The Grand masters of Moral Inversion: another case history
TW | 01.12.2006 03:36
The following full-page advertisement appeared on page 42 of the May 14, 1947 edition of the New York Post. It was penned by prominent playwright Ben Hecht, co-chairman of the American League for a Free Palestine. This ad led to a formal complaint from the British government to the Truman administration, objecting to shameless U.S. public campaigns to support certain Jewish criminal undergrounds in Palestine. To the brits’ eyes, the line “We are out to raise millions for you” was particularly incriminating. Truman took action on these complaints, whereupon the criminals began attacking US targets as well!
Here’s the text of the ad, verbatim:
Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine
My Brave Friends,
You may not believe what I write you, for there is a lot of
fertilizer in the air at the moment.
But, on my word as an old reporter, what I write is true.
The Jews of America are for you.
You are their champions.
You are the grin they wear.
You are the feather in their hats
In the past fifteen hundred years every nation of Europe has
taken a crack at the Jews.
This time the British are at bat.
You are the first answer that makes sense—to the New world.
Every time you blow up a British arsenal, or wreck a British
jail, or send a British railroad train sky high, or rob a British bank,
or let go with your guns and bombs at the British betrayers and
invaders of your homeland, the Jews of America make a little holiday
in their hearts.
Not all the Jews, of course.
The only time the Jews present a United Front is when they
lie piled by the millions in the massacre pits.
I shenck you this front.
I like yours better.
Historically, the corpses of the Jews are very impressive as to
numbers. But they are not a monument to Jewish valor.
They are a monument only to the brutality of the Europeans who
piled them up.
The Jews of America are for you because the corpse of an Irgun
soldier is a unique and very high class type of Jewish corpse.
The corpse of Dov Gruner hanging from a British gallows is
not a monument to the British brutality that strangled him.
It is a monument to the Hebrew valor that fights for a home-
land of its own—and for the dignity of all Jews such as myself who
have a homeland elsewhere.
Brave friends, I can imagine you wondering, “If the Jews of
America are behind us why don’t they help us with their support
and money?”
This is a legitimate curiosity. I’ll try to answer it.
It so happens that a certain small percentage of the Jews of
America are not behind you—yet.
(Remember you haven’t won yet.)
Unfortunately, this small percentage includes practically all the
rich Jews of America, all the important ones, all the influential ones,
all the heads of nearly all the Jewish organizations whom the Amer-
ican newspapers call—“the Jewish leaders.”
They’re all against.
Every time you throw a punch at the British betrayers of your
homeland, nearly all these Jews have a collective conniption fit.
They ululate and deplore.
They rush in waving white handkerchiefs and alibis.
They didn’t do it—not they!
Respectable people don’t fight. They gabble.
This exhibition of weak stomachs, weak minds, and weak spines
would be the blackest mark ever pasted on the word Jew—were it
only a Jewish exhibition.
Luckily for the Jews, history lightens their shameful antics.
History tells us (a little sadly) that respectability and wealth
never line up with a revolution—or a fighting minority.
The American Revolutionary Army under George Washington
went a long time without shoes, guns, or food.
The respectable and wealthy American Colonists preferred British
admiration to liberty and freedom.
They thought it was bad taste to fight for such things—against
the British, of all people. And they wouldn’t kick in a dime.
In fact they proved their respectability by playing informer to
the British.
You can see how little respectability has changed since 1776.
There’s another side to Jewish respectability. I’ll tell you a
story that illustrates it.
I went to see the Max Schmeling – Max Baer world championship
fight with an important Jewish Hollywood tycoon.
He sat beside me for nine rounds without raising his head to
look at the ring.
He couldn’t bear the spectacle of a Jew being beaten by a
But on the tenth round my Hollywood friend looked at the ring.
He not only looked. He jumped and cheered. He cheered so
long and so loud that he was hoarse for three days.
Schmeling was on his back and the referee was counting him
out. He didn’t look good.
Max Baer, with the Star of David stitched on his trunks, was
upright and grinning in a neutral corner. He looked fine.
Brave friends, I can promise you that all the respectable and
wealthy Jewish personalities will be on their feet cheering far you—in
Round Ten.
They’ll all be for you when you don’t need them.
That’s the history of respectable people and Nervous Nellies,
whatever their nationality.
Right now all the respectability of the Jews is handsomely engaged
in cooing before the Court of Nations.
Let me tell you what the Jews of America, such as myself, think
of these capers.
It may give you a chuckle between jail deliveries.
We are aware that the British pulled the U.N.O. trick because
they were frightened of you.
They were afraid that your gallant and desperate fight for your
homeland would gather to you the sympathy of the world.
It looked as of the cheering sections were for you.
So they took the ball out of play by handing it to the referee—
who was a personal friend.
The British figured that the sound of Jewish gabble before a
world court would drown out the sound of Hebrew guns in Palestine.
Let me assure you, my brave friends, that it hasn’t and it won’t.
True enough, Jewish respectability is making a bit of noise at
the moment.
Our “Jewish leaders” are pleading for a Jewish sanctuary in
fine and measured strophes.
They are not nearly as hot-headed about it as were the bird
lovers of America who a few years ago pleaded for a sanctuary for
the vanishing penguin.
But, barring a little steam, they are much alike.
They want a sanctuary where the Jews of Europe can all stand
on a rock and eat philanthropy-fish till the Messiah arrives.
These Jewish Penguin Patriots are very proud for the moment
because Somebody is listening to them.
Not the British or the Arabs, of course, who stand ready to
shoot down Jews whether they turn into Penguins or Dodo birds.
And, thank God—not you!
The fact that you are keeping to your gallant fight against the
British invaders is the sanest and healthiest thing that has happened
to the battered Hebrew cause in 1500 years.
Not the gabble of respectable Jews, but your fight is the history
of tomorrow.
It will be your fight that will win for the Jews of the world
what they have never had—the respect of their enemies—and a land
more honorable thin a bird sanctuary.
Brave friends, we are working to help you.
We are raising funds for you.
We are ringing doorbells and peddling your cause and passing
the hat and trying to lift the heads of oar Jewish respectables to
have a look at the ring—before Round Seven
It’s tough going—even on the fringe of a fight for freedom. So
forgive us if our take is a little meager for the time.
The rich Jews are pouring millions into the business of feeding
the survivors of the German massacre.
Jewish wealth and respectability are fearlessly rushing sand-
wiches to them.
But, for a change, the Jews of America hear more than Jewish
groans to solace.
We hear Hebrew courage.
We hear a battle cry that rises above the pathetic gabble in Flush-
ing Meadows.*
We hear brave men fighting on despite torture, calumny, low sup-
plies, and overwhelming odds!
We hear you.
We are out to raise millions for you.
And the money is coming in—not from Jews alone but from
all Americans.
Because America is not a Fact Finding Commission and a State
America is a dream of freedom in the hearts of its millions and
a cheer for all brave men who fight its never ending battle. Hang
on. brave friends, our money is on its way.
Yours as ever,
Ben Hecht
Only the heroic battle in Palestine will decide the issue. Only your
money can swing the tide of battle. Be you Christian or Jew, be you a
veteran of the last war, the parent of a boy or girl, a rich man or a laborer
—you have a stake in Palestine. The fighting Resistance is holding the
front line for all. $500 will buy a surgical kit. $25 will buy clothing for a
fighter or someone in his family. Your money is nourishment, plasma,
and survival. Your money is the only bridge to victory. Send in your
check today for the liberation and dignity of the Hebrew Nation.
(Reprints and Advertising Mats Are Available on Request)
Stella Adler
Konrad Bercovici
Louis Bromfield
Russell Gordon Carter
Lester Cohen
Alan Corelli
Mordecai Danzis
Paul Eldridqe
Frances Gunther
Ben Hecht
Nathan George Harwitt
Prof. Constantine Panunzio
Andrew L. Somers, M.C.
Arthur Szyk
Alex Witt [brother of convicted communist spy Nathan Witt]
Isaac Zoar
(And Others)
The cost of this advertisement was contributed as a pub-
lic service by Mr. Walter Kirschner of Indio, California
*[note: this was before construction of the present U.N. complex on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. At the time of Hecht’s writing, the United Nations, now in its second year of existence, had just launched special sessions to address the ‘Palestine Question,’ convened in temporary facilities far out in Queens. This body would not render its final judgments until late November / early December of the same year. Even at this most embryonic stage, then, zionist cranks in the U.S. and elsewhere were already registering utter contempt for the very concept of U.N. legal authority over Palestine. This voids their present claims that this contempt, still in full evidence today, is primarily a *reaction_to* the U.N.’s track record on Palestine *since* this ad’s publication. In fact, the contempt came first. The actual source would seem to be the closed totalitarian attitude, already well-established among Jewish chauvinists, that the fate of Palestine/Israel was no one’s business but theirs. This has been taken even to the incredible Stalinist extreme of ex post facto annihilation of the history of Arab residency there, as seen in Joan Peters’ notorious text ‘From Time Immemorial.’ Since the U.N. is dominated by non-Jews and thus unresponsive to Jewish particularist desires, these chauvinists are bound to regard as farcical any assertion of its authority over the area. This is precisely the tone of Hecht’s comment. This jibes also with the identical contempt displayed by the so-called “Neocons” – Jewish-American zionist ideologues and their flagrantly corrupt gentile collaborators, e.g. Bolton, Cheney, etc. -TW].
Speaking of ‘fertilizer in the air,’ what exactly was the distinguished Mr. Hecht crowing so magniloquently about? The following is a digest of terrorist acts in Palestine up to and during this period, committed by the Big Three zionist terror gangs – Haganah, Irgun Zvai Leumi, and Lohamei Herut Yisrael (a.k.a. LEHI, a.k.a. the ‘Stern Gang’).
YOU be the judge as to what Hecht was REALLY rooting for...
March 17, 1937
Irgun Zvei Leumi members throw two bombs into Arab cafes, killing one Arab and wounding at least 20.
August 20 to September 26, 1937
A series of bombing attacks on Arab buses kills 24, wounds 25.
