The Environment Hoax?
insidejob | 08.12.2006 14:05 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Ecology
Thousands died in London in the 1950s because of pollution and fog or smog. The evidence shows that global warming is happening. People and governments should take action to curb pollution. But is blaming human activity for a future global, climate catastrophe a hoax with a dangerous hidden agenda?
Global Warming on Mars?
A study of the ice caps on Mars may show that the red planet is experiencing a warming trend.
After decades of thinking that the ice caps on Mars were mostly carbon dioxide (dry ice), planetary geologists are starting to think that those caps may be mostly fresh water ice instead.
Caltech planetary scientists have been keeping a close eye on the dozens of deep, wide pits in the southern martian ice caps. These pits have been growing larger every year, but they never get any deeper.
The scientists believe this means that there is a layer of dry ice that is evaporating off of a thicker layer of water ice. The yearly increases in evaporation may be caused by a global warming trend happening on Mars.
If both Mars and Earth are experiencing global warming, then perhaps there is a larger phenomenon going on in the Solar System that is causing their global climates to change.
New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change
By Sara Goudarzi, Staff Writer, posted: 04 May 2006, 01:00 pm ET
A storm is brewing half a billion miles away and in a rare event, astronomers get to watch it closely.
Jupiter is growing a new red spot and the Hubble Space Telescope is photographing the scene. Backyard astronomers have been following the action, too.
"Red Spot Jr." as it is being called, formed after three white oval-shaped storms—two of which were at least 90 years old—merged between 1998 and 2000….
…The latest images could provide evidence that Jupiter is in the midst of a global change that can modify temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit on different parts of the globe.
The study was led jointly by Imke de Pater and Philip Marcus of University of California, Berkeley.
"The storm is growing in altitude," de Pater said. "Before when they were just ovals they didn't stick out above the clouds. Now they are rising."
This growth signals a temperature increase in that region, she said.
Study says sun getting hotter
WASHINGTON (AP) - The sun is getting hotter, adding heat to an Earth already thought to be warming from greenhouse gases.
Solar radiation reaching the Earth is 0.036 percent warmer than it was in 1986, when the current solar cycle was beginning, a researcher reports in a study to be published Friday in the journal Science. The finding is based on an analysis of satellites that measure the temperature of sunlight.
The increase is only a small fraction of the total heat from the sun, but in a century it would be enough to seriously aggravate problems of global warming thought to be caused by greenhouse gases, says Richard C. Willson of Columbia University's Center for Climate Systems Research.
Willson said that most researchers expect greenhouse gases to warm the planet by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 100 years. Solar irradiance could add another 0.72 degrees F and ''that is not an insignificant number. It is smaller than the greenhouse effect, but it is not trivial,'' he said.
''This is a significant increase,'' said John Firor of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. ''It would increase the rate at which we go into warming.''
Firor said that based on the current estimate of how greenhouse gases will warm the planet over the next century, the solar heat increase found by Willson would boost that warming trend by about 20 percent.
Although studies show that the Earth has warmed about one degree in the last century and the trend continues, there is a division among scientists about what is causing it. Some believe it is a natural cycle for the planet, unrelated to humans. Others blame the warming on an increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide from the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood.
At an international meeting in Japan in three months, the United States and other nations will debate the need to reduce the burning of fuels in order to slow global warming.
28 June 1998
Global Warming Detected on Triton
There may not be much industrial pollution on Neptune's largest moon, but things are hotting up nonetheless...
The Earth is not alone in suffering global warming. According to observations made by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and several ground-based instruments, temperatures on Neptune's largest moon have increased dramatically since the Voyager space probe swung by in 1989. So much so, in fact, that Triton's surface of frozen nitrogen is turning into gas, making its thin atmosphere denser by the day.
"At least since 1989, Triton has been undergoing a period of global warming," confirms astronomer James Elliot, professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Percentage-wise, it's a very large increase."…
…There are two possible explanations for the moon's warmer weather. One is that the frost pattern on Triton's surface may have changed over the years, absorbing more and more of the sun's warmth. The other is that changes in reflectivity of Triton's ice may have caused it to absorb more heat.
Climate-crisis industry out to cash in on greenhouse gas fears
Friday November 10, 2006
The Guardian
Kiwifruit is indeed under threat from green fundamentalism - as indeed may be the right of everyone of us to breath out about 2kg of CO2 a day. Jim Anderton, New Zealand minister of agriculture (Letters, November 7), would do better for his country and the world if, rather than plead his case with those who are drafting CO2 rules to curb his economy and impose more taxes, he challenged the false assumptions of global warming ideology.
Measurements (in ice cores and sea beds off New Zealand's shores, for example) show no evidence that changes in CO2 drive world temperatures or climate - indeed, it appears to be more generally the other way round. Sea temperatures generally govern changes in CO2 over very long (and some short) time scales. About 8,000 of the last 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age were warmer than now, and generally had less CO2 and lower sea levels. Interestingly, for 3,000 years - from the peak of the bronze age warmth 5,000 years ago (about 3C warmer than now) to the early Roman empire 2,000 years ago - world temperatures were falling while CO2 levels were rising.
