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asbo multibike trailer nicked last night

asbo crew | 29.11.2006 15:10

our bike trailer was nicked over night

we have done a pretty thorough scout of the area directly around us (10 minute walk) so its maybe off road
please could everyone keep an eye or 2 out and contact us immediately if its spotted 07849 208143
its pretty useless without a multibike so maybe its been dumped somewhere we've not looked yet
please help us get this back its a useful and colourful part of our community
for a description see pictures on indymedia from critical mass
pls pass this msg on
asbo crew

asbo crew


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The Trailer :: Picture

29.11.2006 19:17


First the Thinggy was nicked, after all that work on it .... But it was got back from the thieves. NOW, someone has nicked the trailer. Have they no shame..!

Right campers, please be on the lookout for it and let folks at the ASBO know, if sited.

Construction of the 'multi-person thingy'

Design & building the multi-person powered thingy - Nottm's Rinky-Dink Phase 2

I offer a photo of what it looks like, to assist.

mail e-mail:

this found yet?

09.12.2006 13:59

has this been found/returned as yet?


No luck yet

23.12.2006 18:24

No it hasnt been returned yet, might have changed color,, only joking. we are all hoping to get it back at the asbo as we need to do some reclycling.

Keep your eyes open, might be anywhere.


