FX | 28.11.2006 01:47 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Other Press | World
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Independent Media Transcript 28 November 2006
Revolutionary not Evolutionary – indymedia activists report from Tonga by NZ INDY 27/11/06
Nuku’alofa (Tonga) – We, two indymedia ( activists, arrived at Fua’amato International Airport early on Friday morning from Aotearoa. After leaving the plane we had to walk to the arrival hall past three Tongan soldiers, two of which were carrying large rifles and the other a hand gun...
A police officer walked around with his dog while people where waiting at the immigration desks. More members of the Tongan Defense Force (TDF), armed and in camouflage gear, stood around in the arrival hall. On our way into town we past a military checkpoint at the turn-off to the airport. They didn’t pull us over and we drove the 20kms into the city.
In the morning we made contact with members of the Friendly Island Human Rights and Democracy Movement (FIHRDM) and arranged to meet up later. In the interim we went for a two hour walk through Nuku’alofa. On our way towards the city we came across a building which was completely destroyed from Thursday’s fires. It was the headquarters of Tonfön, a telecommunication company owned by the royal family.
Just before entering the city centre, across from the Royal Tombs, a military checkpoint is set up. In fact, the whole city centre is cordoned off by roadblocks on every street. Only people who work or live inside the area can enter. You have to be on a list in order to pass. Each checkpoint constitutes off a set of barricades to stop cars with spikes on the ground. There are between two and eight soldiers on guard at each checkpoint. The bigger checkpoints have Tongan and Australian soldiers. The Australian soldiers moved into town on Saturday for guard duty. We counted approximately 12 roadblocks in central Nuku’alofa. The Tongan TV station, which is out of the city centre, is also closed by army personnel of which two are from Australia. “We do what the Tongan government tells us” said one of them.
NZ is investigating
We came across two NZ police officers and one NZ firefighter who were busy investigating ‘arson crimes’. They told us that there are two teams, made up of one firefighter, one police photographer and two investigators (all from New Zealand) along with Tongan police, operating at the moment. “We are here to help to assist the Tongan police” said a NZ police officer.
We then had the opportunity to interview five people who are involved in the democracy movement: Finau Tutone, an organiser with the Friendly Island Teachers Association; Akenete T. Lauti, the director of FIHRDM; 'Akilisi Pohiva and Leopolo Taonesila, both Members of Parliament (two of the nine representatives elected by the people – in a parliament of 30); and Tevita Tui Uata of the National Tongan Business Association.
Very quick summary:
Finau talked about last year’s strike and the connection between the trade union movement and the pro-democracy movement. He said the system needs to change in Tonga. Akenete informed us about the FIHRDM’s activities. They organise workshops and meeting to educate people on human rights issues. While she advocates for non-violence, she does not blame the people but the Government for Thursday’s riots. 'Akilisi put the movement into a historical context and talked about the progress, or lack of, made inside parliament. Leopolo is one of only two women in parliament (the other one being the Minister of Justice – appointed by the King). She only started to get involved in politics last year when she was elected to parliament as a people’s representative from an outer island. Tevita, who has been blamed for the riots, thinks that representative democracy will get Tonga out of a system that only works for 1% of the population. He was strongly opposed to Tonga joining the World Trade Organisation and says that the wealth needs to be shared more equally among the people.
NZ/OZ soldiers – get out (or “enjoy your holiday”)!
With the exception of Tevita, all of the people we spoke to either do not see the point of the New Zealand and Australian troops’ presence or see them as supporters of the autocratic system. Either way, they want them out of Tonga. The NZ soldiers are not to be seen in Nuku’alofa (they are still somewhere at the airport) and the Australian troops do not seem to do much at all except for sitting around at checkpoints with big guns. Pro-democracy advocates are very critical of NZ support for the government. They say the NZ government should be neutral and not send soldiers to support the system.
Revolutionary not Evolutionary
Many shops have slogans painted on them. Across from the market, someone wrote “THE NU FACE OF YOUTH REBELLION” and “REVOLUTIONARY NOT EVOLUTIONARY” on a burnt-out shop. Other slogans are “Freedomfighter”, “Fight the Power”, “Democracy not Hypocrisy”, “You had it coming” and “Fuck Prime Minister”. Many of them are signed by ‘Ezekiel’.