It follows that humankind's CO2, which is no different from other CO2, is of no consequence in climate change. Despite the facts, global warming ideology is sold to us on the basis that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and so more of it means more warmth. But CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas, man's CO2 is only worth 1% of the total greenhouse effect, and plant life and the sea, not taxes and windmills, decide what happens to CO2
What happens to human CO2 - or any "extra" from volcanoes or upwelling sea water - is that it and/or its effects are absorbed and negated by feedback mechanisms of plants and the sea. As became clear at a recent conference in Stockholm, the overall climate machine is driven by much more powerful forces than man's activity, and particle and magnetic effects of the sun play a key role.
It is through this understanding that long-range weather forecasts, 12 months ahead, are now produced for Britain and Europe with a high degree of accuracy - while the CO2-based theories of climate and traditional meteorology only manage a week ahead. It is probable that climate forecasts - many years ahead - could be produced by developing our solar weather technique for a tiny investment compared with the charges the climate-crisis industry hopes for. Surely knowing what will happen is better than suffering through the greedy application of false theories and dogma.
Let's not get taken for a ride. Politicians are jumping on the climate-crisis bandwagon to justify tax hikes. The climate crisis industry hopes to make a lot of money through silly projects and carbon-credit trading which helps the west to dominate the developing world. Africa and the Arctic are being dishonestly used as emotional blackmail by self-interested green fundamentalists. Paying extra taxes or putting up a windmill will not help one jot. The honest application of science will.
Piers Corbyn
Weather Action (long-range forecasters)
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A CENTURY OF WAR: Anglo-American oil politics and the New World Order
William Engdahl
part of his argument is that the big oil companies and international banks instigated the 1970s oil price hikes not the Saudis. A 1973 Bilderberg meeting attended by top Westerm politicians and business people was informed of the price hikes before they happened by international banker, Lord Victor Rothschild, who was a research chief at BP at the time. High oil prices meant profits for oil companies and the US dollar as a world currency because oil was priced in dollars. The real rulers of the world are part of the Anglo-American establishment centred on Wall Street, the City of London and key industries like oil and the media.
Chapter 9, Running the world economy in reverse: Who made the 1970s oil shocks?
Developing the Anglo-American green agenda
'It was no accident that, following the oil shock recession of 1974-75, a growing part of the population of western Europe, especially in Germany, began talking for the first time in the postwar period about 'limits to growth', or threats to the environment, and began to question their faith in the principle of industrial growth and technological progress. Very few people realised the extent to which their new 'opinions' were being carefully manipulated from the top by a network established by the same Anglo-American finance and industry circles that lay behind the Saltsjobaden oil strategy.'
'Beginning in the 1970s, an awesome propaganda offensive was launched from select Anglo-American think tanks and journals, intended to shape a new 'limits to growth' agenda, which would ensure the 'success' of the dramatic oil shock strategy. The American oilman present at the May 1973 Saltsjobaden meeting of the Bilderberg group, Robert O. Anderson, was a central figure in the implementation of the ensuing Anglo-American ecological agenda. It was to become one of the most successful frauds in history.
'Anderson and his Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. funneled millions of dollars through their Atlantic Richfield Foundation into select organisations to target nuclear energy. One of the prime beneficiaries of Anderson's largesse was a group called Friends of the Earth, which was organised in this time with a $200,000 grant from Anderson.'
'The director of Friends of the Earth in France, Brice Lalonde, was the Paris partner of the Rockefeller (oil and banks) family law firm Coudert Brothers, and became Mitterand's environment minister in 1989.'
'British uranium mining giant Rio Tinto Zinc secretly deployed Friends of the Earth in Australia to mobilise opposition to the pending Japanese agreement (on uranium), resulting some months later in the fall of Whitlam's government, Friends of the Earth had 'friends' in very high places in London and Washington.'
'From the outset, the June 1972 Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment was run by operatives of Anderson's Aspen Institute. Aspen board member Maurice Strong, a Canadian oilman from Petro-Canada, chaired the Stockholm conference. Aspen also provided financing to create an international zero-growth network under UN auspices, the International Institute for Environment and Development, whose board included Robert O. Anderson, Robert McNamara, Strong and British Labour Party's Roy Jenkins. The new organisation immediately produced a book, 'Only one Earth', by Rockefeller University associate Rene Dubos and British Malthusian Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson).'
'Among the groups which were funded by these people at the time were organisations including the ultra-elitist World Wildlife Fund, then chaired by the Bilderberg's Prince Bernhard and later by Royal Dutch Shell's John Loudon.'
'With Anderson as chairman and Atlantic Richfield head Thomson Bradshaw as vice-chairman, the Aspen Institute in the early 1970s was a major financial conduit for the creation of the establishment's new antinuclear agenda.
'Had the 1974 oil crisis not raised the market price of oil to $11.65 per barrel or thereabouts, Anderson's investments in the North Sea and Alaska, as well as those of British Petroleum, Exxon and the others would have brought financial ruin. To ensure a friendly press voice in Britain, Anderson at this time purchased the London Observer. Vitually no one asked in Anderson and his influential friends might have known in advance that Kissinger would create the conditions for 400 per cent oil price rise.'