April 21, 1938
near Safed
Betar militant Shlomo Ben Yosef shoots at an Arab bus in an attempt to force it off the road, hoping to kill all the passengers in the resulting crash. Ben Yosef is arrested by the British, tried, and hanged. This is the first state execution of a Palestinian Jew by the British authorities.
July 6 & 18, 1938
Irgun terrorists smuggle bombs into the produce market on Hamelachim Street, hiding them in baskets of vegetables. The first of these attacks (July 6) kills 18 Arabs and wounds 38, the second (July 18) kills 27, wounds 47.
July 8, 1938
four Arabs killed in an Irgun terror attack
Tel Aviv
Yitzhak Yzernitzky (a.k.a. Yitzhak Shamir, Avraham Stern's right-hand man, future Prime Minister of Israel) and a 15-year-old recruit, Eliyahu Bet Zouri, try to blow up a World Zionist Organization defense fund collection booth which levies tolls on Jewish travellers leaving Tel Aviv. Their crude gunpowder bomb detonates prematurely, severely burning Bet Zouri’s legs and permanently disfiguring Shamir's face. Bet Zouri's terrorist career will be cut short following his assassination of British colonial governor Lord Moyne in Cairo (see 11/6/1944).
near Haifa
Haganah blows up the Iraqi Oil Co. pipeline near Haifa. Moshe Dayan was one of the participants in this action. The technique was used again in 1947 at least 4 times.
November 25, 1940
Haganah bombs the S.S. Patria in Haifa harbor, killing 267 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe. The refugees were about to be turned away by the British authorities and deported to Mauritius. Haganah leaders claim they only wanted to disable the ship. Other witnesses to the incident insist the deaths are deliberate, intended to dissuade the British from turning away refugees in future.
February 1, 1944
Irgun declares war on the British
February 12, 1944
Irgun attacks the Immigration Department building
February 16, 1944
Irgun terrorists shoot and kill 2 British policemen
March 23, 1944
Haifa; Jaffa; Jerusalem
First organized assault by zionist terrorists on British intelligence offices across the country. Eight British policemen killed
October 6, 1944
An RAF man is killed by gunfire
November 6, 1944
Cairo, Egypt
Two LEHI terrorists, Eliyahu Bet Zouri of Tel Aviv and Eliyahu Hakim of Haifa, are captured immediately after assassinating Lord Moyne, Britain's Minister Resident in the Middle East. They ambushed Moyne in his car outside his Cairo residence, also killing his driver. The purpose of the operation, planned by LEHI's current leader Yitzhak Shamir (Avraham Stern having been killed 2/12/1942), was to dissuade the British government from interfering further with zionist efforts to expand their settlements in Jerusalem. Bet-Tsours and Hakim are hanged in the British prison in Cairo on March 22, 1945.
October 30, 1945
Haganah declares a "Jewish Revolt" against the British
October 31 & November 1, 1945
"The Night of the Trains"
The three zionist terror organizations (Haganah, Irgun, LEHI) conducted their first joint attack. Haganah units sabotaged some 153 spots along railway tracks throughout the country, and blew up patrol launches in Jaffa and Haifa ports, while a joint Irgun-Lehi unit, commanded by Eitan Livni, attacked the main railway station at Lydda. This operation had a strong impact in Britain. The newspapers published detailed articles on the acts of sabotage, and the government hastened to denounce the perpetrators. The Jewish Agency, in a special statement issued in London, declared, inter alia: It is a tragedy that matters in Palestine have reached such a pass. The Jewish Agency abhors the use of violence as a weapon in the political struggle, but realizes that its ability to impose restraint has been severely tested by the continued policy (of the British government), which the Jews regard as fatal for them. Whilst this statement did not constitute an endorsement of the operation, it did mark the first occasion on which the Jewish Agency expressed sympathy for its underlying motives.
December 27, 1945
A joint Irgun-Lehi force, led by Shraga Alis, launched an assault on the British Intelligence offices for the second time. The British had learned the lesson of the first attack (March 23, 1944), and had introduced special security arrangements in the Russian Compound in Jerusalem; despite these, however, the Zionist terrorists succeeded in evading the British patrols, entered the building and set the explosive charges. The central British Intelligence building collapsed. Seven British policemen lost their lives in the explosion and a large number were injured. At the same time the district headquarters of the police and the British Intelligence office in Jaffa, housed in a four-storey building on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv Road, were attacked. The Zionist terrorists, led by Eliyahu Tamler (Yehoshua), approached the building under cover of darkness and succeeded in setting an explosive charge. Several minutes later the second storey of the building, housing the British Intelligence office was destroyed. That night, another Irgun unit, under Amihai “Gidi” Paglin, attacked the army camp at the Exhibition Grounds in north Tel Aviv. In the exchange of fire, a British soldier was killed. An Irgun fighter, Dov Sternglass, was killed and five other fighters were injured.
January 12, 1946
Hadera (near Haifa)
After using a bomb to derail a train, Jewish terrorists board it and steal £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials are injured in the attack.
January 19, 1946
Jewish terrorists destroy a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison with explosives. Two persons are killed by the police.
January 20, 1946
Givat Olga Coast Guard Station (on the coast between Tel Aviv and Haifa)
Jewish terrorists launch an attack against the British-controlled Coast Guard Station. Ten persons are injured, one is killed. Captured papers indicate the purpose of the raid was to take revenge on the British for their seizure of the refugee ship on January 18. British military authorities in Jerusalem question 3,000 Jews and hold 148 in custody.
February 25, 1946
"The Night of the Airfields"
a combined operation: a LEHI unit attacks the airfield near Kfar Syrkin and sets eight aircraft ablaze. At the same time, an Irgun unit attacks Lydda airfield, seven kilometers from Kfar Syrkin, destroying 11 military aircraft.
April 2, 1946
Attack on railway targets in the south
April 25, 1946
a British military installation near Tel Aviv
A team of Jewish terrorists partly made up of teenage girls attacks a British army base in an attempt to steal weapons. Afterward, British authorities round up 1,200 suspects.
June 18 to July 4, 1946
Tel Aviv
Three British officers -- Captains K. Spencer, C. Warburton and A. Taylor -- disappear from their duty stations. On June 24, the Irgun radio station “Fighting Zion” announces the three have been kidnapped and will remain hostage until two Irgun members, Josef Simkohn and Issac Ashbel, have been released from death row and another 31 members are released from pre-trial detention. This act of defiance precipitates a massive June 29 crackdown by the British authorities (Operation Broadside, a.k.a. "Black Saturday") in which military units and police comb all of Palestine, conducting house-to-house searches and arresting all identifiable members of Haganah and Irgun. British soldiers also occupy the offices of the Jewish Agency and arrest four of its top officials. In all, 2,000 Jews are taken into custody while four are killed along with one British soldier. Future prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is among those swept up. On July 1, Simkhon's and Ashbel's death sentences are commuted to life imprisonment by Palestine High Commissioner Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham. On July 4, Irgun surrenders its hostages unharmed but also serves the British with another "declaration of war."
July 22, 1946
The King David Hotel Bombing
The hotel houses the main offices of the Secretariat of the Palestine Government, also the British Army's Palestine Headquarters.
Around noon a small bomb is detonated in the street outside the hotel. This is a diversionary move to distract the hotel guards from the main plan of action, which now unfolds. A milk truck commandeered for the mission is backed up to the hotel's service entrance. Irgun "milkmen" proceed to unload the truck's cargo: large milk cans filled with high-explosive, which are taken inside to a location in the hotel's basement. Armed and belligerent, the "milkmen" make little effort to conceal their business from hotel staff as they encounter them, rounding them up and holding them at gunpoint. At one point a British soldier stumbles across their preparations and is shot and seriously wounded. With all their explosive in place, they wire and arm the bomb, set the timer, and escape on foot.
At 12:57 PM the bomb explodes. The hotel's entire west wing, bustling with office workers, collapses into a thick pile of heavy masonry rubble. 91 people die, 45 are injured. The casualties are a mix of Britons, Arabs and Jews.
The next day, Irgun claims authorship of the bombing but blames "British tyrants" for the death toll, claiming to have warned the British office by telephone 25 minutes in advance of the explosion, but that their warning was ignored. For their part, the British deny receiving any warning. That they would knowingly put the King David personnel at risk does not seem likely. This detail of the incident remains unresolved.
Irgun had devised the plan for the bombing earlier in the year, but it was on July 1 that Menachem Begin received permission to activate the plan from Haganah and ultimately the Jewish Agency, including its president-in-exile David Ben-Gurion. Haganah operations officer Sadeh and Irgun operations chief Amihai "Gidi" Paglin agreed on last-minute details.
Hardly 'a rogue nut and his followers,' Begin and Irgun function as a veritable black-ops arm of the Jewish Agency's rabid inner circle. The Agency's and Begin's immediate motive for the bombing was as a reprisal for the British crackdown of June 29 (see June 18 above).
As is generally true of Israel's own terrorists and their infamous crimes, the King David Hotel bombing is now celebrated in Israel as a "major turning point" for the "liberation movement." On July 19 and 20, 2006, for example, as Israel was engaged in yet another full-scale criminal invasion of Lebanon, the 60th anniversary of the bombing was celebrated with a "seminar" hosted by the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, in partnership with the University of Haifa and the Irgun Veterans Association. Among the speakers were former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Shraga Alis, David Ohana, Ya'acov Makovitzki, Arieh Naor, Shaul Avishai, Herzl Makov, Eldar Harovi, Yossi Kister, Udi Laval, Michal Dohen, and Moti Golani.
July 31, 1946
Tel Aviv
A large cache of weapons, extensive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv's largest synagogue.
August 2, 1946
Jerusalem police announce the arrest of LEHI leader Yitzhak Yzernitsky (Shamir)
Week of August 18-24, 1946
vicinity of Caeserea and Sadoth Yam
Jewish terrorists attempt to sink the transport “Empire Rival” using a limpet mine, bringing on a minor crackdown in which British military units arrest and detain 85 persons, including the entire male population of one of the villages.
September 8, 1946
Irgun terrorists cut the Palestine railroad in 50 places to protest British policy.
September 9, 1946
Tel Aviv
Two British officers are killed in an explosion in a public building.
September 9, 1946
An Arab constable is killed.
