Manchester Demo Against Deportations and Repression in Ethiopia
Jason | 07.12.2006 10:15 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | Liverpool
About 40 people, mainly from Manchester's Ethiopian community, joined a protest against all deportations in particualr highlighting repression in Ethiopia
Last Saturday, December 2nd, we had a fairly successful demonstration in Manchester with around 40 people, mostly from the local Ethiopian community, demonstrating against all deportations and highlighting human rights abuses in Ethiopia where last year hundreds were massacred following fraudelent elections and up to 40 000 people imprisoned.
This followed a 120 strong meeting the week before highlithing the persucution of the Ethiopian Teachers' Association, other trades unions and democracy activists.
The demo itself also highlighted the particular case of Dr Minutet Menjeta who was snatched last week from her home in Liverpool, taken to Dungavel and then to Yarlswood due for deportation earlier this week. Fortunately a strong support network partly emanating from Asylum Link in Liverpool and the wider movement has so far helped to stay Dr Minutet's deportation.
Details are attached of how to further help. There's also an Ethiopian asylum seekers support group contactable at
All the participatns of the demo I sdpoke to agreed that we need to get bigger and more militant but that migrants are beginning to organise themselves against these outrages. It is absolutely essential that the wider labour movement begins to support migrants against these attacks and the attacks on ESOL and the whole other battery of racist measures.
This followed a 120 strong meeting the week before highlithing the persucution of the Ethiopian Teachers' Association, other trades unions and democracy activists.
The demo itself also highlighted the particular case of Dr Minutet Menjeta who was snatched last week from her home in Liverpool, taken to Dungavel and then to Yarlswood due for deportation earlier this week. Fortunately a strong support network partly emanating from Asylum Link in Liverpool and the wider movement has so far helped to stay Dr Minutet's deportation.
Details are attached of how to further help. There's also an Ethiopian asylum seekers support group contactable at

All the participatns of the demo I sdpoke to agreed that we need to get bigger and more militant but that migrants are beginning to organise themselves against these outrages. It is absolutely essential that the wider labour movement begins to support migrants against these attacks and the attacks on ESOL and the whole other battery of racist measures.