'So as not to leave any zero-growth stone unturned, Robert O. Anderson also contributed significant funds to a project initiated by the Rockfeller family at the Rockefeller's estate at Bellagio, Italy, with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King. In 1972, this Club of Rome, gave widespread publicity to their publication of a scientifically fraudulent computer simulation prepared by Dennis Meadow and Jay Forrester, titled 'Limits to Growth'. Meadows and Forrester added modern computer graphics to the discredited essay of Malthus, insisting that the world would soon perish for lack of adequate energy, food and other resources. As did Malthus, they chose to ignore the impact of technological progress on improving the human condition. Their message was one of unmitigated gloom and cultural pessimism.'
'One of the most targeted countries for this new Anglo-American antinuclear offensive was Germany. While France's nuclear program was equally if not more ambitious, Germany was deemed an area where Anglo-American intelligence assets had better likelihood of success, given their history in the postwar occupation of the Federal Republic. Almost as soon as the ink had dried on the Schmidt government's 1975 nuclear development program, an offensive was launched.'
'A key operative in this new project was a young woman with a German mother and an American stepfather, who had lived in the United States until 1970, working for US Senator Hubert Humphrey, among other things. Petra K Kelly had developed close ties in her US years with one of the principal new Anglo-American antinuclear organisations created by McGeorge Bundy's Ford Foundation, the Natural Resources Defense Council. The Natural Resources Defense Council included Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) and Laurence Rockefeller among its board members at the time. In Germany, Kelly began organising legal assaults against the construction of the German nuclear program during the mid-1970s, resulting in costly delays and eventual large cuts in the entire German nuclear plan.'
Population control becomes a US national security issue
'In 1798 an obscure English clergyman, Thomas Malthus, professor of political economy in the employ of the British East India Company's East India College at Haileybury, was given instant fame by his English sponsors for his 'Essay on the Principle of Population'. The essay itself was a scientific fraud, plagiarised largely from a Venetian attack on the positive population theory of American Benjamin Franklin.
The Venetian attack on Franklin's essay had been written by Gianmaria Ortes in 1774. Malthus' adaptation of Ortes' 'theory' was refined with a facade of mathematical legitimacy which he called the 'law of geometric progression', which
he called the invariably expanded geometrically, while the means of subsistence were arithmetically limited, or linear. The flaw in Malthus' argument, as demonstrated irrefutably by the spectacular growth of civilization, technology and agriculture productivity since 1978, was Malthus' deliberate ignoring of the contributing of advances in science and technology to dramatically improve such factors as crop yields, labour productivity and the like.'
'By mid-1970s, as an indication of the effectiveness of the new propaganda onslaught from the Anglo-American establishment, American government officials were openly boasting in public press conferences that they were committed 'neo-Malthusians', something for which they would have been laughed out of office a mere or so earlier. But nowhere did the new embrace of British Malthusian economics in the United States show itself more brutality than in Kissinger's National Security Council.'
'On October 16, 1975, on Kissinger's urging, President Gerald Ford issued a memorandum confirming the need for 'US leadership in world population matters', based on the contents of the classified NSSM 200 document. The document made Malthusianism, for the first time in American history, an explicit item of security policy of the government of the United States.'
'NSSM 200 argued that population expansion in select developing countries which also contain key strategic resources necessary to the US economy posed potential US 'national security threats'. The study warned that, under pressure from expanding domestic populations, countries with essential raw materials will tend to demand higher prices and better terms of trade for their exports ot the United States. In this context, NSSM 200 identified a target list of 13 countries singled out as 'strategic targets' for US efforts at population control. The list, which was drawn up in 1974, is instructive. No doubt, as with other major decisions of Kissinger, the selection of countries was made after close consultation with the British Foreign Office.'
'The 13 target countries named by Kissinger's study were Brazil, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.'
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Alan B. Jones
Chapter 8 'The Greening'
(The Iron Mountain report was eventually declared a hoax by the people who wrote it. But many of the report's proposals are nonetheless with us today. Iron Mountain was the analysis and proposals of a secret, influential study group in the 1960s. It was said to be commissioned by wealthy and powerful elites who operate behind the scenes. It looked at how to maintain social control without war. War was thought to: i. give governments power over people; ii. maintain social stratification; iii. waste money so as the poor don’t get it; iv. reduce populations etc. Proposals to replace war included: the space race; social spending; the cold war and the environment.)
'The subtitle of (Larry) Abraham's book ('The Greening', 1992) is 'The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power', and describes how the war-substitute that appeared most feasible to the Iron Mountain study group has been converted into an action program.'
'The environmental issue has clearly been selected as the major policy initiative to be developed. Recall that the Iron Mountain report expressed doubt that this issue would prove to be viable if dealt with only on its inherent merits, since the public would not likely view a sullied environment as a sufficiently severe threat to justify spending massive amounts of money on it, much less give up one's life in such a cause. It might be possible, however, to enhance the environmental threat, or even to invent a fake issue if an appropriate real one could not be found, though the conferees thought it better not to further discuss such possibilities in their written report.'
'In the first few pages of his book, Abraham plainly states his fundamental thesis. The real goal of the secret elites, he says, "is nothing less than to control natural resources worldwide. The Insiders of Environmentalism realise - even if many innocent bystanders do not - that the wealth of the world consists of the things that men take form the earth, and they want to control it all... For what is now being unleashed in the name of 'saving the earth' is nothing less than the most historic grab for power in all of human history."