September 14, 1946
Jaffa, Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists rob three banks, killing three Arabs in the process. Thirty-six Jews are arrested in the ensuing crackdown.
September 15, 1946
Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists attack a police station on the coast, only to be repelled by gunfire.
October 2, 1946
Tel Aviv
After a Jewish woman refuses to give them a "donation," Irgun blows up her house. British authorities subsequently arrest 50 Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe.
October 8, 1946
Two British soldiers are killed when their truck detonates a land mine outside Jerusalem. A leading Arab figure is wounded in a similar mine explosion in Jerusalem and more road mines are found near Government House.
October 31, 1946
Rome, Italy
The British Embassy is badly damaged by Irgun bombs. The bombing was planned by Eli Tavin, Irgun's overseas intelligence chief, a man under orders from Menachem Begin to establish weapons procurement networks in twenty-three countries. Tavin performed this work covertly while touring the world as the World Zionist Organization's "Educational Director."
November 7, 1946
Railroad traffic is suspended for 24 hours throughout Palestine following a fourth Irgun attack on railway facilities in two days.
November 9 through November 13, 1946
Nineteen persons -- eleven British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables -- are killed during this period as Jewish terrorists, using land mines and suitcase bombs, increase their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even streetcars.
November 18, 1946
Five persons are injured when a bomb explodes in the Jerusalem tax office.
December 2 through December 5,1946
Ten persons, including six British soldiers, are killed in bomb and land-mine explosions.
December 26,1946
Nathanya, Tel Aviv
Armed Jewish terrorists raid two diamond factories, escaping with nearly $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. These raids signaled an end to a two-week truce during the World Zionist Congress.
date undetermined, 1947
New York City
15-year-old B'rith Tabeldor fanatic and future career terrorist Meir Kahane gains the notoriety he craves by assaulting British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin at a New York vegetable market. He and fellow Betar crazies pelt Bevin with rocks. Kahane is promptly arrested and charged with assault, but his sentence is suspended by Judge Morris Rothenberg. It doesn't hurt that Rothenberg is president of the Jewish National Fund in America, is part-owner of an agricultural settlement in Palestine named in his honor, or has assailed Bevin himself this same year, in a speech to a national Zionist conference.
January 2, 1947
Jewish terrorists stage bombings and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties are low. Homemade flame-throwers are used in several cases. Pamphlets seized reveal that Irgun has once again declared war against the British and Arabs.
January 5, 1947
Benha, 25 miles outside Cairo, Egypt
Eleven British troops are injured in a hand grenade attack on a troop train bound for Palestine.
January 12, 1947
A LEHI terrorist drives a truck bomb into the British police station and detonates it, killing 4 and injuring 140.
January 13, 1947
An Arab is kidnapped and castrated by Jewish terrorists.
January 26, 1947
Irgun forces kidnap former Maj. H. Collins, a British banker, from his home. He's released three days later, having been severely beaten. Another Irgun abductee, Judge Ralph Windham, is kidnapped from a courtroom on January 28 and released the following day. British High Commissioner Lt. Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham had threatened martial law unless the two men were returned unharmed. These are futile attempts by Irgun to win amnesty for its member Dov Bela Gruner, a man the British have condemned to death for terrorist activities.
March 1, 1947
Irgun attacks kill over 20 British soldiers, twelve of them in a grenade attack on the Officers Club in Tel Aviv. 30 more are injured. Britain invokes martial law.
March 9, 1947
Terrorist attack on a British army camp.
March 10, 1947
Michael Shnell, a Jew suspected of being an informer, is executed by LEHI on Mount Carmel.
March 11, 1947
Two British soldiers killed by Jewish terrorists.
March 12, 1947
One British soldier is killed in a dynamite attack on an Army office.
March 14, 1947
Jewish terrorists blow up part of an oil pipeline in Haifa and a section of the rail line at Beer Yakov.
March 22, 1947
near Petah Tikvah
British police recover the body of Leon Meshiah, a Jew presumed to be another LEHI assassination victim.
March 28, 1947
Irgun blows up the Iraq Petroleum Company pipeline.
March 29, 1947
A British officer is murdered in an ambush near Ramle (Ramallah?). Elsewhere, more Jewish terrorists rob $109,000 from a Tel Aviv bank.
March 30, 1947
Tel Aviv
LEHI kills a British soldier's wife.
March 31, 1947
Jewish terrorists blow up the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa, starting a fire that destroys a quarter-mile of the waterfront, causing over $1,000,000 property damage.
April 2, 1947
Famagusta Harbor, Cyprus
A Haganah covert operation bombs the vessel “Ocean Vigour.”
April 3, 1947
A second bombing of the transport “Empire Rival” (see 'Week of August 18-24, 1946'). This time a time-bomb is used, detonating while the ship is en route from Haifa to Port Said in Egypt.
April 8, 1947
Jewish terrorists kill a British constable. This is a reprisal for the British killing of Moshe Cohen the previous day.
April 16, 1947
In spite of threats of reprisal from Irgun, the British hang Dov Bela Gruner and three other Irgun members at Acre Prison. Jewish communities are kept under strict curfew for several hours. Two British officers and a Jew are nonetheless killed in reprisal attacks over the next few days. One of the Britons dies in an Irgun attack on a field dressing station near Netanya. The Jew, a bystander during an attack on a British armored car, is also killed by Irgun. Some time prior to April 28, a retaliatory time-bomb is placed in the Colonial Office in London. Poorly made, it had failed to explode.
April 20, 1947
Tel Aviv
12 British soldiers are injured in a series of reprisal bombings for the Gruner execution.
April 22, 1947
near Rehovoth
Five soldiers and three civilians die and 39 additional people are injured by an Irgun bombing of a troop train on the Cairo-Haifa line.
April 25, 1947
Tel Aviv
Five British policemen are killed when LEHI terrorists drive a truck bomb into the Sarona police compound.
April 26, 1947
A Jewish terrorist assassinates Deputy Police Superintendent A. Conquest.
May 4,1947
An Irgun team breaches the wall of the Acre Prison with explosives and then engages the British guards in a gun battle. 15 Jews and one Arab are killed, 32 additional people are injured, including six British guards. 189 prisoners, including many Irgun members, make good their escape. Former British Commando Sgt Dov Bernard Cohen, head of the Acre bomb squad, is fatally wounded in the attack and dies two days later.
May 8, 1947
Tel Aviv
Three Jewish-owned shops are burned down by Jewish terrorists after their owners refused to donate money to the terrorist cause.
May 12, 1947
Jewish terrorists assassinate two British policemen.
May 15, 1947
LEHI attacks the rail system again, blowing up three bridges and causing two derailments. Two British lieutenants die, seven more people are injured.
May 16, 1947
Two British police officials are killed by LEHI: Haifa Assistant Police Superintendent, Robert Schindler, a German Jew, and a British constable ambushed on the Mt. Carmel-Haifa road near Jerusalem.
May 28, 1947
Haifa, Lydda
Jewish terrorists blow up a water main and a shed on the Haifa oil docks and attack three railway targets around Lydda and Haifa.
June 4, 1947
Jewish terrorists revive an exotic terror method not seen since the first decade of the century: the letter bomb. No fewer than 20 LEHI letter bombs made with gelignite powder are discovered in transit to high British government officials, including Ernest Bevin, Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Attlee, and Winston Churchill.
June 5, 1947
Tel Aviv, Haifa
More attacks on rail targets, with two trains derailed. No casualties this time.
June 18, 1947
Tel Aviv
Haganah tries to blow up British Military Headquarters. The plot fails when one of the perpetrators is killed by a booby trap put in place for just this eventuality.
June 19, 1947
Another letter bomb is mailed to Major Roy Alexander Farran, suspected by the Stern Gang of murdering a 16-year-old member, Alexander Rubowitz.
June 28, 1947
Tel Aviv, Haifa
LEHI terrorists fire on British soldiers standing in line outside a Tel Aviv theater on a Saturday night, killing three and wounding two. Another Briton is killed and several wounded in a Haifa hotel. In claiming responsibility for the attacks, the terrorists state these are reprisals for the death of 16-year-old comrade Alexander Rubowitz, killed while in Army custody on May 6.
June 29, 1947
LEHI terrorists discover more British soldiers enjoying Sunday picnics at the beach and fire on them, wounding four.
July 2, 1947
An Irgun bank robbery nets $3,200
July 12, 1947
Irgun abducts two British sergeants, Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice, holding them hostage in lieu of release of three of its own terrorists (Myer Nakar, Absalom Habib and Jacob Weiss) captured in the Acre Prison attack of May 4. The three were sentenced to death on July 8.
"Martin and Paice were unarmed and out of uniform when a car drew up beside them and out jumped an Irgun hit squad. Both men were bundled and pistol whipped into the back of the car. They were taken to a specially constructed cell which was, in effect,a 3m cubed box buried underneath a diamond factory. Lacking both light and air, their provisions for survival consisted of a canvas bucket, a week's supply of food and 2 oxygen cylinders."
For conclusion, see july 29
July 17, 1947
Irgun mines kill two Britons and injure 23.
July 18, 19, 20, 1947
A British soldier is killed on each of these days.
July 23, 1947
Haganah sinks the British transport “Empire Lifeguard” as it discharges 300 Jewish immigrants officially admitted into Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants are killed and 40 more wounded.
July 26, 1947
near Jerusalem
Two British soldiers killed by a booby trap.
July 26, 1947
vicinity of Haifa
Jewish terrorists blow up the Iraqi Petroleum Co. pipeline 12 miles east of Haifa and destroy a Mt. Carmel radar station.
July 27, 1947
An ambush and mines cost the British seven more casualties, all wounded.
July 29, 1947, Palestine.
Acre, Netanya
(continued from July 12) The British carry out the executions of Nakar, Habib, and Weiss at Acre prison. Irgun immediately retaliates by hanging its hostages, Martin and Paice.
"The Irgun reacted swiftly. Irgun commander Amihai "Gidi" Paglin and a squad drove to the diamond factory. One of the sergants was dragged from the box and a hood was slipped over his head. After his hands and feet were tied he was stood on a chair, a noose placed around his neck, and then the chair was kicked away. The second sergant was similarly hanged. After hanging for 20 minutes the two corpses were taken to a nearby eucalyptus grove and each suspended from a tree. A powerful mine was placed beneath the bodies and the British authorities were informed of the location. When the bodies were cut down [5:30 AM on July 31], they set off the mines which blew the rescuers and the corpses to pieces."
