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xtian cross melbourne aus |
29.11.2006 04:05
| Other Press
Supporting the troops at the holiday season.
It is very important for the morale of our troops that we show them that we support them. Please if you can send a kind word in a letter or in a christmas or holiday card that we support them at this time of year. There are orginizations like the U.S.O. that will make sure the letters or cards reach the troops. Cheers Xtain Cross Melbourne Aus.
xtian cross melbourne aus
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Support Man. United instead
29.11.2006 05:12
Should we support them for blindly following orders? maybe for serving their country? for teaching the Iraqi police how to commit genocide? maybe for securing our oil?
I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for our troops, and I don't see how showing our support will help anyway. If their moral is low, it's because deep down they know they shouldn't be there, why don't we support the refuseniks instead? these are the admirable once the follow their conscience rather than the orders given to them from above. If you die in service in Iraq, you have no one to blame but yourself.
They are doing a great job there, no doubt, and if ever we need to slaughter a whole nation, and bring the survivors into a state of perpetual civil war, we'd know where to look. Fuck the troops, fuck the killers, and the trainers, fuck the chain of command, and this horrible war, fuck it. If you want me to support your actions, make sure they are moral actions,
I only support those who constantly question authority, not those who preform their orders in the most efficient manner.
Marry Christmas,
If you'll make your new year's resolution to never serve the army, you will get my support, and a card too. Otherwise make it a new year to remember and put a bullet in your head.
If I'll give my name, I would be on the front page of the Sun, I'd rather not