'In April 1970 there also appeared an article by insider George F Kennan in the Council on Foreign Relations' journal 'Foreign Affairs', entitled 'To Prevent a World Wasteland...A Proposal'. The article, no doubt written for the edification of the worker bees in the fields of the elites, was nothing less than the concrete plan for implementing the environmental project suggested by the Iron Mountain Special Study Group...'
'...Just in case the Establishment workers still don't get it, Kennan specifically spells out the environmental issue is to replace society's fixation on the then-current Cold War, of which Kennan was a major architect, as Abraham clearly document. Kennan emotes: "Not only the international scientific community but the world at large has great need, at this dark hour, of a new and more promising focus of attention. The great communist and Western powers, particularly, have need to replace the waning fixation for the cold war with interests which they can pursue in common and to everyone's benefit. For young people the world over, some new opening of hope and creativity is becoming an urgent spiritual necessity. Could there, one wonders, be any undertaking better designed to meet these needs, to relieve the great convulsions of anxiety and ingrained hostility that now rack international society, than a major international effort to restore the hope, the beauty, and the salubriousness of the international environment in which man has his being?"'
It appears in a 1991 book by Jim MacNeil called Beyond Interdependence: 'The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology', published by the Trilateral Commission, and containing a foreword by David Rockefeller himself. The book lays out the major goal to be sought at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit meeting then being planned: "The major purpose of this conference is to launch a global transition to sustainable development."
"Sustainable growth" says Abraham is "Insider jargon for Green de-industrialisation, global cartelisation of natural resources, and international control of the world's economy... It is a new synonym for Iron Mountain's 'stability', i.e., perpetuating Insider control." We have referred to the same term as "social stability", meaning "keeping the Low's in poverty and the High's in power, forever."
"Politically," says Abraham, "MacNeill teaches that environmental interdependence means the end of national sovereignty. It will provide the 'external necessity' for a world government with new laws and regulations aplenty." And if some nations don't rush to relinquish their sovereignty, remember erosion by the "steady encroachment on their sovereignty by the forces of economic interdependence."
'Dominating the leadership of the US Establishment was the Wall Street lawyer for both Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan, Elihu Root. Root was both chairman of the Carnegie Endowment and the first honorary chairman of the CFR. Orbiting Root were Morgan bank partners John W. Davis (CFR president 1921-33), Dwight Morrow, Thomas Lamont and Henry Davison, along with other legal powerhouses such as Paul Cravath, Norman Davis, Russell Leffifngwell, and Root's special protégé, Col. Henry L. Simson (FDR's Secretary of War)."
'In September 1987, in Denver, Colorado, there occurred a conference called the Fourth World Wilderness Conference. The 1500 delegates from 60 countries found upon arriving that a conference Declaration had been written for them, stating in part that, because more funding was needed for expanding conservation activities, "a new conservation banking program should be created to integrate international aid for environmental management into coherent common programs for recipient countries based on objective assessments of each country's resources and needs."
These words clearly were not written by whale lovers and tree huggers in attendance, but more likely by the most major of the several major actors that were found in attendance, who included not only David Rockefeller of the Chase Manhattan Bank, but even the seldom seen (in public) Baron Edmund de Rothschild, representing the interests of his 200-year-old international banking family. Abraham suggests that we best pay close attention.'
'In the Third World, we hark back to the fact of the Third World's unpayable debts, and listen to the conference's plan. It proposes that the WCB "act as intermediary between certain developing countries (e.g. Brazil) and multilateral or private banks (e.g. Chase) to transfer a specific debt (Brazil's debt to Chase) to the World Conservation Bank, thus substituting an existing doubtful debt on the bank's books (Brazil owes Chase) for a new loan to the WCB (WCB owes Chase) in return for having been relieved of its debt obligation, the debtor country (Brazil) would transfer to the WCB natural resource assets of 'equivalent value'..."
'The elites wish to reduce the targeted Third World populations to a bare subsistence level in order to reduce to a minimum the costs of producing the raw materials on the lands which the elites are presently trying to wrest from those target countries in the name of world environmentalism.'
'He (Abraham) notes that we should notes that we should not be surprised to find that the figures at the helm of each and every one of the major environmental foundations (such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Heritage Trust, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation, the Sierra Club, the World Wilderness Congress, Conservation International, and the Center for Earth Resource Analysis) are key members of the elite political organsations previously and repetitiously identified (i.e. the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission).'
"In May 1990 Daniel Wood interviewed Strong for West magazine. Strong presented the idea that the only way to save the planet from destruction is to see to it that the industrialised civilizations collapse...Wood recounts the conversation: Strong has a novel he'd like to do...In the novel's plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather... to attend meetings and set economics agendas for the year ahead..."What if" (says Strong) "a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it?"...Strong resumes his story. "The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilisations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?
"This group of world leaders," he continues, "form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse...These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets...and have engineered, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world's stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can't close. The rich countries..."
'By and large the environmental groups are active and moving into education. Abraham notes that these environmental groups involve not only private organisations, such as the National Audubon Society, but large corporate entities as well, including Dow Chemicals, AT&T, Exxon, and 3M. "Is it only an accident," asks Abraham, "that all (of these corporate entities) are also members of the National Wildlife Federation's Corporate Conservation Council as well as Maurice Strong's Business Council for Sustainable Development?" He winds up his discussion of the green indoctrination of our children with a look at Captain Planet and similar programs on children's TV.'