Enraged British soldiers turn on Jewish civilian settlements, in one incident killing five civilians in a machine-gun attack on a bus.
August 1, 1947
Tel Aviv, Jerusalem
A funeral procession for the five civilians killed by British soldiers ends in an anti-British riot. 33 Jews are injured in ensuing clashes with British police. In Jerusalem a terrorist attack on the British security zone in Rehavia is repulsed with one attacker killed and two captured.
August 4, 1947
Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists rob Barclays' Bank of $5200
August 5, 1947
A major British crackdown sweeps up 35 Jewish officials and Irgun leaders, including: Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv; Mayor Oved Ben Ami of Nathanya; Mayor Abraham Krinitzki of Ramat Gan; Arieh Altman, president of the radical Revisionist Party; Menahem Arber, leader of the (outlawed) Revisionist youth organization B'rith Trumpeldor, a.k.a. 'Betar'; Max Kritzman, Dov Bela Gruner's attorney; and David Stern, brother of late LEHI founder Avraham Stern. Excepting the three mayors, these are all leading Revisionists (violent disciples of zionist hatist Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky). Among many papers confiscated is correspondence from Soviet Russian agents in Italy and Bulgaria, and extensive plans to poison the water supply of the non-Jewish parts of Jerusalem with botulism, anthrax and other bacteria. Bacteria was supplied by the Soviets via Bulgaria.
Irgun retaliates for the British action by blowing up the Department of Labor in Jerusalem, killing three British constables.
August 8, 1947
Ramat Can
Jewish terrorists rob the Bank of Sharon, taking $8,000.
August 15, 1947
A Haganah raid kills 12 Palestinian Arabs. Elsewhere, a mine derails a troop train on the Cairo-Haifa line north of Lydda, killing the engineer.
August 16, 1947
near Tel Aviv
Haganah bombs a house in an Arab orange grove killing eleven Arabs, including a woman and four children.
August 18, 1947
Tel Aviv
Five Jewish-owned shops are destroyed by Irgun for failure to support the cause.
August 23, 1947
Five Arabs in one family — two men, one woman, two children — are murdered by Jewish terrorists retaliating for the British arrest of two Irgun leaders on August15.
September 3, 1947
A postal bomb attributed to Irgun or LEHI and addressed to the British War Office explodes in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons (The Sunday Times, September 24, 1972, p.8)
September 7, 1947
French police announce that a LEHI plot to attack London with home-made fire extinguisher bombs from the air has been thwarted through the cooperation of Reginald Gilbert of St Louis, Missouri, a student and wartime RCAF and AAF pilot. Gilbert was taken into custody with Rabbi Baruch Korff of New York, co-Chairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine, and Judith Rosenberger, Hungarian-born Stern gang member, as the three were boarding a private plane the previous night at Toussus-le-Noble field near Versailles. Gilbert informed French police that Korff had approached him in Paris a week ago with an offer for flying a bombing mission over London the day of the “Exodus” illegal immigrant landings in Germany. Gilbert accepted for some other pilot who would actually perform the mission. He at once notified Paris police, then worked with them and Scotland Yard while pretending to go through with the LEHI plot. Korff was charged in Paris on September 9 with illegal possession of bombs he was intending to drop on London. He began a hunger strike. Paris police state that nine other conspirators are in custody.
September 12, 1947
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
The US command in Germany learns of Irgun plans to assassinate British representatives in the US sector. All British delegations are placed under 24-hour guard. The command had previously announced (September 7) Irgun thefts from US army ammunition depots in Germany.
September 21, 1947
Jewish terrorists kill a British messenger.
September 26, 1947
Irgun kills four British policemen during a bank robbery.
October 13, 1947
A terrorist bomb damages the US consulate general, injuring two employees slightly. This bombing is similar to another at the Polish consulate the previous night and to one at the Swedish consulate on September 27. Elsewhere in Jerusalem, Jewish terrorists kill two British soldiers. The State Department in Washington announces it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in terrorism in Palestine; Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due US citizens abroad.
November 3, 1947
LEHI terrorists assassinate a Jewish policeman for refusing to share intelligence with them.
November 12, 1947
near Raanana
In the process of raiding a LEHI terrorist arsenal in a farmhouse, British troops kill three Jewish girls and two boys. A wave of retaliatory killings begins immediately.
November 13, 1947
Jewish terrorists attack the Ritz Cafe, a favorite with the Brits, throwing hand grenades and firing a machine gun into it.
November 14, 1947
Jerusalem; Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists kill two British policemen in Jerusalem and two soldiers in Tel Aviv. The body count for this day and the previous two is now 53: 10 Britons killed, 33 wounded; five Jews killed, five more wounded.
November 20, 1947
near Raanana
LEHI executes four Arabs, continuing its retaliations for the November 12 tragedy.
November 22, 1947
Another Arab murdered by LEHI.
week of November 30 to December 6, 1947
The United Nations has announced its decision to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab areas, precipitating a week of rioting and gun battles across the Middle East that kills 159 people, 66 in Palestine alone. On December 2, an Arab riot in Jerusalem destroys three blocks of Jewish businesses, causing $1,000,000 property damage.
According to one commentator:
"It becomes clearly evident that the partition is not going as planned and that although the Jews are pleased, the Arabs are not. There appears to be no way to control the Jews or their determination to drive all of the Arabs out of Jerusalem by force if necessary. The Arabs, initially living in peace with the Jewish minority, have been increasingly victimized by the Jews who, now that the British are leaving, are turning their savage behavior against them. The Jews have redoubled their efforts to build a military force and arm them. They claim that this force is to protect the Jewish population against attacks from the Arab countries as well as the Arab population of Jerusalem but an even stronger argument can be made that the Zionists are determined to drive out the Arab population by armed force. The initial Arab response to Jewish harassment over the past year has been very slow in coming but it seems to be quite inevitable and a terrible civil war is foreseen."
December 11, 1947
Haifa and vicinity
Jewish terrorists throw bombs into Arab buses, killing six and injuring 30. Outside Haifa, a heavily armed zionist mob attacks an Arab coastal village killing another 12 Arabs. Many Jews also die in Arab attacks. With 41 deaths, this is the worst single day thus far of race violence in Palestine. It's only a hint of what's to come.
December 12, 1947
Haganah attacks produce 27 deaths: 20 Arabs, five Jews, two Britons.
December 13,1947
Many violent actions by Jewish extremists:
Jerusalem: Irgoons hurl bombs into an Arab market near the Damascus Gate, killing six and injuring 23.
Jaffa: more bombs thrown into an Arab cafe, with six dead and 40 wounded; 100 Arab houses burned.
vicinity of Lydda: Al Abbasya (Arab village) 12 Arabs killed in an attack with mortars and automatic weapons; **FALSE FLAG OPERATION** in Yehida (Arab village): a team of Jews disguise themselves as British soldiers and drive into the town posing as a security detachment. Finding many Arabs congregated at a coffee house, they pull up and are welcomed only to open fire on the crowd with their machine guns. Seven Arabs die. A much worse death toll is averted only by the arrival of a real British patrol.
December 18, 1947
Khisas is an Arab village on the Lebanon/Syria border
Two carloads of Haganah 'Palmach' terrorists drive through the village in the middle of the night, firing machine guns and throwing grenades. 10 Arab civilians are killed, including five children.
December 19, 1947
Qazaza (Arab village in central Palestine, near Safad)
A Haganah team blows up the home of the village Mukhtar (elder) and another house, killing 10 inhabitants including five children.
December 20, 1947
A second Haganah raid on the town kills one Arab, injures two more.
December 21, 1947
The Jewish Agency officially approves what Haganah is already doing: attacking Arab villages to “exterminate nests of brigands.”
December 26, 1947
Tel Aviv
LEHI assassinates Israel Levin, one of its own, for trying to betray another member.
December 25, 1947
Tel Aviv
LEHI machine-guns and kills two British soldiers in a cafe.
December 26, 1947
Netanya; Tel Aviv
Heavily armed Jewish terrorists raid two diamond factories, escaping with $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds.
December 26, 1947
Ben-Gurion proposes a major offensive to purge Palestine of Arabs.
On December 27, 1947
Operation Zarzir (i.e. 'Starling') is announced
Israel's first formal plan for what will later be called "targeted assassinations." This puts the lie to present-day zionist claims that extra-judicial assassination policy is a result of the intifadas.
December 28, 1947
Jewish terrorists gun down six people in a coffee house.
December 29, 1947
Using a taxi as their drive-by terror platform, Irgun terrorists throw bombs into a crowd at the Damascus Gate, killing two British constables and 11 Arabs and injuring 32 additional Arabs.
Elsewhere on this day, a British major (E. Brett, seized in Nathanya) and three sergeants (taken from Tel Aviv and Rishon el Siyon), are kidnapped and flogged by Irgun, receiving 18 lashes apiece. This is in retaliation for the similar flogging of Irgun member Benjamin Kimkhim, a convicted bank robber sentenced to 18 years in prison.
December 30, 1947
Irgun terrorists throw a bomb into a throng of Arabs at a bus stop outside the Haifa Oil Refinery. Six are killed, more are injured. A retaliatory riot breaks out inside the refinery, with Arabs attacking their Jewish coworkers with knives, crowbars, and sticks, killing around forty of them.
night of December 31 / January 1, 1947
Balad al Sheikh; Hawassa (Arab towns on the southeast outskirts of Haifa)
150 to 200 Haganah volunteers retaliate for the refinery massacre with a midnight military assault on these towns, in which many of the refinery workers live. The raiding unit's orders are to 'kill maximum adult males'. The raiders penetrate to the center of Balad al Sheikh, firing into and blowing up houses, also pulling men from their homes and executing them in the streets. Some women and children are also killed. All told, the attacks result in over 60 Arab deaths, with 41 injured.
December 31, 1947
Irgun publicly boasts of its fine death toll for the year: 374 Arabs and British murder victims. 1948 will be much, much worse.
