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Islamophobic Britain

Kala Sonna | 09.12.2006 00:24 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

Blair is a racist maniac

Today we have the unmasking of Tony Blair the fascist - telling all ethnic minorities the conditions of being part of this country. How dare he!? A man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on his hands. Quite clearly their lives weren't as important as British ones. He claims Britain stands for tolerance - is this the same country that grew fat on slavery and imperialism - both imposed with utter brutality, racism and muder? How tolerant! Is this the same country that throughout the centuries has used military power and political subterfuge to amass power, wealth and control of resources at whatever cost of human suffering necessary? How enlightened! The historian MArk Curtis estimates Britain is complicit in the deaths of TEN MILLION people since the Second World War alone.

The British state and British culture are the ones with the problem - and causing many of the problems in the world. It is Britain that needs to go through a reformation - so that it can become a civilised member of the world community - not using violence, not abusing power for selfish ends. British Muslims in particular are being scapegoated for the indefensible actions of the British Government - who is the biggest threat to world peace?

What a shameful day - we expect no more of Blair and the Labour Government now, but it is still shocking that it is the Labour Party that has become the party of racism, xenophobia, war and suffering. Kick the bastards out!

Kala Sonna


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09.12.2006 15:31

Yeah, no argument on the idea of getting rid of Blair. But I don't really think you target British culture. Stuff like slavery, imperialism, ect are the work of previous generations. If you start working to destroy British culture then all you'll gain is absolute hatred for it and a lot of people will start supporting the BNP.

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hybrid Parrot XXVIII

Parrot is a troll

09.12.2006 16:25

Emperor Parrott etc is a troll.
Slavery is not a thing of the past, it is on neo-liberalism main agenda - though in larger size and different shape.
Blair is a racist and a white supremacist.


Exaggerations anyone?

10.12.2006 01:21

No need for the melodrama, darling. True slavery is pretty much a thing of the past in the west (There is sex slavery but that's illegal). Now I know you can interpret capitalism as a form of wage slavery if you stretch things far enough, but let's keep things to the normal definition for now. As far as I know, even the real neoliberals (The ones who run the US) aren't going around rounding up Iraqis and shipping them off to work in plantations. As for Blair being a white supremacist, you might as well just go the whole hog and say he's a shape shifting reptilian humanoid. I don't see how you could look at a guy who's always been keen to crawl to islamist front organisations (Such as the Muslim Council of Britain) and call him a white supremacist. If we're going to be silly about things, why not just say that Bush and Blair take part in masonic rituals where they dine on the corpses of Iraqi babies?

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hybrid Parrot XXVIII

On Slavery...

11.12.2006 14:34

Of course 'true' slavery is not evident in the West any more, that's because it's been outsourced to the developing world. Otherwise, I agree with you, His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hybrid Parrot XXVIII. To say Blair is a white supremacist is a major exaggeration, but he did choose his words badly and showed off his xenophobic tendencies and ideas.
If you can't conform to Britain's tolerance, he tells us, don't come here. What exactly should British-born individuals who refuse to conform to Britain's tolerance (eg. the BNP/UKIP/Veritas) do?



11.12.2006 22:31

The trouble is with people in the BNP is that there's not really much you can do about them. You can't deport them because there's nowhere to deport them to. You could criminalise the BNP but that would be giving the government unprecedented powers to suppress political organisations which could easily be used against others. I don't really see how Blair is a xenophobe either. He's always been willing to pander to organisations like the Muslim Council of Britain and other similar groups who like to present themselves as the voice of moderation but in truth are anything but. Blair's comments were just a load of hot air. He's always been too spineless to back his comments up with action. So I don't see why anybody should be worrying about this.

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hybrid Parrot XXVIII