Global Warming on Mars?
A study of the ice caps on Mars may show that the red planet is experiencing a warming trend.
After decades of thinking that the ice caps on Mars were mostly carbon dioxide (dry ice), planetary geologists are starting to think that those caps may be mostly fresh water ice instead.
Caltech planetary scientists have been keeping a close eye on the dozens of deep, wide pits in the southern martian ice caps. These pits have been growing larger every year, but they never get any deeper.
The scientists believe this means that there is a layer of dry ice that is evaporating off of a thicker layer of water ice. The yearly increases in evaporation may be caused by a global warming trend happening on Mars.
If both Mars and Earth are experiencing global warming, then perhaps there is a larger phenomenon going on in the Solar System that is causing their global climates to change.
New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change
By Sara Goudarzi, Staff Writer, posted: 04 May 2006, 01:00 pm ET
A storm is brewing half a billion miles away and in a rare event, astronomers get to watch it closely.
Jupiter is growing a new red spot and the Hubble Space Telescope is photographing the scene. Backyard astronomers have been following the action, too.
"Red Spot Jr." as it is being called, formed after three white oval-shaped storms—two of which were at least 90 years old—merged between 1998 and 2000….
…The latest images could provide evidence that Jupiter is in the midst of a global change that can modify temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit on different parts of the globe.
The study was led jointly by Imke de Pater and Philip Marcus of University of California, Berkeley.
"The storm is growing in altitude," de Pater said. "Before when they were just ovals they didn't stick out above the clouds. Now they are rising."
This growth signals a temperature increase in that region, she said.
Study says sun getting hotter
WASHINGTON (AP) - The sun is getting hotter, adding heat to an Earth already thought to be warming from greenhouse gases.
Solar radiation reaching the Earth is 0.036 percent warmer than it was in 1986, when the current solar cycle was beginning, a researcher reports in a study to be published Friday in the journal Science. The finding is based on an analysis of satellites that measure the temperature of sunlight.
The increase is only a small fraction of the total heat from the sun, but in a century it would be enough to seriously aggravate problems of global warming thought to be caused by greenhouse gases, says Richard C. Willson of Columbia University's Center for Climate Systems Research.
Willson said that most researchers expect greenhouse gases to warm the planet by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the next 100 years. Solar irradiance could add another 0.72 degrees F and ''that is not an insignificant number. It is smaller than the greenhouse effect, but it is not trivial,'' he said.
''This is a significant increase,'' said John Firor of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. ''It would increase the rate at which we go into warming.''
Firor said that based on the current estimate of how greenhouse gases will warm the planet over the next century, the solar heat increase found by Willson would boost that warming trend by about 20 percent.
Although studies show that the Earth has warmed about one degree in the last century and the trend continues, there is a division among scientists about what is causing it. Some believe it is a natural cycle for the planet, unrelated to humans. Others blame the warming on an increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide from the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood.
At an international meeting in Japan in three months, the United States and other nations will debate the need to reduce the burning of fuels in order to slow global warming.
28 June 1998
Global Warming Detected on Triton
There may not be much industrial pollution on Neptune's largest moon, but things are hotting up nonetheless...
The Earth is not alone in suffering global warming. According to observations made by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and several ground-based instruments, temperatures on Neptune's largest moon have increased dramatically since the Voyager space probe swung by in 1989. So much so, in fact, that Triton's surface of frozen nitrogen is turning into gas, making its thin atmosphere denser by the day.
"At least since 1989, Triton has been undergoing a period of global warming," confirms astronomer James Elliot, professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Percentage-wise, it's a very large increase."…
…There are two possible explanations for the moon's warmer weather. One is that the frost pattern on Triton's surface may have changed over the years, absorbing more and more of the sun's warmth. The other is that changes in reflectivity of Triton's ice may have caused it to absorb more heat.
Climate-crisis industry out to cash in on greenhouse gas fears
Friday November 10, 2006
The Guardian
Kiwifruit is indeed under threat from green fundamentalism - as indeed may be the right of everyone of us to breath out about 2kg of CO2 a day. Jim Anderton, New Zealand minister of agriculture (Letters, November 7), would do better for his country and the world if, rather than plead his case with those who are drafting CO2 rules to curb his economy and impose more taxes, he challenged the false assumptions of global warming ideology.
Measurements (in ice cores and sea beds off New Zealand's shores, for example) show no evidence that changes in CO2 drive world temperatures or climate - indeed, it appears to be more generally the other way round. Sea temperatures generally govern changes in CO2 over very long (and some short) time scales. About 8,000 of the last 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age were warmer than now, and generally had less CO2 and lower sea levels. Interestingly, for 3,000 years - from the peak of the bronze age warmth 5,000 years ago (about 3C warmer than now) to the early Roman empire 2,000 years ago - world temperatures were falling while CO2 levels were rising.
It follows that humankind's CO2, which is no different from other CO2, is of no consequence in climate change. Despite the facts, global warming ideology is sold to us on the basis that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and so more of it means more warmth. But CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas, man's CO2 is only worth 1% of the total greenhouse effect, and plant life and the sea, not taxes and windmills, decide what happens to CO2
What happens to human CO2 - or any "extra" from volcanoes or upwelling sea water - is that it and/or its effects are absorbed and negated by feedback mechanisms of plants and the sea. As became clear at a recent conference in Stockholm, the overall climate machine is driven by much more powerful forces than man's activity, and particle and magnetic effects of the sun play a key role.