Police checkpoints
The police have set up two checkpoints on both sides of town. They pull most cars over and search the boot. We were told they are looking for weapons and stolen goods. They say it is illegal for people to carry weapons and they claim to have confiscated eight .22 riffles over the last few days.
Army guards the King’s residence
We walked to the King’s mansion which is guarded by four Tongan soldiers. The huge house is around 300 meters off the road. While taking photos a black SUV left the premises and the gate was opened for a few seconds. One of the soldiers was prepared to say a few words on camera. He said he does not want democracy in Tonga, he wants peace.
Marching band practice
On our way back into town we stopped at a high-school where a marching band was practicing. Over 50 young men were playing in the band which includes tubas, trombones, trumpets and a percussion section. Everybody is incredibly welcoming and keen to talk about politics. Everybody we talk to wants change here in Tonga. People are sick and tired of living in this system where 1% of the population lives in luxury on the expense of everybody else.
Australia, New Zealand dispatch troops to Tonga
Clark’s hostility to monarchical rule is not motivated by concerns for democratic rights. The so-called pro-democracy movement is led by parliamentarians, business people, and other middle-class elements who resent the monarchy for monopolising the country’s wealth and political power, but have no fundamental differences with the regime’s right-wing economic and social agenda. These layers have won Australian and New Zealand support by promising to protect foreign interests in Tonga and implement sweeping pro-business reforms.
Tasmanian Weld Valley Protest Continue?by Jenny Weber Melbourne IMC 19/11/06
Australia: Tasmania: Despite new road destruction in to wilderness Weld Valley, community resistance continues
Saturday November 18, 2006 ?4 More Forest Defenders arrested in Weld Valley protests. In the continuing community action over the destruction of the wilderness forests of the Weld Valley, a further 4 people were arrested today bringing the total for the last week to 13 arrested.
“Forest Defenders today were faced with intervention and manhandling from Forestry Tasmania employees, including the district forester Steve Davis, while they were attempting to protect the ancient forests of the Weld Valley,” spokesperson Jenny Weber said today. “Since the destruction of the year long Weld Camp, 13 arrests have occurred in defence of these world heritage quality forests, “The defence of this wild place will continue, with a planned Community walk in tomorrow to defy the 10km media and public exclusion zone over this new roading into potential national park forests,”
“Tasmania police and now Forestry Tasmania employees are working as security guards for woodchip giant, Gunns Ltd,” Ms Weber said. Saturday, November 18, 2006 Forest Defender goaled for two nights A Justice of the Peace tonight refused bail for Weld Forest defender, Warwick Jordan. This means he will be remanded in custody for two nights, until he can appear again in court on Monday. “This is a serious attack on freedom of speech when a brave forest defended is gaoled for standing up for Tasmania’s ancient forests,” said spokesperson Adam Burling. “Warwick is a dedicated non-violent activist and deserves the democratic right to protest,” said Mr Burling 19th November 100 Tasmanian’s Support Weld Valley Protection.
“Community support for the protection of the Weld Valley was shown today with 100 people walking 10km in to ancient forest where current road destruction occurs. Members of the community defied the media and public exclusion zone, to bear witness to the current destruction of World Heritage Quality forests,” Spokesperson Jenny Weber said.
“In a peaceful show of solidarity for the campaign to protect the Weld Valley, 100 people turned up today as a sign of community concern for these ancient forests,” Jenny Weber said.
“Our efforts to highlight the devastation of the habitat of native wildlife in the Weld Valley will continue, and a message of solidarity will be shown for activist Warrick Jordan who will appear in court tomorrow after 2 nights in jail,” Jenny Weber said.
More actions & arrests in the Weld Valley
by Lilia Letsch Melbourne IMC 26/11/06
Yesterday [25 November 06] more than 50 people, including Tas Greens leader MHA Peg Putt, walked through the police exclusion zone in the Weld Valley to the site of the destroyed blockade camp. 7 more people were arrested.
