Antifascist movement in Germany discussion + lecture
Antifascist | 07.12.2006 12:46 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Sheffield
There will be a discussion and lecutre about the Antifascist movement in Germany on friday 8th of decembre 6:30 at mooreen social centre
On Friday the 8th of December there will be a lecture and discussion about the antifascist movement and the radical left in germany with an activist from Germany at the Mooreen social centre. We will try to show you how the antifascist movement developt over the last 20 years and where it is today. After this we hope to have a discussion what we can lern from each other, and how successfull which method of fighting fascism was.
so Fr 8th 6:30 Mooreen Social Centre, hope to see you there!
so Fr 8th 6:30 Mooreen Social Centre, hope to see you there!