It is through this understanding that long-range weather forecasts, 12 months ahead, are now produced for Britain and Europe with a high degree of accuracy - while the CO2-based theories of climate and traditional meteorology only manage a week ahead. It is probable that climate forecasts - many years ahead - could be produced by developing our solar weather technique for a tiny investment compared with the charges the climate-crisis industry hopes for. Surely knowing what will happen is better than suffering through the greedy application of false theories and dogma.
Let's not get taken for a ride. Politicians are jumping on the climate-crisis bandwagon to justify tax hikes. The climate crisis industry hopes to make a lot of money through silly projects and carbon-credit trading which helps the west to dominate the developing world. Africa and the Arctic are being dishonestly used as emotional blackmail by self-interested green fundamentalists. Paying extra taxes or putting up a windmill will not help one jot. The honest application of science will.
Piers Corbyn
Weather Action (long-range forecasters)
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A CENTURY OF WAR: Anglo-American oil politics and the New World Order
William Engdahl
part of his argument is that the big oil companies and international banks instigated the 1970s oil price hikes not the Saudis. A 1973 Bilderberg meeting attended by top Westerm politicians and business people was informed of the price hikes before they happened by international banker, Lord Victor Rothschild, who was a research chief at BP at the time. High oil prices meant profits for oil companies and the US dollar as a world currency because oil was priced in dollars. The real rulers of the world are part of the Anglo-American establishment centred on Wall Street, the City of London and key industries like oil and the media.
Chapter 9, Running the world economy in reverse: Who made the 1970s oil shocks?
Developing the Anglo-American green agenda
'It was no accident that, following the oil shock recession of 1974-75, a growing part of the population of western Europe, especially in Germany, began talking for the first time in the postwar period about 'limits to growth', or threats to the environment, and began to question their faith in the principle of industrial growth and technological progress. Very few people realised the extent to which their new 'opinions' were being carefully manipulated from the top by a network established by the same Anglo-American finance and industry circles that lay behind the Saltsjobaden oil strategy.'
'Beginning in the 1970s, an awesome propaganda offensive was launched from select Anglo-American think tanks and journals, intended to shape a new 'limits to growth' agenda, which would ensure the 'success' of the dramatic oil shock strategy. The American oilman present at the May 1973 Saltsjobaden meeting of the Bilderberg group, Robert O. Anderson, was a central figure in the implementation of the ensuing Anglo-American ecological agenda. It was to become one of the most successful frauds in history.
'Anderson and his Atlantic Richfield Oil Co. funneled millions of dollars through their Atlantic Richfield Foundation into select organisations to target nuclear energy. One of the prime beneficiaries of Anderson's largesse was a group called Friends of the Earth, which was organised in this time with a $200,000 grant from Anderson.'
'The director of Friends of the Earth in France, Brice Lalonde, was the Paris partner of the Rockefeller (oil and banks) family law firm Coudert Brothers, and became Mitterand's environment minister in 1989.'
'British uranium mining giant Rio Tinto Zinc secretly deployed Friends of the Earth in Australia to mobilise opposition to the pending Japanese agreement (on uranium), resulting some months later in the fall of Whitlam's government, Friends of the Earth had 'friends' in very high places in London and Washington.'
'From the outset, the June 1972 Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment was run by operatives of Anderson's Aspen Institute. Aspen board member Maurice Strong, a Canadian oilman from Petro-Canada, chaired the Stockholm conference. Aspen also provided financing to create an international zero-growth network under UN auspices, the International Institute for Environment and Development, whose board included Robert O. Anderson, Robert McNamara, Strong and British Labour Party's Roy Jenkins. The new organisation immediately produced a book, 'Only one Earth', by Rockefeller University associate Rene Dubos and British Malthusian Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson).'
'Among the groups which were funded by these people at the time were organisations including the ultra-elitist World Wildlife Fund, then chaired by the Bilderberg's Prince Bernhard and later by Royal Dutch Shell's John Loudon.'
'With Anderson as chairman and Atlantic Richfield head Thomson Bradshaw as vice-chairman, the Aspen Institute in the early 1970s was a major financial conduit for the creation of the establishment's new antinuclear agenda.
'Had the 1974 oil crisis not raised the market price of oil to $11.65 per barrel or thereabouts, Anderson's investments in the North Sea and Alaska, as well as those of British Petroleum, Exxon and the others would have brought financial ruin. To ensure a friendly press voice in Britain, Anderson at this time purchased the London Observer. Vitually no one asked in Anderson and his influential friends might have known in advance that Kissinger would create the conditions for 400 per cent oil price rise.'
'So as not to leave any zero-growth stone unturned, Robert O. Anderson also contributed significant funds to a project initiated by the Rockfeller family at the Rockefeller's estate at Bellagio, Italy, with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King. In 1972, this Club of Rome, gave widespread publicity to their publication of a scientifically fraudulent computer simulation prepared by Dennis Meadow and Jay Forrester, titled 'Limits to Growth'. Meadows and Forrester added modern computer graphics to the discredited essay of Malthus, insisting that the world would soon perish for lack of adequate energy, food and other resources. As did Malthus, they chose to ignore the impact of technological progress on improving the human condition. Their message was one of unmitigated gloom and cultural pessimism.'