Community members and supporters yesterday staged a walk-in through the police exclusion zone in the lower Weld Valley. Around 50 people walked through a police line and continued their walk to the site of the demolished Weld blockade and Weld Ark pirate ship. Tasmanian Greens leader MHA Peg Putt attended the walk-in to show her party's support for the campaign.
During the walk-in 7 people were arrested for non-violent, peaceful protest. Police seemed to target anyone who was towards the front of the walking group, arresting them, and then dropping them outside the exclusion zone at the Eddy Road forestry gate.
Total arrests since the Weld Camp raid on the 15th of November have now reached 27.
Related??Raw live footage of the walk-in yesterday:
Community walk into Weld forests - 5 arrests ??And another
movie from a community walk-in on Nov 19th:
Weld Valley forest defenders
Come to Camp weld
3 dead in Oaxaca - Indybay report
by 27/11/07
A peaceful protest in Oaxaca was repressed by the federal police stationed in the center of the city. By nightfall, a few people were reported killed, hundreds arrested and hurt and many disappeared.
Today, after the seventh megamarch in Oaxaca, members of the APPO attempted to form a human fence around the federal preventative police (PFP), but were attacked with gas. This unleashed a series of clashes with violence again igniting in the city. Many have been arrested and there are reports of many wounded, some by gunfire. It is confirmed that three people were killed. The march unfolded in a festive atmosphere until it reached Oaxaca’s downtown. There began the attempt to form a human fence around the PFP forces in Oaxaca's zocalo. Groups of PRI members started provoking the demonstraters with insults and shooting slingshots with marbles. Later, the PFP began using tear gas to disperse the people. People started to withdraw, but police kept moving forward and then began the riot.
While shooting off tear gas, police kept charging on. People tried to resist in a peaceful way, but couldn`t stand up against the tear gas. The people began to defend themselves with rockets, home made bombs and stones.
The situation became very tense toward the area north of downtown where the police attempted to surround the protesters. At some point, the PFP entered Santo Domingo, which is occupied by an APPO encampment, and then set fire to the camp. Many fires started throughout the city, which were set by saboteurs. A bus near the University City, a door of the Hotel Camino Real and then the legislative palace and external relationships buildings were all set aflame.
The police started using gunfire and also shot gas cans at the protestors. This practice has killed people before in Oaxaca on Nov. 2 and in other places like Atenco. Radio Universidad made a general call to withdraw and to get off the streets. Three people were shot by police from two pickup trucks using heavy gunfire near the College of Medicine. Reports indicate more than one hundred shots heard. The killers took two of the bodies and left the third one lying at the spot. Near a place known as El Pochote, a big group of people were surrounded by the police. Also in the streets of Fiallo y Colón, a big number of teachers and workers of the health department were detained and removed in two buses.
To the north of downtown, several reports indicate that there were massive arrests of up to thirty people who were sprayed with gas after being detained. In a place called El Fortin, witnesses report how police were beating up and torturing detained ones before moving them from the spot aboard pickup trucks. Radio Universidad keeps transmitting and making announcements and denunciations. The pacific mobilization received an attack from the federal police with gases and gunfire.
Then protesters faced a wave of represion by armed police officers and paramilitary which resulted in the deaths of three people, many injured individuals, more than 60 detained protesters and innocent bystanders and an unknown number of disappeared people. The numbers are increasing because violence has not ceased in the streets of Oaxaca. People caught on the streets are looking for safe places to hide as the night promises more terror. Radio Universidad is asking its listeners to open their doors and allow people to hide. Now the PFP is entering people’s homes to ransack them and search for protesters. The APPO has made a plea for all national and international organizations in solidarity with the Oaxaca struggle to protest where they can against the brutality of the Mexican federal government in its support of Ulises Ruiz.
Photos from 7th Megamarch in Oaxaca November 25th
By Rochelle Gause Info Shop 26/11/06
The march was yet another incredible showing of support for APPO and for the removal of both the corrupt governor of Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, and the Federal Preventative Police who have been in Oaxaca for almost a month now...
