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Some people are less equal than others

An asylum seeker in Liverpool | 13.12.2006 21:50 | Migration | Liverpool

I just saw this and I thought everybody should read it.

Some people are less equal than others

Of course all people are equal

But some people like asylum seekers are less equal than others

You are a person liable to detention

If you complain you will now be a person liable to removal

Who asked you to come here after all?

Of course we care

If there is oil

You may not enter employment, paid or unpaid, or engage in any business or profession

You must report to an immigration officer

If you want ask George Orwell

That all people are equal

Only asylum seekers can survive a £5/day existence

Having a plastic card denying the right to work and travel

Therefore, in this particular instance

Asylum Seekers are more equal than others

You criticized your authorities for mowing down

Students, intellectuals and children

But we call that over-reaction

If you now begin to criticize us

Be careful

You are a person liable to be detained

All's well that ends with removal

You want us to condemn your man

Unfortunately, we can't do that

It is not only a matter of diplomacy

It is also a matter of interest


What democracy?

This is democracy

He keeps our interest

The man is our ally

He does the job very well

What do you mean?

You claimed asylum

We detained you

Your man pleases us

We please him

What is the problem?

We don't know you

We know there are some rotten eggs inside the box

Hence we treat all the eggs alike

Since the healthy eggs cause no problem to us

We may even like to treat the rotten ones with more care and support

You may think it is like the concentration camp

You are a German but since you are a Jew

You are less German than others

You fell short below the Aryan race

You compare the Gestapo with the immigration police of the Home Office?

Absolute Nonsense!

What do we have for you this Christmas?

Leave not to sign in until the holidays pass

Merry Christmas

Then this Christmas all people will nearly be equal


Lamentation of an Ethiopian Asylum Seeker in Liverpool.

By Ayalew North West

December 2006.

An asylum seeker in Liverpool