'One of the most targeted countries for this new Anglo-American antinuclear offensive was Germany. While France's nuclear program was equally if not more ambitious, Germany was deemed an area where Anglo-American intelligence assets had better likelihood of success, given their history in the postwar occupation of the Federal Republic. Almost as soon as the ink had dried on the Schmidt government's 1975 nuclear development program, an offensive was launched.'
'A key operative in this new project was a young woman with a German mother and an American stepfather, who had lived in the United States until 1970, working for US Senator Hubert Humphrey, among other things. Petra K Kelly had developed close ties in her US years with one of the principal new Anglo-American antinuclear organisations created by McGeorge Bundy's Ford Foundation, the Natural Resources Defense Council. The Natural Resources Defense Council included Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson) and Laurence Rockefeller among its board members at the time. In Germany, Kelly began organising legal assaults against the construction of the German nuclear program during the mid-1970s, resulting in costly delays and eventual large cuts in the entire German nuclear plan.'
Population control becomes a US national security issue
'In 1798 an obscure English clergyman, Thomas Malthus, professor of political economy in the employ of the British East India Company's East India College at Haileybury, was given instant fame by his English sponsors for his 'Essay on the Principle of Population'. The essay itself was a scientific fraud, plagiarised largely from a Venetian attack on the positive population theory of American Benjamin Franklin.
The Venetian attack on Franklin's essay had been written by Gianmaria Ortes in 1774. Malthus' adaptation of Ortes' 'theory' was refined with a facade of mathematical legitimacy which he called the 'law of geometric progression', which
he called the invariably expanded geometrically, while the means of subsistence were arithmetically limited, or linear. The flaw in Malthus' argument, as demonstrated irrefutably by the spectacular growth of civilization, technology and agriculture productivity since 1978, was Malthus' deliberate ignoring of the contributing of advances in science and technology to dramatically improve such factors as crop yields, labour productivity and the like.'
'By mid-1970s, as an indication of the effectiveness of the new propaganda onslaught from the Anglo-American establishment, American government officials were openly boasting in public press conferences that they were committed 'neo-Malthusians', something for which they would have been laughed out of office a mere or so earlier. But nowhere did the new embrace of British Malthusian economics in the United States show itself more brutality than in Kissinger's National Security Council.'
'On October 16, 1975, on Kissinger's urging, President Gerald Ford issued a memorandum confirming the need for 'US leadership in world population matters', based on the contents of the classified NSSM 200 document. The document made Malthusianism, for the first time in American history, an explicit item of security policy of the government of the United States.'
'NSSM 200 argued that population expansion in select developing countries which also contain key strategic resources necessary to the US economy posed potential US 'national security threats'. The study warned that, under pressure from expanding domestic populations, countries with essential raw materials will tend to demand higher prices and better terms of trade for their exports ot the United States. In this context, NSSM 200 identified a target list of 13 countries singled out as 'strategic targets' for US efforts at population control. The list, which was drawn up in 1974, is instructive. No doubt, as with other major decisions of Kissinger, the selection of countries was made after close consultation with the British Foreign Office.'
'The 13 target countries named by Kissinger's study were Brazil, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia.'
Extracts from -
Alan B. Jones
Chapter 8 'The Greening'
(The Iron Mountain report was eventually declared a hoax by the people who wrote it. But many of the report's proposals are nonetheless with us today. Iron Mountain was the analysis and proposals of a secret, influential study group in the 1960s. It was said to be commissioned by wealthy and powerful elites who operate behind the scenes. It looked at how to maintain social control without war. War was thought to: i. give governments power over people; ii. maintain social stratification; iii. waste money so as the poor don’t get it; iv. reduce populations etc. Proposals to replace war included: the space race; social spending; the cold war and the environment.)
'The subtitle of (Larry) Abraham's book ('The Greening', 1992) is 'The Environmentalists' Drive for Global Power', and describes how the war-substitute that appeared most feasible to the Iron Mountain study group has been converted into an action program.'
'The environmental issue has clearly been selected as the major policy initiative to be developed. Recall that the Iron Mountain report expressed doubt that this issue would prove to be viable if dealt with only on its inherent merits, since the public would not likely view a sullied environment as a sufficiently severe threat to justify spending massive amounts of money on it, much less give up one's life in such a cause. It might be possible, however, to enhance the environmental threat, or even to invent a fake issue if an appropriate real one could not be found, though the conferees thought it better not to further discuss such possibilities in their written report.'
'In the first few pages of his book, Abraham plainly states his fundamental thesis. The real goal of the secret elites, he says, "is nothing less than to control natural resources worldwide. The Insiders of Environmentalism realise - even if many innocent bystanders do not - that the wealth of the world consists of the things that men take form the earth, and they want to control it all... For what is now being unleashed in the name of 'saving the earth' is nothing less than the most historic grab for power in all of human history."
'In April 1970 there also appeared an article by insider George F Kennan in the Council on Foreign Relations' journal 'Foreign Affairs', entitled 'To Prevent a World Wasteland...A Proposal'. The article, no doubt written for the edification of the worker bees in the fields of the elites, was nothing less than the concrete plan for implementing the environmental project suggested by the Iron Mountain Special Study Group...'