After marching for 5 hours from a town outside the city, the march began to circle the main square, which the federal police have occupied since their arrival. The police were in full riot gear at each of the entrances to the main square. In many of the entrances a police officer could be seen on top of the armored vehicles armed with live ammunition. Within half an hour street battles broke out between the movement and the police in atleast two of the entrances. Some members of the movement, armed with rocks, maltov cocktails and fireworks, faced off with the police who used an an incredible amount of tear gas, rocks and marbles shot with slingshots. After awhile the police pushed the people north up the hill, at one point taking over the Santo Domingo plaza where the movement has been centered since the police forced them out of the main square. The police continued to fire teargas into the crowd and burnt the tarps and other items in the Santo Domingo plaza. The report from APPO's most recent Constitutive Congress were scattered all over the ground. During this time plain clothed police were detaining people in the streets. After the police retreated back to the main square, many movement members regrouped in Santo Domingo as night was falling...
All of a sudden the police lines began advancing back up the hill on multiple streets at once forcing the crowd to run up the hill. I took this last photo as I was running from the police with hundreds of others. Medics were running behind me with a man on a stretcher clenching a blloody cloth against his head. They slid into the makeshift clinic that was set up weeks ago in the Santo Domingo plaza closing the door behind them.
The police advanced over eight blocks forcing the crowd to continue running north of the main square. Paramilitary groups also arrived on the scene shooting into the crowd as people ran for their lives. Throughout the next few hours federal police and plainclothed gunmen continued to attack members of the movement who had taken cover in various locations. Three movement members are dead, over 100 detained, and over 200 injured (40 with live amunition). These people are guilty of simply demanding justice and trying to organize an alternative to the corrupt and repressive leadership that governs their state. The Mexican federal government's response, supposedly to restore peace, has instead attempted to maintain the exploitive status quo through further repression and with no regard for the true root causes of this conflict, the extreme poverty and injust government policies that benefit a few at the cost of the majority. Please continue to take action in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca!
For more photos of the struggle in Oaxaca...
To contact me... rochelle (at)
Tags: Tonga-Report, Weld-Valley, Oaxaca-7th-Megamarch
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Independent Media Transcript 28 November 2006
Revolutionary not Evolutionary – indymedia activists report from Tonga by NZ INDY 27/11/06
Nuku’alofa (Tonga) – We, two indymedia (

A police officer walked around with his dog while people where waiting at the immigration desks. More members of the Tongan Defense Force (TDF), armed and in camouflage gear, stood around in the arrival hall. On our way into town we past a military checkpoint at the turn-off to the airport. They didn’t pull us over and we drove the 20kms into the city.
In the morning we made contact with members of the Friendly Island Human Rights and Democracy Movement (FIHRDM) and arranged to meet up later. In the interim we went for a two hour walk through Nuku’alofa. On our way towards the city we came across a building which was completely destroyed from Thursday’s fires. It was the headquarters of Tonfön, a telecommunication company owned by the royal family.
Just before entering the city centre, across from the Royal Tombs, a military checkpoint is set up. In fact, the whole city centre is cordoned off by roadblocks on every street. Only people who work or live inside the area can enter. You have to be on a list in order to pass. Each checkpoint constitutes off a set of barricades to stop cars with spikes on the ground. There are between two and eight soldiers on guard at each checkpoint. The bigger checkpoints have Tongan and Australian soldiers. The Australian soldiers moved into town on Saturday for guard duty. We counted approximately 12 roadblocks in central Nuku’alofa. The Tongan TV station, which is out of the city centre, is also closed by army personnel of which two are from Australia. “We do what the Tongan government tells us” said one of them.
NZ is investigating
We came across two NZ police officers and one NZ firefighter who were busy investigating ‘arson crimes’. They told us that there are two teams, made up of one firefighter, one police photographer and two investigators (all from New Zealand) along with Tongan police, operating at the moment. “We are here to help to assist the Tongan police” said a NZ police officer.
