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Gay Lesbian Bi-Sexual Animal Rights

Synthetic leather fetish | 29.11.2006 17:10 | Animal Liberation

Gay Lesbian Bi-Sexual Animal Rights Group to be founded...

Anyone interested in joining a Gay Lesbian Bi-Sexual Animal Rights Group please email us, we already have a few people who have expressed an interest. There will be a straight section for others who sympathise with our aims and beliefs as we do not want to cut out other vegans / animal rights activists.

After meeting quite a few Gay Lesbian Bi-Sexual protestors it occurred that this did not exist. We will be shortly holding a vegan event in a Central London vegan cafe. Hopefully have a demo afterwards or before as well. Why not?

Keep your vegan peckers up !!!

Synthetic leather fetish
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sectional politics

29.11.2006 18:00

this is certainly a new take on the ever narrowing confines of identity and sectional politics. it really is depressing how exclusive - and yes even discrimatory in their definition of who is allowed in - people are becoming as a result of these ever narrowing platforms of identity based politics.

new low

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my own section

29.11.2006 18:18

I'm a black one-legged lesbian with asthma, and I demand my very own sub section, you're welcome to have a fringe section of just one-legged bisexuals, but I consider my identity to make me unique, and don't want anyone other than those exactly like me to be in my sub section.


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QUALITY WIND-UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29.11.2006 19:25





Student Grant

question cocerning parsing

29.11.2006 19:47

Is it "[Gay and Lesbian animal rights] group" or "[Gay and Lesbian animal rights group]"? I'm all for the rights of gay/etc animals and would join such a group but don't think I qualify for the other one. Please advise.



29.11.2006 20:08

It's amazing what a homophobic cesspit some people are making of Indymedia. If a women's group, a black group, a Muslim group or almost any group decided to organize around an issue, there would be none of this crap about "sectarianism" and "identity politics". But the regular Indymedia hypocrites and bullies sect are always out in force when gays and lesbians pop their heads above the parapits.



29.11.2006 20:37

although society labels me as bi, what does sexuality have to do with campaigning for animal rights? surely the focus should be people who belive in animal rights and not the people's sexual orientation...

or are you campaigning for animals who are gay/bi/lesbian? :-) actually my cat is a bit gay and she seems pretty radical (i caught her in the skips and she often reclaims bed space)

good luck anyway



fuck off trolls

29.11.2006 21:18

can you really not possibly imagine why queer activists might want to work in groups that exclude heterosexuals? i certainly can, i am one of them. i am sick of the heterosexist bullshit that straight activism involves, i want to work with people who get where i am coming from and do not exclude me, mock me, or make assumptions about me or my gender. i am glad to see this group is happening but sad to see you all proving just how badly groups like this are neeeded.

queer annarko

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We're waking up

30.11.2006 07:21

I'm glad that gay people are realising more and more that Indymedia UK has long since slipped into Stalinoid nonsense. Jewish people have already sussed that its agenda is neither socialist, nor anarchist, but Strasserite "left-right fusion" politics undercut by anti-semitism. Fortuantely, left wing groups including the CPB/Morning Star, AWL, CPGB and others have expressed concerns about the tide of hate on Indymedia UK.

Homophobic conspiracy theories are perhaps not as blatant amongst ill-thought out 'anti-capitalists', but pop up with boring regularity amongst 'the movement', hidden behind mock horror about identity politics, or cheap gags from straight boys terrified that any group would want to organise outside their precious power bases.

Forty years after the New Left, the persistence of macho non-entities shows that the black activists, progressive Jews, feminists, gay groups, disabled campaigners and others were right to organise for themselves. Their success in changing society, however imperfectly, must really stick in the craw of the the ultra-left who have spent four decades in politcal obscurity.

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queer annarko

30.11.2006 11:01

Why do you assume that straight activists are incapable of being understanding, non-judgemental, open-minded, and so on? I am 'straight' by society's standards, but I would never dream of judging someone by their sexuality or anything like that, particularly a fellow believer in animal rights and anarchism!


serious point

30.11.2006 11:22

I was making a serious point, but in a humourous way. The reality is that I am left-handed, half-irish, and asthmatic, I have been discrimated against on a 3 counts at one time or another. Do I deserve my own section? and what would be the point of just isolating myself?