Letter to the Terrorists of Palestine
My Brave Friends,
You may not believe what I write you, for there is a lot of
fertilizer in the air at the moment.
But, on my word as an old reporter, what I write is true.
The Jews of America are for you.
You are their champions.
You are the grin they wear.
You are the feather in their hats
In the past fifteen hundred years every nation of Europe has
taken a crack at the Jews.
This time the British are at bat.
You are the first answer that makes sense—to the New world.
Every time you blow up a British arsenal, or wreck a British
jail, or send a British railroad train sky high, or rob a British bank,
or let go with your guns and bombs at the British betrayers and
invaders of your homeland, the Jews of America make a little holiday
in their hearts.
Not all the Jews, of course.
The only time the Jews present a United Front is when they
lie piled by the millions in the massacre pits.
I shenck you this front.
I like yours better.
Historically, the corpses of the Jews are very impressive as to
numbers. But they are not a monument to Jewish valor.
They are a monument only to the brutality of the Europeans who
piled them up.
The Jews of America are for you because the corpse of an Irgun
soldier is a unique and very high class type of Jewish corpse.
The corpse of Dov Gruner hanging from a British gallows is
not a monument to the British brutality that strangled him.
It is a monument to the Hebrew valor that fights for a home-
land of its own—and for the dignity of all Jews such as myself who
have a homeland elsewhere.
Brave friends, I can imagine you wondering, “If the Jews of
America are behind us why don’t they help us with their support
and money?”
This is a legitimate curiosity. I’ll try to answer it.
It so happens that a certain small percentage of the Jews of
America are not behind you—yet.
(Remember you haven’t won yet.)
Unfortunately, this small percentage includes practically all the
rich Jews of America, all the important ones, all the influential ones,
all the heads of nearly all the Jewish organizations whom the Amer-
ican newspapers call—“the Jewish leaders.”
They’re all against.
Every time you throw a punch at the British betrayers of your
homeland, nearly all these Jews have a collective conniption fit.
They ululate and deplore.
They rush in waving white handkerchiefs and alibis.
They didn’t do it—not they!
Respectable people don’t fight. They gabble.
This exhibition of weak stomachs, weak minds, and weak spines
would be the blackest mark ever pasted on the word Jew—were it
only a Jewish exhibition.
Luckily for the Jews, history lightens their shameful antics.
History tells us (a little sadly) that respectability and wealth
never line up with a revolution—or a fighting minority.
The American Revolutionary Army under George Washington
went a long time without shoes, guns, or food.
The respectable and wealthy American Colonists preferred British
admiration to liberty and freedom.
They thought it was bad taste to fight for such things—against
the British, of all people. And they wouldn’t kick in a dime.
In fact they proved their respectability by playing informer to
the British.
You can see how little respectability has changed since 1776.
There’s another side to Jewish respectability. I’ll tell you a
story that illustrates it.
I went to see the Max Schmeling – Max Baer world championship
fight with an important Jewish Hollywood tycoon.
He sat beside me for nine rounds without raising his head to
look at the ring.
He couldn’t bear the spectacle of a Jew being beaten by a
But on the tenth round my Hollywood friend looked at the ring.
He not only looked. He jumped and cheered. He cheered so
long and so loud that he was hoarse for three days.
Schmeling was on his back and the referee was counting him
out. He didn’t look good.
Max Baer, with the Star of David stitched on his trunks, was
upright and grinning in a neutral corner. He looked fine.
Brave friends, I can promise you that all the respectable and
wealthy Jewish personalities will be on their feet cheering far you—in
Round Ten.
They’ll all be for you when you don’t need them.
That’s the history of respectable people and Nervous Nellies,
whatever their nationality.
Right now all the respectability of the Jews is handsomely engaged
in cooing before the Court of Nations.
Let me tell you what the Jews of America, such as myself, think
of these capers.
It may give you a chuckle between jail deliveries.
We are aware that the British pulled the U.N.O. trick because
they were frightened of you.
They were afraid that your gallant and desperate fight for your
homeland would gather to you the sympathy of the world.
It looked as of the cheering sections were for you.
So they took the ball out of play by handing it to the referee—
who was a personal friend.
The British figured that the sound of Jewish gabble before a
world court would drown out the sound of Hebrew guns in Palestine.
Let me assure you, my brave friends, that it hasn’t and it won’t.
True enough, Jewish respectability is making a bit of noise at
the moment.
Our “Jewish leaders” are pleading for a Jewish sanctuary in
fine and measured strophes.
They are not nearly as hot-headed about it as were the bird
lovers of America who a few years ago pleaded for a sanctuary for
the vanishing penguin.
But, barring a little steam, they are much alike.
They want a sanctuary where the Jews of Europe can all stand
on a rock and eat philanthropy-fish till the Messiah arrives.
These Jewish Penguin Patriots are very proud for the moment
because Somebody is listening to them.
Not the British or the Arabs, of course, who stand ready to
shoot down Jews whether they turn into Penguins or Dodo birds.
And, thank God—not you!
The fact that you are keeping to your gallant fight against the
British invaders is the sanest and healthiest thing that has happened
to the battered Hebrew cause in 1500 years.
Not the gabble of respectable Jews, but your fight is the history
of tomorrow.
It will be your fight that will win for the Jews of the world
what they have never had—the respect of their enemies—and a land
more honorable thin a bird sanctuary.
Brave friends, we are working to help you.
We are raising funds for you.
We are ringing doorbells and peddling your cause and passing
the hat and trying to lift the heads of oar Jewish respectables to
have a look at the ring—before Round Seven
It’s tough going—even on the fringe of a fight for freedom. So
forgive us if our take is a little meager for the time.
The rich Jews are pouring millions into the business of feeding
the survivors of the German massacre.
Jewish wealth and respectability are fearlessly rushing sand-
wiches to them.
But, for a change, the Jews of America hear more than Jewish
groans to solace.
We hear Hebrew courage.
We hear a battle cry that rises above the pathetic gabble in Flush-
ing Meadows.*
We hear brave men fighting on despite torture, calumny, low sup-
plies, and overwhelming odds!
We hear you.
We are out to raise millions for you.
And the money is coming in—not from Jews alone but from
all Americans.
Because America is not a Fact Finding Commission and a State
America is a dream of freedom in the hearts of its millions and
a cheer for all brave men who fight its never ending battle. Hang
on. brave friends, our money is on its way.
Yours as ever,
Ben Hecht
Only the heroic battle in Palestine will decide the issue. Only your
money can swing the tide of battle. Be you Christian or Jew, be you a
veteran of the last war, the parent of a boy or girl, a rich man or a laborer
—you have a stake in Palestine. The fighting Resistance is holding the
front line for all. $500 will buy a surgical kit. $25 will buy clothing for a
fighter or someone in his family. Your money is nourishment, plasma,
and survival. Your money is the only bridge to victory. Send in your
check today for the liberation and dignity of the Hebrew Nation.
(Reprints and Advertising Mats Are Available on Request)
Stella Adler
Konrad Bercovici
Louis Bromfield
Russell Gordon Carter
Lester Cohen
Alan Corelli
Mordecai Danzis
Paul Eldridqe
Frances Gunther
Ben Hecht
Nathan George Harwitt
Prof. Constantine Panunzio
Andrew L. Somers, M.C.
Arthur Szyk
Alex Witt [brother of convicted communist spy Nathan Witt]
Isaac Zoar
(And Others)
The cost of this advertisement was contributed as a pub-
lic service by Mr. Walter Kirschner of Indio, California
*[note: this was before construction of the present U.N. complex on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. At the time of Hecht’s writing, the United Nations, now in its second year of existence, had just launched special sessions to address the ‘Palestine Question,’ convened in temporary facilities far out in Queens. This body would not render its final judgments until late November / early December of the same year. Even at this most embryonic stage, then, zionist cranks in the U.S. and elsewhere were already registering utter contempt for the very concept of U.N. legal authority over Palestine. This voids their present claims that this contempt, still in full evidence today, is primarily a *reaction_to* the U.N.’s track record on Palestine *since* this ad’s publication. In fact, the contempt came first. The actual source would seem to be the closed totalitarian attitude, already well-established among Jewish chauvinists, that the fate of Palestine/Israel was no one’s business but theirs. This has been taken even to the incredible Stalinist extreme of ex post facto annihilation of the history of Arab residency there, as seen in Joan Peters’ notorious text ‘From Time Immemorial.’ Since the U.N. is dominated by non-Jews and thus unresponsive to Jewish particularist desires, these chauvinists are bound to regard as farcical any assertion of its authority over the area. This is precisely the tone of Hecht’s comment. This jibes also with the identical contempt displayed by the so-called “Neocons” – Jewish-American zionist ideologues and their flagrantly corrupt gentile collaborators, e.g. Bolton, Cheney, etc. -TW].
Speaking of ‘fertilizer in the air,’ what exactly was the distinguished Mr. Hecht crowing so magniloquently about? The following is a digest of terrorist acts in Palestine up to and during this period, committed by the Big Three zionist terror gangs – Haganah, Irgun Zvai Leumi, and Lohamei Herut Yisrael (a.k.a. LEHI, a.k.a. the ‘Stern Gang’).
YOU be the judge as to what Hecht was REALLY rooting for...
March 17, 1937
Irgun Zvei Leumi members throw two bombs into Arab cafes, killing one Arab and wounding at least 20.
August 20 to September 26, 1937
A series of bombing attacks on Arab buses kills 24, wounds 25.
April 21, 1938
near Safed
Betar militant Shlomo Ben Yosef shoots at an Arab bus in an attempt to force it off the road, hoping to kill all the passengers in the resulting crash. Ben Yosef is arrested by the British, tried, and hanged. This is the first state execution of a Palestinian Jew by the British authorities.
July 6 & 18, 1938
Irgun terrorists smuggle bombs into the produce market on Hamelachim Street, hiding them in baskets of vegetables. The first of these attacks (July 6) kills 18 Arabs and wounds 38, the second (July 18) kills 27, wounds 47.
