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Green Seniors : Launch Of A New Concept

Joyce Emery | 07.12.2006 18:41 | Climate Chaos | Ecology

Green Seniors launched on Friday 1st December. Here is a little about what we hope will mobilise a completely different type of environmental campaigner.

Green Seniors is based on the belief that there are thousands of people in the world who care about the natural environment, have some time to spare, and want to do something to try and fix the problems that we have created.

We know that global warming is real; it has been made far worse by greenhouse gases building up in Earth's atmosphere; and the burning of fossil fuels, the loss of our forests and many other human activities are causing this.

Carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, stays in the atmosphere for up to 200 years. Right now the oceans and soil are absorbing much of the excess carbon, but in a couple of decades these "sinks" will be full, and we will still be pumping ever more carbon into the atmosphere. Other gases like methane and nitrous oxide are making the problem even worse, and it will get worse...

The people of Earth must do everything they can, as soon as possible, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help nature to protect us from the consequences. Every nation. Every state or city. Every business. Every home. Every person.

Green Seniors will explain in simple terms what we can do, show what other people are doing, and put people in touch with others who feel the same.

People everywhere are learning what they can do and doing what they can. Retired persons ("Green Seniors") have a special opportunity to make a difference for future generations. Visit this site often and get going! Your grandchildren will cherish you for it. An inhabitable world is the most important legacy we can give them.

For more information please visit the web site :

Joyce Emery
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