What is the point of all the separatist politics, other than to create a self-fullfilling prophecy of leaving the white, heterosexual whitemen alone, and seething with resentment at being defined as the very white, heterosexual group, that it is feared that white, heterosexual men will aggressively define themselves as.

At university the white, heterosexual men, were left propping up the bar, while everyone else retreated into their narrowly defined identity grouping. If you want to challenge bigotry, engage with it. The poisonous environment we currently have is where identity poilitics have become responsible for the rise of while, heterosexual identity politics by default.

This is the process by which political correctness is responsible for the rise of the BNP, and the only way to stop the BNP is to force both the BNP and the idiotic, self-fullfilling nature of identity politics, off the political stage, simultaneously.


ginger animals rights group

30.11.2006 11:50

any other gingers out there want to set up a ginger animal rights group?


Reply to Qwerty

30.11.2006 14:56

Being a woman is a strictly empirically based definition.

Being Black is a strictly empirically based definition.

Being a Muslim is a strictly empirically based definition.

Being gay is a boundless and subjective definition, which is so broad as to be meanless.

Qwerty you think having a go at a lying anti-working class bigot like Tatchell is anti-gay, but isn't that like claiming by hating the institution of monarchy you hate all women because the Queen is a woman.

Rational debate is better than emotive nonsense.

Bermondsey Bill


30.11.2006 17:34

I hope this is a fucking spoof.

What a lot of shite.


Gay A.R. Activists

01.12.2006 09:30

Myself and my life Partner Bruce are openly Gay and Proud of our Animal Rights Involvement, we are in full support of any Group fighting animal abuse regardless of peoples sexuality.

Steve Mclean

Not a completely new idea

01.12.2006 18:27

I'm fairly sure that in the late 1970's there was a short-lived group called LAIR, that stood for something like "Lesbians Against Inhumane Research" - how many members this group had, I don't know.

There has also been, and may still be, at least one Gay Vegetarian social group - I think they used to organise fairly regular picnics in London parks. Not the same as animal rights, I know, but probably sympathetic.

Is the idea to produce a campaigning group on AR / LGBT issues, or simply to enable likeminded people to meet up. I have noticed that gay people have a pretty low profile in animal rights circles.

Gregor Samsa

Gay Lesbian Bi-Sexual Animal Rights

01.12.2006 22:34

The idea is to set up a campaigning group. We have had quite a few e mails from interested parties, thanks a lot - please email if interested or are willing to help out in any way.

I will ignore most of the childish comments above, usual trolls on Indymedia... In response to some of the emails please note that we do welcome trans-species dressers as long as they are gay / lesbian / bi-sexual however we do not accept anyone who supports beastiality as this is, in our eyes tantamount to rape.

Thanks for your support.

Synthetic leather fetish

Synthetic leather fetish
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identity politics

01.12.2006 23:39

The drift into identity politics, and the way in which it creates and legitimises white, heterosexual identity politics (whether you like it or not), makes it a Weimar Republic in waiting.

Know your history.

You know not what you have done.



03.12.2006 01:23

Is this campaign for the rights of GLB animals?



03.12.2006 01:24

" In response to some of the emails please note that we do welcome trans-species dressers as long as they are gay / lesbian / bi-sexual however we do not accept anyone who supports beastiality as this is, in our eyes tantamount to rape. "

talk about a non-sequitor! good stuff, keep up the great work liberating the gay animals!



17.02.2009 18:16

I understand why the LGBT Animal Rights group is being organised.

I have been campaigning for Animal Rights for a long time & have seen/heard so much homophobia (as many of the public are), but thought those involved with AR wouldn't (& shouldn't) be so speciesist!

It's good to see that the group are not only inviting LGBT they are inviting those who TRULY understand & fight against ALL anti speciesism!

Well done :o)

anti speciesism

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