July 8, 1938
four Arabs killed in an Irgun terror attack
Tel Aviv
Yitzhak Yzernitzky (a.k.a. Yitzhak Shamir, Avraham Stern's right-hand man, future Prime Minister of Israel) and a 15-year-old recruit, Eliyahu Bet Zouri, try to blow up a World Zionist Organization defense fund collection booth which levies tolls on Jewish travellers leaving Tel Aviv. Their crude gunpowder bomb detonates prematurely, severely burning Bet Zouri’s legs and permanently disfiguring Shamir's face. Bet Zouri's terrorist career will be cut short following his assassination of British colonial governor Lord Moyne in Cairo (see 11/6/1944).
near Haifa
Haganah blows up the Iraqi Oil Co. pipeline near Haifa. Moshe Dayan was one of the participants in this action. The technique was used again in 1947 at least 4 times.
November 25, 1940
Haganah bombs the S.S. Patria in Haifa harbor, killing 267 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe. The refugees were about to be turned away by the British authorities and deported to Mauritius. Haganah leaders claim they only wanted to disable the ship. Other witnesses to the incident insist the deaths are deliberate, intended to dissuade the British from turning away refugees in future.
February 1, 1944
Irgun declares war on the British
February 12, 1944
Irgun attacks the Immigration Department building
February 16, 1944
Irgun terrorists shoot and kill 2 British policemen
March 23, 1944
Haifa; Jaffa; Jerusalem
First organized assault by zionist terrorists on British intelligence offices across the country. Eight British policemen killed
October 6, 1944
An RAF man is killed by gunfire
November 6, 1944
Cairo, Egypt
Two LEHI terrorists, Eliyahu Bet Zouri of Tel Aviv and Eliyahu Hakim of Haifa, are captured immediately after assassinating Lord Moyne, Britain's Minister Resident in the Middle East. They ambushed Moyne in his car outside his Cairo residence, also killing his driver. The purpose of the operation, planned by LEHI's current leader Yitzhak Shamir (Avraham Stern having been killed 2/12/1942), was to dissuade the British government from interfering further with zionist efforts to expand their settlements in Jerusalem. Bet-Tsours and Hakim are hanged in the British prison in Cairo on March 22, 1945.
October 30, 1945
Haganah declares a "Jewish Revolt" against the British
October 31 & November 1, 1945
"The Night of the Trains"
The three zionist terror organizations (Haganah, Irgun, LEHI) conducted their first joint attack. Haganah units sabotaged some 153 spots along railway tracks throughout the country, and blew up patrol launches in Jaffa and Haifa ports, while a joint Irgun-Lehi unit, commanded by Eitan Livni, attacked the main railway station at Lydda. This operation had a strong impact in Britain. The newspapers published detailed articles on the acts of sabotage, and the government hastened to denounce the perpetrators. The Jewish Agency, in a special statement issued in London, declared, inter alia: It is a tragedy that matters in Palestine have reached such a pass. The Jewish Agency abhors the use of violence as a weapon in the political struggle, but realizes that its ability to impose restraint has been severely tested by the continued policy (of the British government), which the Jews regard as fatal for them. Whilst this statement did not constitute an endorsement of the operation, it did mark the first occasion on which the Jewish Agency expressed sympathy for its underlying motives.
December 27, 1945
A joint Irgun-Lehi force, led by Shraga Alis, launched an assault on the British Intelligence offices for the second time. The British had learned the lesson of the first attack (March 23, 1944), and had introduced special security arrangements in the Russian Compound in Jerusalem; despite these, however, the Zionist terrorists succeeded in evading the British patrols, entered the building and set the explosive charges. The central British Intelligence building collapsed. Seven British policemen lost their lives in the explosion and a large number were injured. At the same time the district headquarters of the police and the British Intelligence office in Jaffa, housed in a four-storey building on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv Road, were attacked. The Zionist terrorists, led by Eliyahu Tamler (Yehoshua), approached the building under cover of darkness and succeeded in setting an explosive charge. Several minutes later the second storey of the building, housing the British Intelligence office was destroyed. That night, another Irgun unit, under Amihai “Gidi” Paglin, attacked the army camp at the Exhibition Grounds in north Tel Aviv. In the exchange of fire, a British soldier was killed. An Irgun fighter, Dov Sternglass, was killed and five other fighters were injured.
January 12, 1946
Hadera (near Haifa)
After using a bomb to derail a train, Jewish terrorists board it and steal £35,000 in cash. Two British police officials are injured in the attack.
January 19, 1946
Jewish terrorists destroy a power station and a portion of the Central Jerusalem prison with explosives. Two persons are killed by the police.
January 20, 1946
Givat Olga Coast Guard Station (on the coast between Tel Aviv and Haifa)
Jewish terrorists launch an attack against the British-controlled Coast Guard Station. Ten persons are injured, one is killed. Captured papers indicate the purpose of the raid was to take revenge on the British for their seizure of the refugee ship on January 18. British military authorities in Jerusalem question 3,000 Jews and hold 148 in custody.
February 25, 1946
"The Night of the Airfields"
a combined operation: a LEHI unit attacks the airfield near Kfar Syrkin and sets eight aircraft ablaze. At the same time, an Irgun unit attacks Lydda airfield, seven kilometers from Kfar Syrkin, destroying 11 military aircraft.
April 2, 1946
Attack on railway targets in the south
April 25, 1946
a British military installation near Tel Aviv
A team of Jewish terrorists partly made up of teenage girls attacks a British army base in an attempt to steal weapons. Afterward, British authorities round up 1,200 suspects.
June 18 to July 4, 1946
Tel Aviv
Three British officers -- Captains K. Spencer, C. Warburton and A. Taylor -- disappear from their duty stations. On June 24, the Irgun radio station “Fighting Zion” announces the three have been kidnapped and will remain hostage until two Irgun members, Josef Simkohn and Issac Ashbel, have been released from death row and another 31 members are released from pre-trial detention. This act of defiance precipitates a massive June 29 crackdown by the British authorities (Operation Broadside, a.k.a. "Black Saturday") in which military units and police comb all of Palestine, conducting house-to-house searches and arresting all identifiable members of Haganah and Irgun. British soldiers also occupy the offices of the Jewish Agency and arrest four of its top officials. In all, 2,000 Jews are taken into custody while four are killed along with one British soldier. Future prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is among those swept up. On July 1, Simkhon's and Ashbel's death sentences are commuted to life imprisonment by Palestine High Commissioner Lt. General Sir Alan Cunningham. On July 4, Irgun surrenders its hostages unharmed but also serves the British with another "declaration of war."
July 22, 1946
The King David Hotel Bombing
The hotel houses the main offices of the Secretariat of the Palestine Government, also the British Army's Palestine Headquarters.
Around noon a small bomb is detonated in the street outside the hotel. This is a diversionary move to distract the hotel guards from the main plan of action, which now unfolds. A milk truck commandeered for the mission is backed up to the hotel's service entrance. Irgun "milkmen" proceed to unload the truck's cargo: large milk cans filled with high-explosive, which are taken inside to a location in the hotel's basement. Armed and belligerent, the "milkmen" make little effort to conceal their business from hotel staff as they encounter them, rounding them up and holding them at gunpoint. At one point a British soldier stumbles across their preparations and is shot and seriously wounded. With all their explosive in place, they wire and arm the bomb, set the timer, and escape on foot.
At 12:57 PM the bomb explodes. The hotel's entire west wing, bustling with office workers, collapses into a thick pile of heavy masonry rubble. 91 people die, 45 are injured. The casualties are a mix of Britons, Arabs and Jews.
The next day, Irgun claims authorship of the bombing but blames "British tyrants" for the death toll, claiming to have warned the British office by telephone 25 minutes in advance of the explosion, but that their warning was ignored. For their part, the British deny receiving any warning. That they would knowingly put the King David personnel at risk does not seem likely. This detail of the incident remains unresolved.
Irgun had devised the plan for the bombing earlier in the year, but it was on July 1 that Menachem Begin received permission to activate the plan from Haganah and ultimately the Jewish Agency, including its president-in-exile David Ben-Gurion. Haganah operations officer Sadeh and Irgun operations chief Amihai "Gidi" Paglin agreed on last-minute details.
Hardly 'a rogue nut and his followers,' Begin and Irgun function as a veritable black-ops arm of the Jewish Agency's rabid inner circle. The Agency's and Begin's immediate motive for the bombing was as a reprisal for the British crackdown of June 29 (see June 18 above).
As is generally true of Israel's own terrorists and their infamous crimes, the King David Hotel bombing is now celebrated in Israel as a "major turning point" for the "liberation movement." On July 19 and 20, 2006, for example, as Israel was engaged in yet another full-scale criminal invasion of Lebanon, the 60th anniversary of the bombing was celebrated with a "seminar" hosted by the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, in partnership with the University of Haifa and the Irgun Veterans Association. Among the speakers were former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Shraga Alis, David Ohana, Ya'acov Makovitzki, Arieh Naor, Shaul Avishai, Herzl Makov, Eldar Harovi, Yossi Kister, Udi Laval, Michal Dohen, and Moti Golani.
July 31, 1946
Tel Aviv
A large cache of weapons, extensive counterfeiting equipment and $1,000,000 in counterfeit Government bonds were discovered in Tel Aviv's largest synagogue.
August 2, 1946
Jerusalem police announce the arrest of LEHI leader Yitzhak Yzernitsky (Shamir)
Week of August 18-24, 1946
vicinity of Caeserea and Sadoth Yam
Jewish terrorists attempt to sink the transport “Empire Rival” using a limpet mine, bringing on a minor crackdown in which British military units arrest and detain 85 persons, including the entire male population of one of the villages.
September 8, 1946
Irgun terrorists cut the Palestine railroad in 50 places to protest British policy.
September 9, 1946
Tel Aviv
Two British officers are killed in an explosion in a public building.
September 9, 1946
An Arab constable is killed.
September 14, 1946
Jaffa, Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists rob three banks, killing three Arabs in the process. Thirty-six Jews are arrested in the ensuing crackdown.
September 15, 1946
Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists attack a police station on the coast, only to be repelled by gunfire.
October 2, 1946
Tel Aviv
After a Jewish woman refuses to give them a "donation," Irgun blows up her house. British authorities subsequently arrest 50 Jews in a Tel Aviv cafe.
