Animal Rights wronged
imc uk features | 17.12.2006 17:27 | Animal Liberation
The animal rights movement has been extensively vilified in press, radio, TV and even by Prime Minister Tony Blair. The general claim is made that animal rights demonstrators use methods which are too extreme. Demonstrators might argue though that recent legislation which seeks to criminalise common law behaviour leaves them no other option. Also, state sanctioned animal cruelty and its means of protection are even more extreme.
On December 19th Robert Cogswell and Mel Broughton are facing possible imprisonment, 'not for what they have done but for what they have said'.
In recent years the animal rights movement has had a number of successes in its attempts to minimise animal suffering in the UK, but this has provoked Goliath responses from government, corporations, police and the mainstream media. One of these successes was a ban on fur farming in 2003. Then there was the capitulation of Cambridge University in 2004 and its plans for a primate lab, despite strong backing for the lab from leading members of the government. The ban on fox hunting and the closure of the Newchurch Guinea Pig farm in 2005 followed hundreds of demos. Finally, animal testing on cosmetics is slowly being brought to a close. This still leaves other animal labs and their suppliers, food retailers and factory farming to mention a few examples of abuse. UK stores are allowed to sell fur from countries which skin animals alive, and there are videos to show it. Despite the government ban on hunting, it still goes on while police continue to turn a blind eye to the hunters but not to the hunt sabs.
The struggle against animal torture and slavery will not cease, despite repressive new legislation and the deliberate misuse of the law by authorities and commerce. A law which prohibits the stalking of women is being applied to animal rights activists, as are anti-terrorism laws and the law of trespass. Companies are allowed to apply injunctions which effectively prohibit freedom of expression and speech. The breaking of any of these laws can lead to several years of imprisonment. Yet another measure is the freezing of a bank account, which caused the closure of London Animal Action.
Some other links: Animal Rights Cambridge | Arkangel Online News | Animal Aid | BAVA | X-CAPE | Pisces | CAFT | Gateway to Hell | Hunt Saboteurs Association | Killhunting UK | League Against Cruel Sports | NAVS | Badger Trust | NETCU Watch | Uncaged Campaigns
imc uk features
Some more recent links
18.12.2006 07:50

Eating Meat Threatens The Planet

Anti-fur arrests in London this morning

Suspected Animal Rights activists followed and harassed in the North of England

SPEAK Dec 19th Court Case Postponed
18.12.2006 13:20
High Court Hearing Adjourned

SPEAK have just heard that the contempt proceedings against Robert Cogswell and Mel Broughton which were to be heard in the High Court tomorrow, 19th December, have just been adjourned until the New Year. Such news must come as a severe blow to Oxford University who had been hoping to get SPEAK's co-founders imprisoned for nothing more that daring to SPEAK out against them.
Oxford University solicitors had desperately tried to block an adjournment, as they had hoped to put SPEAK at a disadvantage. SPEAK had argued that we have a right to be legally represented in the High Court, especially as Robert Cogswell and Mel Broughton were facing imprisonment.
Oxford University must now be reeling from the news that their attempt at running rough shod over the democratic process has failed so miserably. The hearing will now be re-scheduled probably for sometime early on in the New Year, and SPEAK will keep our supporters updated as to any new dates for the hearing.
SPEAK would like to apologise for the short notice of this announcement, but it was something that was out of our control. However, we must look on this adjournment as a positive development. For too long now Oxford University have been allowed to stamp on our democratic rights. It is hoped that today’s adjournment will mark a turning point in SPEAK's attempts at being allowed to fight on a level playing field when it comes to our civil liberties and our freedoms to speak out.
One thing is for sure: Oxford University have a fight on their hands if they believe they can imprison people just because they might not like what we have to say. The only thing that Oxford University have been able to achieve by their disgraceful behaviour is to illustrate to the world the true nature of the university.
Oxford University can rest assured that in 2007 SPEAK will be even more determined to expose the true nature of animal abuse inside the university's laboratories and SPEAK will be around until we finally consign the barbaric practice of vivisection to the history books were it truly belongs.
Thank you for all the hundreds of messages of support that the campaign has received recently. At SPEAK we very much hope that you will continue to support us. The battle is far from over. Oxford University will no doubt try more dirty tricks, but we are ready and we are waiting.