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National Front march

Zeberdee | 01.12.2006 12:44

Fash Scum Parade

Saturday 2nd December 2006


Great Yarmouth Train Station

The scum are marching in support of Thomas Holmes who was recently found guilty of racist abuse.



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Stand up to the cowardly scumbags!

01.12.2006 20:57

The NF may be a spent force in 'Nationalist' terms but in their ever decreasing circles are some of the most putrid excuses for human beings dragging their knuckles on the streets of Britain.

Hope they get what's coming to them.


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03.12.2006 16:13

Well, just to say i was on that march, and it was great. Only 3 of your communist friends managed to show there support for your liberal views, and they managed to keep on singing anti-BMP songs, even though there was a massive NF banner at the front of the march!!! Just shows the average intelligence of the average commie!!!!

The number of people beeping horns to show support was amazing, people shouting encouragement all the way along the route was great!!!

"There ain't no black on the Union Jack!"

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Tuss off.

03.12.2006 19:12

Your a lying little racist arent you bollockhead! You managed to produce around 20 people! Ha!Ha! 3 people in the counter demonstration?Oh dear you really are living in a Wagner opera aren't you sweetheart!


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03.12.2006 19:39

20 people, each holding a Union Jack, being cheered on by the people of Gt Yarmouth is still better that 2 smelly lesbians and a nonce, each holding a crappy A4 piece of paper, isn't it???

Were you at the march out of interest?

And never call me sweetheart, you marxist dyke :-)


A far more accurate detail of events...

03.12.2006 23:24

than from the fingertips of a lying stinking fascist can be found here

The NF really were a sight to behold....cough.


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well if it's on a website it must be true!!!!!

04.12.2006 00:18

So, some communist writes a pissy article full of lies, well fucking done. Why don't you bugger off back to your shitty bedsite, take some drugs and die quietly. People like you disgrace OUR country and you traitors should all be shot. I'd love to meet the prick that wrote that piss-poor attempt at an article. Since you weren’t there antifascist, why bother commenting on it, if the only piece of information you are relying on was "wrote" by some homosexual red.

Go skulk back to your commune and screw you same sex partner. Dickhead


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A Report

07.12.2006 11:24

I today posted a full report of this activity, but the communistic Nazis in Indymedia immediately hid it. Their apparent independence is a smokescreen to get across messages that lean to the Left and refuse those that lean to the Right. Shame on you. And you call us fascists? Look up the true definition, people -not that what the state programmes you with.

Richard Lee: Press Officer, National Front
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