BNP Attacks The Irish
Antifascist | 03.12.2006 10:58 | Anti-racism
Never known for having much sense, the British National Party's Peter 'Sid' Williamson is now hitting out at the Irish. Williamson, a hardline Nazi, was welcomed into the British National Party after a personal meeting with Nick Griffin. Since then he has toned down his more outrageous outbursts on the Nazi 'Vanguard News Network' forum, the UK section of which he moderated, until being sacked a few days ago. He even deleted hundreds of his posts, celebrating the Holocaust, supporting the Brixton Bomber, and basically hitting out at anyone who didn't have a lily-coloured skin to match his lily-liver - though even the Poles came in for some stick (along with the Jews of course.) Williamson really is a raving mad bigot! Now, he is hitting out at the Irish, posting: " "those pig thick fuckin Oirish bastards, talk about stupid, they starved coz there was no spuds! Closest thing in the white world to a nigger is a spud munching thick fucking Paddy.". This is the real face of the BNP, behind Griffin's oily smile, sit raving fascists like Sid Williamson.
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03.12.2006 11:13
Not long ago he had this to say about Nazi propagandist William Joyce AKA Lord Haw-Haw: “A proud and brave man. Resolute and steadfast in his beliefs until the very end.” Williamson is clearly too thick to know that his hero was Irish, as indeed was the father of his old BPP fuhrer, Eddy Morrison.
What utter nonsense.
03.12.2006 12:58
Then you have Colin Auty's mum who was Irish, Frank Atack's dad and Nick Cass's grandad who is also of Irish descent.
Which is the real face of the BNP. Is it sid Williamson with his pathetic comments on the Irish or these guys who are all part Irish and helped secure the highest vote for the BNP in any town in Britain - Dewsbury.
If the BNP is anti Irish why are these guys with Irish descent involved?
Because the BNP is not anti Irish. Sid williamson may well be but he is only one person in thousands and has no voice. Just another pathetic gripe at the BNP because pathetic gripes like this are all the extreme left has.
You have lost the argument, and you are very sad.
Paul Royler
What rubbish
03.12.2006 13:38
Antifascist News on Indymedia
03.12.2006 13:43
Red N Black
Prove your Socialists
03.12.2006 14:17
How can this be right and just? Surely a dedicated Socialist would be reviled at the prospect of another paying the price for their ideology, no, it must be you the people who want immigration who must pay for it, your jobs must be forfeit.
It is not enough to say that you agree with immigration and protest in its name, you must prove yourself by giving of yourself, yes, give up your job to an immigrant, unless you want to be perpetually tarred with the comment of plastic Socialist wannabe.
The same goes for the Christian block who insist on welcoming the immigrants and indeed actively promote their admittance to this country, you must give of yourselves, do you expect someone else to place a coin in the collection plate in church in place of you, no, of course not, so why should someone else pay for your ideology, come on lets be having those resignations, for the good of the poor immigrants.
Shame on you all
Call this news?
03.12.2006 19:47
Why try to present one nutters stupid thoughts as some kind of reflection of national policy for the party?
Why even give them the space and time? They clearly are not worth it.
Copying a few choice lines from these sad idiots white supremacy forum and posting them here as news is really scraping the barrel. What about sticking to reporting what anti-facists are doing rather than generating a platform for those tosers to speak on here?
"Fash are scum - SHOCKER!!"
Damn !
03.12.2006 22:44
Williamson has recently become chums with arch enemy Tommy Williams, another of Sheffields claimed racists. Not long ago those two were at loggerheads, but when they both met at recent RWB both shook hands and made up. So much for the big event.
None of the above so called facists are worth writing about, they're boring incoherent. And watch them both get booted from VNN. Slandering Alex Linder and he runs VNN.
BNP ......
04.12.2006 19:20
seriously though , apart from mad ramblings of El Sid- BNP seem to keep cleasr or irish politics nowdays....
peter barker
05.12.2006 13:35
Peter Barker
05.12.2006 16:49
Oirish - Chantroll Hall
05.12.2006 17:02
05.12.2006 22:32
is it true
06.12.2006 22:14
Nick Cass loves the Irish
07.12.2006 12:47
I should join you muppets then because we would have at least one thing in common.
As you hate yourselves. you hate yourselves for being white, British and european. What a pathetic bunch of jokers you are.
Happy Christmas. Oops sorry you dont celebrate Christmas do you. Happy Diwali!