October 8, 1946
Two British soldiers are killed when their truck detonates a land mine outside Jerusalem. A leading Arab figure is wounded in a similar mine explosion in Jerusalem and more road mines are found near Government House.
October 31, 1946
Rome, Italy
The British Embassy is badly damaged by Irgun bombs. The bombing was planned by Eli Tavin, Irgun's overseas intelligence chief, a man under orders from Menachem Begin to establish weapons procurement networks in twenty-three countries. Tavin performed this work covertly while touring the world as the World Zionist Organization's "Educational Director."
November 7, 1946
Railroad traffic is suspended for 24 hours throughout Palestine following a fourth Irgun attack on railway facilities in two days.
November 9 through November 13, 1946
Nineteen persons -- eleven British soldiers and policemen and eight Arab constables -- are killed during this period as Jewish terrorists, using land mines and suitcase bombs, increase their attacks on railroad stations, trains and even streetcars.
November 18, 1946
Five persons are injured when a bomb explodes in the Jerusalem tax office.
December 2 through December 5,1946
Ten persons, including six British soldiers, are killed in bomb and land-mine explosions.
December 26,1946
Nathanya, Tel Aviv
Armed Jewish terrorists raid two diamond factories, escaping with nearly $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds. These raids signaled an end to a two-week truce during the World Zionist Congress.
date undetermined, 1947
New York City
15-year-old B'rith Tabeldor fanatic and future career terrorist Meir Kahane gains the notoriety he craves by assaulting British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin at a New York vegetable market. He and fellow Betar crazies pelt Bevin with rocks. Kahane is promptly arrested and charged with assault, but his sentence is suspended by Judge Morris Rothenberg. It doesn't hurt that Rothenberg is president of the Jewish National Fund in America, is part-owner of an agricultural settlement in Palestine named in his honor, or has assailed Bevin himself this same year, in a speech to a national Zionist conference.
January 2, 1947
Jewish terrorists stage bombings and machine gun attacks in five cities. Casualties are low. Homemade flame-throwers are used in several cases. Pamphlets seized reveal that Irgun has once again declared war against the British and Arabs.
January 5, 1947
Benha, 25 miles outside Cairo, Egypt
Eleven British troops are injured in a hand grenade attack on a troop train bound for Palestine.
January 12, 1947
A LEHI terrorist drives a truck bomb into the British police station and detonates it, killing 4 and injuring 140.
January 13, 1947
An Arab is kidnapped and castrated by Jewish terrorists.
January 26, 1947
Irgun forces kidnap former Maj. H. Collins, a British banker, from his home. He's released three days later, having been severely beaten. Another Irgun abductee, Judge Ralph Windham, is kidnapped from a courtroom on January 28 and released the following day. British High Commissioner Lt. Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham had threatened martial law unless the two men were returned unharmed. These are futile attempts by Irgun to win amnesty for its member Dov Bela Gruner, a man the British have condemned to death for terrorist activities.
March 1, 1947
Irgun attacks kill over 20 British soldiers, twelve of them in a grenade attack on the Officers Club in Tel Aviv. 30 more are injured. Britain invokes martial law.
March 9, 1947
Terrorist attack on a British army camp.
March 10, 1947
Michael Shnell, a Jew suspected of being an informer, is executed by LEHI on Mount Carmel.
March 11, 1947
Two British soldiers killed by Jewish terrorists.
March 12, 1947
One British soldier is killed in a dynamite attack on an Army office.
March 14, 1947
Jewish terrorists blow up part of an oil pipeline in Haifa and a section of the rail line at Beer Yakov.
March 22, 1947
near Petah Tikvah
British police recover the body of Leon Meshiah, a Jew presumed to be another LEHI assassination victim.
March 28, 1947
Irgun blows up the Iraq Petroleum Company pipeline.
March 29, 1947
A British officer is murdered in an ambush near Ramle (Ramallah?). Elsewhere, more Jewish terrorists rob $109,000 from a Tel Aviv bank.
March 30, 1947
Tel Aviv
LEHI kills a British soldier's wife.
March 31, 1947
Jewish terrorists blow up the British-owned Shell-Mex oil tanks in Haifa, starting a fire that destroys a quarter-mile of the waterfront, causing over $1,000,000 property damage.
April 2, 1947
Famagusta Harbor, Cyprus
A Haganah covert operation bombs the vessel “Ocean Vigour.”
April 3, 1947
A second bombing of the transport “Empire Rival” (see 'Week of August 18-24, 1946'). This time a time-bomb is used, detonating while the ship is en route from Haifa to Port Said in Egypt.
April 8, 1947
Jewish terrorists kill a British constable. This is a reprisal for the British killing of Moshe Cohen the previous day.
April 16, 1947
In spite of threats of reprisal from Irgun, the British hang Dov Bela Gruner and three other Irgun members at Acre Prison. Jewish communities are kept under strict curfew for several hours. Two British officers and a Jew are nonetheless killed in reprisal attacks over the next few days. One of the Britons dies in an Irgun attack on a field dressing station near Netanya. The Jew, a bystander during an attack on a British armored car, is also killed by Irgun. Some time prior to April 28, a retaliatory time-bomb is placed in the Colonial Office in London. Poorly made, it had failed to explode.
April 20, 1947
Tel Aviv
12 British soldiers are injured in a series of reprisal bombings for the Gruner execution.
April 22, 1947
near Rehovoth
Five soldiers and three civilians die and 39 additional people are injured by an Irgun bombing of a troop train on the Cairo-Haifa line.
April 25, 1947
Tel Aviv
Five British policemen are killed when LEHI terrorists drive a truck bomb into the Sarona police compound.
April 26, 1947
A Jewish terrorist assassinates Deputy Police Superintendent A. Conquest.
May 4,1947
An Irgun team breaches the wall of the Acre Prison with explosives and then engages the British guards in a gun battle. 15 Jews and one Arab are killed, 32 additional people are injured, including six British guards. 189 prisoners, including many Irgun members, make good their escape. Former British Commando Sgt Dov Bernard Cohen, head of the Acre bomb squad, is fatally wounded in the attack and dies two days later.
May 8, 1947
Tel Aviv
Three Jewish-owned shops are burned down by Jewish terrorists after their owners refused to donate money to the terrorist cause.
May 12, 1947
Jewish terrorists assassinate two British policemen.
May 15, 1947
LEHI attacks the rail system again, blowing up three bridges and causing two derailments. Two British lieutenants die, seven more people are injured.
May 16, 1947
Two British police officials are killed by LEHI: Haifa Assistant Police Superintendent, Robert Schindler, a German Jew, and a British constable ambushed on the Mt. Carmel-Haifa road near Jerusalem.
May 28, 1947
Haifa, Lydda
Jewish terrorists blow up a water main and a shed on the Haifa oil docks and attack three railway targets around Lydda and Haifa.
June 4, 1947
Jewish terrorists revive an exotic terror method not seen since the first decade of the century: the letter bomb. No fewer than 20 LEHI letter bombs made with gelignite powder are discovered in transit to high British government officials, including Ernest Bevin, Anthony Eden, Prime Minister Attlee, and Winston Churchill.
June 5, 1947
Tel Aviv, Haifa
More attacks on rail targets, with two trains derailed. No casualties this time.
June 18, 1947
Tel Aviv
Haganah tries to blow up British Military Headquarters. The plot fails when one of the perpetrators is killed by a booby trap put in place for just this eventuality.
June 19, 1947
Another letter bomb is mailed to Major Roy Alexander Farran, suspected by the Stern Gang of murdering a 16-year-old member, Alexander Rubowitz.
June 28, 1947
Tel Aviv, Haifa
LEHI terrorists fire on British soldiers standing in line outside a Tel Aviv theater on a Saturday night, killing three and wounding two. Another Briton is killed and several wounded in a Haifa hotel. In claiming responsibility for the attacks, the terrorists state these are reprisals for the death of 16-year-old comrade Alexander Rubowitz, killed while in Army custody on May 6.
June 29, 1947
LEHI terrorists discover more British soldiers enjoying Sunday picnics at the beach and fire on them, wounding four.
July 2, 1947
An Irgun bank robbery nets $3,200
July 12, 1947
Irgun abducts two British sergeants, Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice, holding them hostage in lieu of release of three of its own terrorists (Myer Nakar, Absalom Habib and Jacob Weiss) captured in the Acre Prison attack of May 4. The three were sentenced to death on July 8.
"Martin and Paice were unarmed and out of uniform when a car drew up beside them and out jumped an Irgun hit squad. Both men were bundled and pistol whipped into the back of the car. They were taken to a specially constructed cell which was, in effect,a 3m cubed box buried underneath a diamond factory. Lacking both light and air, their provisions for survival consisted of a canvas bucket, a week's supply of food and 2 oxygen cylinders."
For conclusion, see july 29
July 17, 1947
Irgun mines kill two Britons and injure 23.
July 18, 19, 20, 1947
A British soldier is killed on each of these days.
July 23, 1947
Haganah sinks the British transport “Empire Lifeguard” as it discharges 300 Jewish immigrants officially admitted into Palestine under quota. Sixty-five immigrants are killed and 40 more wounded.
July 26, 1947
near Jerusalem
Two British soldiers killed by a booby trap.
July 26, 1947
vicinity of Haifa
Jewish terrorists blow up the Iraqi Petroleum Co. pipeline 12 miles east of Haifa and destroy a Mt. Carmel radar station.
July 27, 1947
An ambush and mines cost the British seven more casualties, all wounded.
July 29, 1947, Palestine.
Acre, Netanya
(continued from July 12) The British carry out the executions of Nakar, Habib, and Weiss at Acre prison. Irgun immediately retaliates by hanging its hostages, Martin and Paice.
"The Irgun reacted swiftly. Irgun commander Amihai "Gidi" Paglin and a squad drove to the diamond factory. One of the sergants was dragged from the box and a hood was slipped over his head. After his hands and feet were tied he was stood on a chair, a noose placed around his neck, and then the chair was kicked away. The second sergant was similarly hanged. After hanging for 20 minutes the two corpses were taken to a nearby eucalyptus grove and each suspended from a tree. A powerful mine was placed beneath the bodies and the British authorities were informed of the location. When the bodies were cut down [5:30 AM on July 31], they set off the mines which blew the rescuers and the corpses to pieces."
