Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset, Now or Never!
Cablefish & presz | 14.12.2006 21:34 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | World
At 20:00(Danish time): A group of activists made noise and threw confetti when the Copenhagen City Council rejected a solution plan for the conflict with the “Ungdomshuset”. The activists were followed out of the City Council by the security guards. The source is rather unreliable, because it’s from the commercial press. Source: “DR” Danish television and Radio station []
At 17:00: The Danish police estimated the crowd of the Demonstration for the “Ungdomshuset” to have aprox. 5000 participaters gathered on the “Town Hall Square”.
At 15:30: 3 demonstrations began, one from “Skt. Hans Torv”, one from “Enghave Plads” and one from Christiania. They moved to the “Town Hall Square” with music and banners.
At 12:00: Activists from the “Ungdomshuset” would have liked to be able to hold a press meeting in the Town Hall. The security guards refused with the reason that the two spokespeople from the “Ungdomshuset was too dangerous to let in the Town Hall. They were then banished to hold their press meeting at the Town Halls stair. And they did so. []
At 09:00: The “Ungdomshuset” is no longer a legal house and is therefore a squatted house. Speakers in the house play “The Final Countdown” while masked activists stand on the roof shooting fireworks while being photographed by press people. This little happening starts the day of the official “clearing” of the house and the upcoming demonstrations and other activities the next couple of days.

At 17:00: The Danish police estimated the crowd of the Demonstration for the “Ungdomshuset” to have aprox. 5000 participaters gathered on the “Town Hall Square”.
At 15:30: 3 demonstrations began, one from “Skt. Hans Torv”, one from “Enghave Plads” and one from Christiania. They moved to the “Town Hall Square” with music and banners.
At 12:00: Activists from the “Ungdomshuset” would have liked to be able to hold a press meeting in the Town Hall. The security guards refused with the reason that the two spokespeople from the “Ungdomshuset was too dangerous to let in the Town Hall. They were then banished to hold their press meeting at the Town Halls stair. And they did so. [

At 09:00: The “Ungdomshuset” is no longer a legal house and is therefore a squatted house. Speakers in the house play “The Final Countdown” while masked activists stand on the roof shooting fireworks while being photographed by press people. This little happening starts the day of the official “clearing” of the house and the upcoming demonstrations and other activities the next couple of days.
Cablefish & presz