Your mate.
Nick cass
Peter Barker
07.12.2006 15:54
The evidence against this person is overwhelming, even his internet postings are damming. The thing that alerted most clued up Fascists to modus operandi was the trial of another Fascist where he and a family member were to be key witnesses; the accused would have been better advised to call on Mr.Gable as a witness, the result was very predictable; Fascist receives lengthy prison sentence.
The person that calls himself, John Charnley, Terry Allen, Spike, Heavens Above, Stetson, Billy Whizz, North West Nationalists, Rochdale BNP, Preston BNP, and many other names is now feeling desperate. When recruited by spooks, it is known you do have to earn your beer money and come up with results. The only information he now gets is from a few disenfranchised Burnley BNP members and general internet gossip. He now finds himself in a situation where his target group, the BNP have frozen him out. It is as if the BNP are sat in a restaurant all cosy and warm and he is stood outside in the cold and rain with his nose pressed against the window wishing he was in there with them.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Peter Barker
07.12.2006 16:56
Both Leftwing and Rightwing beware a state spy holds no prejudice he collects information on both sides of the fence we all know the state watch leftwingers as much as they do rightwingers i refer back to the actress Vanessa Redgrave her Socialist gatherings which allowed undercover police disguised as "hippy types"(long hair long beards) to infiltrate and monitor the group and those connected to it supporters and opponents alike.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Barker cont.
07.12.2006 18:47
07.12.2006 23:18
09.12.2006 20:15
by Peter Lazenby
A RACIST who admitted possessing material which included a “Blackshirts Rise Again” compact disc and other racist written material is to undergo a psychiatric assessment before being sentenced by a Leeds court.
Antony James White, 34, of Bramley, Leeds, pleaded guilty to seven charges of possessing or distributing racially inflammatory material in West Yorkshire when he appeared at Leeds Crown Court. Two other charges were withdrawn.
White replied “guilty” to each of the seven charges as they were read out in court. The charges related to material that was threatening, abusive or insulting, which could stir up racial hatred. The material included a book, CD, DVD, images and flyers and stickers.
He was granted bail to appear for sentencing back at Leeds Crown Court in the week beginning December 11. The prosecution said the offences took place in 2003 and 2004.
Bail was granted on condition that White remains in residence at his home, and that he co-operates in the preparation of a psychiatric report.
The court heard that White had in 2003 received a prison sentence after distributing racist material to schoolchildren on a bus.
White was told yesterday that particularly considering his previous conviction the court was considering a custodial sentence “as the first option.”
Mark C
Nick Cass Is A Wanker!
29.12.2006 08:23
Nick Cass, why oh why do you post on Indymedia, loser? Surely you should be sticking to Stormponce or VNN.
You're such a coward taking pictures for Redwatch. You're almost as cowardly as Sid Williamson.
And your wife is ugly, too!!!
Auntie Beeb
Nick Cass And Watmough
29.12.2006 08:28
Even BNP bigwigs take the piss. They call you an "ugly wanker". That's their words, not mine.
Thanks for the insults
03.01.2007 21:50
And you call me gutless, really. I post on this site occasionally when articles about me or my area are being lied about, and under my own name not some silly pretend names.
You know who i am, you know where i live. If you have any balls come along and say hello. The left used to have some hard cases involved when my dad was one of you. Where have they all gone?
If the Irish lot who play for Dewsbury Celtic at the Nash hate me so much and my ideals give them my address. I am sure the lads who i grew up with and drink with when i lived in Westborough who represent the club or whos kids play in the junior leagues will be more than happy to meet me.
I am anti-Irish as well am i? Pull the other one you boring set. People in Dewsbury know what we are all about and know what we stand for. This is why the BNP has the potential for a victory at the next general election.
You are all piss and wind, and i and my friends provide hope..
Nick Cass
04.01.2007 15:02
Howdy, Loser Greetings from Hell!!!!!
Most Irish people remember the collusion between the BNP and the Loyalist death squads.
Sectarian also beat up Celtic supporters for being Catholic, you fool!
I guess worshipping Hitler, makes you forget things. I think they call this "revisionist history" like denying the Holocaust happened, Cass, you neo-Naz loser.
Get off Indymedia, and return to Stormponce, you ponce.
Sham Rok
when will you lot wake up
06.09.2007 23:26
The British people will one day see stright through all the bull shit before its too late.
an ex pitman
Barnsley Bill
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