Enraged British soldiers turn on Jewish civilian settlements, in one incident killing five civilians in a machine-gun attack on a bus.
August 1, 1947
Tel Aviv, Jerusalem
A funeral procession for the five civilians killed by British soldiers ends in an anti-British riot. 33 Jews are injured in ensuing clashes with British police. In Jerusalem a terrorist attack on the British security zone in Rehavia is repulsed with one attacker killed and two captured.
August 4, 1947
Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists rob Barclays' Bank of $5200
August 5, 1947
A major British crackdown sweeps up 35 Jewish officials and Irgun leaders, including: Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv; Mayor Oved Ben Ami of Nathanya; Mayor Abraham Krinitzki of Ramat Gan; Arieh Altman, president of the radical Revisionist Party; Menahem Arber, leader of the (outlawed) Revisionist youth organization B'rith Trumpeldor, a.k.a. 'Betar'; Max Kritzman, Dov Bela Gruner's attorney; and David Stern, brother of late LEHI founder Avraham Stern. Excepting the three mayors, these are all leading Revisionists (violent disciples of zionist hatist Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky). Among many papers confiscated is correspondence from Soviet Russian agents in Italy and Bulgaria, and extensive plans to poison the water supply of the non-Jewish parts of Jerusalem with botulism, anthrax and other bacteria. Bacteria was supplied by the Soviets via Bulgaria.
Irgun retaliates for the British action by blowing up the Department of Labor in Jerusalem, killing three British constables.
August 8, 1947
Ramat Can
Jewish terrorists rob the Bank of Sharon, taking $8,000.
August 15, 1947
A Haganah raid kills 12 Palestinian Arabs. Elsewhere, a mine derails a troop train on the Cairo-Haifa line north of Lydda, killing the engineer.
August 16, 1947
near Tel Aviv
Haganah bombs a house in an Arab orange grove killing eleven Arabs, including a woman and four children.
August 18, 1947
Tel Aviv
Five Jewish-owned shops are destroyed by Irgun for failure to support the cause.
August 23, 1947
Five Arabs in one family — two men, one woman, two children — are murdered by Jewish terrorists retaliating for the British arrest of two Irgun leaders on August15.
September 3, 1947
A postal bomb attributed to Irgun or LEHI and addressed to the British War Office explodes in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons (The Sunday Times, September 24, 1972, p.8)
September 7, 1947
French police announce that a LEHI plot to attack London with home-made fire extinguisher bombs from the air has been thwarted through the cooperation of Reginald Gilbert of St Louis, Missouri, a student and wartime RCAF and AAF pilot. Gilbert was taken into custody with Rabbi Baruch Korff of New York, co-Chairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine, and Judith Rosenberger, Hungarian-born Stern gang member, as the three were boarding a private plane the previous night at Toussus-le-Noble field near Versailles. Gilbert informed French police that Korff had approached him in Paris a week ago with an offer for flying a bombing mission over London the day of the “Exodus” illegal immigrant landings in Germany. Gilbert accepted for some other pilot who would actually perform the mission. He at once notified Paris police, then worked with them and Scotland Yard while pretending to go through with the LEHI plot. Korff was charged in Paris on September 9 with illegal possession of bombs he was intending to drop on London. He began a hunger strike. Paris police state that nine other conspirators are in custody.
September 12, 1947
Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
The US command in Germany learns of Irgun plans to assassinate British representatives in the US sector. All British delegations are placed under 24-hour guard. The command had previously announced (September 7) Irgun thefts from US army ammunition depots in Germany.
September 21, 1947
Jewish terrorists kill a British messenger.
September 26, 1947
Irgun kills four British policemen during a bank robbery.
October 13, 1947
A terrorist bomb damages the US consulate general, injuring two employees slightly. This bombing is similar to another at the Polish consulate the previous night and to one at the Swedish consulate on September 27. Elsewhere in Jerusalem, Jewish terrorists kill two British soldiers. The State Department in Washington announces it will issue no passports to American citizens who want to take part in terrorism in Palestine; Americans so involved will forfeit protection normally due US citizens abroad.
November 3, 1947
LEHI terrorists assassinate a Jewish policeman for refusing to share intelligence with them.
November 12, 1947
near Raanana
In the process of raiding a LEHI terrorist arsenal in a farmhouse, British troops kill three Jewish girls and two boys. A wave of retaliatory killings begins immediately.
November 13, 1947
Jewish terrorists attack the Ritz Cafe, a favorite with the Brits, throwing hand grenades and firing a machine gun into it.
November 14, 1947
Jerusalem; Tel Aviv
Jewish terrorists kill two British policemen in Jerusalem and two soldiers in Tel Aviv. The body count for this day and the previous two is now 53: 10 Britons killed, 33 wounded; five Jews killed, five more wounded.
November 20, 1947
near Raanana
LEHI executes four Arabs, continuing its retaliations for the November 12 tragedy.
November 22, 1947
Another Arab murdered by LEHI.
week of November 30 to December 6, 1947
The United Nations has announced its decision to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab areas, precipitating a week of rioting and gun battles across the Middle East that kills 159 people, 66 in Palestine alone. On December 2, an Arab riot in Jerusalem destroys three blocks of Jewish businesses, causing $1,000,000 property damage.
According to one commentator:
"It becomes clearly evident that the partition is not going as planned and that although the Jews are pleased, the Arabs are not. There appears to be no way to control the Jews or their determination to drive all of the Arabs out of Jerusalem by force if necessary. The Arabs, initially living in peace with the Jewish minority, have been increasingly victimized by the Jews who, now that the British are leaving, are turning their savage behavior against them. The Jews have redoubled their efforts to build a military force and arm them. They claim that this force is to protect the Jewish population against attacks from the Arab countries as well as the Arab population of Jerusalem but an even stronger argument can be made that the Zionists are determined to drive out the Arab population by armed force. The initial Arab response to Jewish harassment over the past year has been very slow in coming but it seems to be quite inevitable and a terrible civil war is foreseen."
December 11, 1947
Haifa and vicinity
Jewish terrorists throw bombs into Arab buses, killing six and injuring 30. Outside Haifa, a heavily armed zionist mob attacks an Arab coastal village killing another 12 Arabs. Many Jews also die in Arab attacks. With 41 deaths, this is the worst single day thus far of race violence in Palestine. It's only a hint of what's to come.
December 12, 1947
Haganah attacks produce 27 deaths: 20 Arabs, five Jews, two Britons.
December 13,1947
Many violent actions by Jewish extremists:
Jerusalem: Irgoons hurl bombs into an Arab market near the Damascus Gate, killing six and injuring 23.
Jaffa: more bombs thrown into an Arab cafe, with six dead and 40 wounded; 100 Arab houses burned.
vicinity of Lydda: Al Abbasya (Arab village) 12 Arabs killed in an attack with mortars and automatic weapons; **FALSE FLAG OPERATION** in Yehida (Arab village): a team of Jews disguise themselves as British soldiers and drive into the town posing as a security detachment. Finding many Arabs congregated at a coffee house, they pull up and are welcomed only to open fire on the crowd with their machine guns. Seven Arabs die. A much worse death toll is averted only by the arrival of a real British patrol.
December 18, 1947
Khisas is an Arab village on the Lebanon/Syria border
Two carloads of Haganah 'Palmach' terrorists drive through the village in the middle of the night, firing machine guns and throwing grenades. 10 Arab civilians are killed, including five children.
December 19, 1947
Qazaza (Arab village in central Palestine, near Safad)
A Haganah team blows up the home of the village Mukhtar (elder) and another house, killing 10 inhabitants including five children.
December 20, 1947
A second Haganah raid on the town kills one Arab, injures two more.
December 21, 1947
The Jewish Agency officially approves what Haganah is already doing: attacking Arab villages to “exterminate nests of brigands.”
December 26, 1947
Tel Aviv
LEHI assassinates Israel Levin, one of its own, for trying to betray another member.
December 25, 1947
Tel Aviv
LEHI machine-guns and kills two British soldiers in a cafe.
December 26, 1947
Netanya; Tel Aviv
Heavily armed Jewish terrorists raid two diamond factories, escaping with $107,000 in diamonds, cash and bonds.
December 26, 1947
Ben-Gurion proposes a major offensive to purge Palestine of Arabs.
On December 27, 1947
Operation Zarzir (i.e. 'Starling') is announced
Israel's first formal plan for what will later be called "targeted assassinations." This puts the lie to present-day zionist claims that extra-judicial assassination policy is a result of the intifadas.
December 28, 1947
Jewish terrorists gun down six people in a coffee house.
December 29, 1947
Using a taxi as their drive-by terror platform, Irgun terrorists throw bombs into a crowd at the Damascus Gate, killing two British constables and 11 Arabs and injuring 32 additional Arabs.
Elsewhere on this day, a British major (E. Brett, seized in Nathanya) and three sergeants (taken from Tel Aviv and Rishon el Siyon), are kidnapped and flogged by Irgun, receiving 18 lashes apiece. This is in retaliation for the similar flogging of Irgun member Benjamin Kimkhim, a convicted bank robber sentenced to 18 years in prison.
December 30, 1947
Irgun terrorists throw a bomb into a throng of Arabs at a bus stop outside the Haifa Oil Refinery. Six are killed, more are injured. A retaliatory riot breaks out inside the refinery, with Arabs attacking their Jewish coworkers with knives, crowbars, and sticks, killing around forty of them.
night of December 31 / January 1, 1947
Balad al Sheikh; Hawassa (Arab towns on the southeast outskirts of Haifa)
150 to 200 Haganah volunteers retaliate for the refinery massacre with a midnight military assault on these towns, in which many of the refinery workers live. The raiding unit's orders are to 'kill maximum adult males'. The raiders penetrate to the center of Balad al Sheikh, firing into and blowing up houses, also pulling men from their homes and executing them in the streets. Some women and children are also killed. All told, the attacks result in over 60 Arab deaths, with 41 injured.
December 31, 1947
Irgun publicly boasts of its fine death toll for the year: 374 Arabs and British murder victims. 1948 will be much, much worse.