'...Just in case the Establishment workers still don't get it, Kennan specifically spells out the environmental issue is to replace society's fixation on the then-current Cold War, of which Kennan was a major architect, as Abraham clearly document. Kennan emotes: "Not only the international scientific community but the world at large has great need, at this dark hour, of a new and more promising focus of attention. The great communist and Western powers, particularly, have need to replace the waning fixation for the cold war with interests which they can pursue in common and to everyone's benefit. For young people the world over, some new opening of hope and creativity is becoming an urgent spiritual necessity. Could there, one wonders, be any undertaking better designed to meet these needs, to relieve the great convulsions of anxiety and ingrained hostility that now rack international society, than a major international effort to restore the hope, the beauty, and the salubriousness of the international environment in which man has his being?"'
It appears in a 1991 book by Jim MacNeil called Beyond Interdependence: 'The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology', published by the Trilateral Commission, and containing a foreword by David Rockefeller himself. The book lays out the major goal to be sought at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit meeting then being planned: "The major purpose of this conference is to launch a global transition to sustainable development."
"Sustainable growth" says Abraham is "Insider jargon for Green de-industrialisation, global cartelisation of natural resources, and international control of the world's economy... It is a new synonym for Iron Mountain's 'stability', i.e., perpetuating Insider control." We have referred to the same term as "social stability", meaning "keeping the Low's in poverty and the High's in power, forever."
"Politically," says Abraham, "MacNeill teaches that environmental interdependence means the end of national sovereignty. It will provide the 'external necessity' for a world government with new laws and regulations aplenty." And if some nations don't rush to relinquish their sovereignty, remember erosion by the "steady encroachment on their sovereignty by the forces of economic interdependence."
'Dominating the leadership of the US Establishment was the Wall Street lawyer for both Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan, Elihu Root. Root was both chairman of the Carnegie Endowment and the first honorary chairman of the CFR. Orbiting Root were Morgan bank partners John W. Davis (CFR president 1921-33), Dwight Morrow, Thomas Lamont and Henry Davison, along with other legal powerhouses such as Paul Cravath, Norman Davis, Russell Leffifngwell, and Root's special protégé, Col. Henry L. Simson (FDR's Secretary of War)."
'In September 1987, in Denver, Colorado, there occurred a conference called the Fourth World Wilderness Conference. The 1500 delegates from 60 countries found upon arriving that a conference Declaration had been written for them, stating in part that, because more funding was needed for expanding conservation activities, "a new conservation banking program should be created to integrate international aid for environmental management into coherent common programs for recipient countries based on objective assessments of each country's resources and needs."
These words clearly were not written by whale lovers and tree huggers in attendance, but more likely by the most major of the several major actors that were found in attendance, who included not only David Rockefeller of the Chase Manhattan Bank, but even the seldom seen (in public) Baron Edmund de Rothschild, representing the interests of his 200-year-old international banking family. Abraham suggests that we best pay close attention.'
'In the Third World, we hark back to the fact of the Third World's unpayable debts, and listen to the conference's plan. It proposes that the WCB "act as intermediary between certain developing countries (e.g. Brazil) and multilateral or private banks (e.g. Chase) to transfer a specific debt (Brazil's debt to Chase) to the World Conservation Bank, thus substituting an existing doubtful debt on the bank's books (Brazil owes Chase) for a new loan to the WCB (WCB owes Chase) in return for having been relieved of its debt obligation, the debtor country (Brazil) would transfer to the WCB natural resource assets of 'equivalent value'..."
'The elites wish to reduce the targeted Third World populations to a bare subsistence level in order to reduce to a minimum the costs of producing the raw materials on the lands which the elites are presently trying to wrest from those target countries in the name of world environmentalism.'
'He (Abraham) notes that we should notes that we should not be surprised to find that the figures at the helm of each and every one of the major environmental foundations (such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Heritage Trust, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Federation, the Sierra Club, the World Wilderness Congress, Conservation International, and the Center for Earth Resource Analysis) are key members of the elite political organsations previously and repetitiously identified (i.e. the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the Trilateral Commission).'
"In May 1990 Daniel Wood interviewed Strong for West magazine. Strong presented the idea that the only way to save the planet from destruction is to see to it that the industrialised civilizations collapse...Wood recounts the conversation: Strong has a novel he'd like to do...In the novel's plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather... to attend meetings and set economics agendas for the year ahead..."What if" (says Strong) "a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it?"...Strong resumes his story. "The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilisations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?
"This group of world leaders," he continues, "form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse...These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets...and have engineered, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world's stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can't close. The rich countries..."
'By and large the environmental groups are active and moving into education. Abraham notes that these environmental groups involve not only private organisations, such as the National Audubon Society, but large corporate entities as well, including Dow Chemicals, AT&T, Exxon, and 3M. "Is it only an accident," asks Abraham, "that all (of these corporate entities) are also members of the National Wildlife Federation's Corporate Conservation Council as well as Maurice Strong's Business Council for Sustainable Development?" He winds up his discussion of the green indoctrination of our children with a look at Captain Planet and similar programs on children's TV.'