuclear power stations.
The nuclear safety consultant John Large has determined that the risk
of crash damage exceeds the government’s minimum acceptable risk
threshold by a factor of 20.
Residents will be affected by noise and air pollution over a wide
area. The Instrument Landing System (ILS) flight approach path
starts over Lyminge and passes over the coastal towns at around the
following heights: Dymchurch 1600ft, St Mary’s Bay 1200ft, Littlestone
600ft and Dunes Road Greatstone 400ft. There will be no ILS for aircraft
landing from the South West due to restricted airspace over the
Lydd Military Ranges (4000ft) and the Dungeness Nuclear Power
Stations (2000ft). All commercial aircraft taking off from runway 21
(towards Lydd) would be required to make a sharp right hand turn to
avoid the Lydd Ranges and would pass over Lydd before beginning their
on-ward routings.
The preferred routes after take off from either runway 21 (towards
Lydd -westerly winds) or runway 03 (towards Greatstone - easterly
winds) will be - flights to France & Italy going directly over Camber,
Spain & Portugal over Rye, Germany, Netherlands & Scandinavia over
Hythe & Folkestone, and flights to Scotland and Ireland over Romney
Marsh towards Maidstone (Detling).
Louise Barton
Lydd Airport Action Group
The Hook, Madeira Road 01797 361 548
Littlestone, Kent, TN28 8QX
Preserving w Protecting w Defending w Romney Marsh
Lydd Airport Action Group
Press Release: December 18th, 2006
LAAG Opposes Lydd Airport Planning
Lydd Airport Action Group (LAAG) vigorously opposes Lydd Airport’s
planning application for a new terminal and a 444m runway
extension and believes that the Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) which accompanies the planning application is incomplete and
The airport plans to grow passenger numbers from 3000 in 2005 to
2million passengers per annum (mppa) by 2011/2014 and 6mppa by
2021.The runway extension will allow the airport to achieve this
ambition by enabling large commercial jets such as the Boeing 737
and Airbus A320 to operate from the airport. Lydd Airport is not a
suitable site for the creation of a regional airport, being surrounded
by fragile habitats protected under European and UK laws, located
less than 3 miles from the Dungeness Nuclear Complex and less than
2 and 8 miles respectively from the Lydd and Hythe Military ranges.
We think the proposal will lead to the destruction of Romney Marsh
in exchange for the creation of a small number of mainly low skilled
jobs. We believe there are serious public safety issues as large commercial
aircraft will be taking off and landing beside nuclear power stations.
The nuclear safety consultant John Large has determined that the risk
of crash damage exceeds the government’s minimum acceptable risk
threshold by a factor of 20.
Residents will be affected by noise and air pollution over a wide
area. The Instrument Landing System (ILS) flight approach path
starts over Lyminge and passes over the coastal towns at around the
following heights: Dymchurch 1600ft, St Mary’s Bay 1200ft, Littlestone
600ft and Dunes Road Greatstone 400ft. There will be no ILS for aircraft
landing from the South West due to restricted airspace over the
Lydd Military Ranges (4000ft) and the Dungeness Nuclear Power
Stations (2000ft). All commercial aircraft taking off from runway 21
(towards Lydd) would be required to make a sharp right hand turn to
avoid the Lydd Ranges and would pass over Lydd before beginning their
on-ward routings.
The preferred routes after take off from either runway 21 (towards
Lydd -westerly winds) or runway 03 (towards Greatstone - easterly
winds) will be - flights to France & Italy going directly over Camber,
Spain & Portugal over Rye, Germany, Netherlands & Scandinavia over
Hythe & Folkestone, and flights to Scotland and Ireland over Romney
Marsh towards Maidstone (Detling).
Louise Barton

Lydd Airport Action Group
The Hook, Madeira Road 01797 361 548
Littlestone, Kent, TN28 8QX
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