We then had the opportunity to interview five people who are involved in the democracy movement: Finau Tutone, an organiser with the Friendly Island Teachers Association; Akenete T. Lauti, the director of FIHRDM; 'Akilisi Pohiva and Leopolo Taonesila, both Members of Parliament (two of the nine representatives elected by the people – in a parliament of 30); and Tevita Tui Uata of the National Tongan Business Association.
Very quick summary:
Finau talked about last year’s strike and the connection between the trade union movement and the pro-democracy movement. He said the system needs to change in Tonga. Akenete informed us about the FIHRDM’s activities. They organise workshops and meeting to educate people on human rights issues. While she advocates for non-violence, she does not blame the people but the Government for Thursday’s riots. 'Akilisi put the movement into a historical context and talked about the progress, or lack of, made inside parliament. Leopolo is one of only two women in parliament (the other one being the Minister of Justice – appointed by the King). She only started to get involved in politics last year when she was elected to parliament as a people’s representative from an outer island. Tevita, who has been blamed for the riots, thinks that representative democracy will get Tonga out of a system that only works for 1% of the population. He was strongly opposed to Tonga joining the World Trade Organisation and says that the wealth needs to be shared more equally among the people.
NZ/OZ soldiers – get out (or “enjoy your holiday”)!
With the exception of Tevita, all of the people we spoke to either do not see the point of the New Zealand and Australian troops’ presence or see them as supporters of the autocratic system. Either way, they want them out of Tonga. The NZ soldiers are not to be seen in Nuku’alofa (they are still somewhere at the airport) and the Australian troops do not seem to do much at all except for sitting around at checkpoints with big guns. Pro-democracy advocates are very critical of NZ support for the government. They say the NZ government should be neutral and not send soldiers to support the system.
Revolutionary not Evolutionary
Many shops have slogans painted on them. Across from the market, someone wrote “THE NU FACE OF YOUTH REBELLION” and “REVOLUTIONARY NOT EVOLUTIONARY” on a burnt-out shop. Other slogans are “Freedomfighter”, “Fight the Power”, “Democracy not Hypocrisy”, “You had it coming” and “Fuck Prime Minister”. Many of them are signed by ‘Ezekiel’.
Police checkpoints
The police have set up two checkpoints on both sides of town. They pull most cars over and search the boot. We were told they are looking for weapons and stolen goods. They say it is illegal for people to carry weapons and they claim to have confiscated eight .22 riffles over the last few days.
Army guards the King’s residence
We walked to the King’s mansion which is guarded by four Tongan soldiers. The huge house is around 300 meters off the road. While taking photos a black SUV left the premises and the gate was opened for a few seconds. One of the soldiers was prepared to say a few words on camera. He said he does not want democracy in Tonga, he wants peace.
Marching band practice
On our way back into town we stopped at a high-school where a marching band was practicing. Over 50 young men were playing in the band which includes tubas, trombones, trumpets and a percussion section. Everybody is incredibly welcoming and keen to talk about politics. Everybody we talk to wants change here in Tonga. People are sick and tired of living in this system where 1% of the population lives in luxury on the expense of everybody else.


Australia, New Zealand dispatch troops to Tonga
Clark’s hostility to monarchical rule is not motivated by concerns for democratic rights. The so-called pro-democracy movement is led by parliamentarians, business people, and other middle-class elements who resent the monarchy for monopolising the country’s wealth and political power, but have no fundamental differences with the regime’s right-wing economic and social agenda. These layers have won Australian and New Zealand support by promising to protect foreign interests in Tonga and implement sweeping pro-business reforms.

Tasmanian Weld Valley Protest Continue?by Jenny Weber Melbourne IMC 19/11/06
Australia: Tasmania: Despite new road destruction in to wilderness Weld Valley, community resistance continues
Saturday November 18, 2006 ?4 More Forest Defenders arrested in Weld Valley protests. In the continuing community action over the destruction of the wilderness forests of the Weld Valley, a further 4 people were arrested today bringing the total for the last week to 13 arrested.
“Forest Defenders today were faced with intervention and manhandling from Forestry Tasmania employees, including the district forester Steve Davis, while they were attempting to protect the ancient forests of the Weld Valley,” spokesperson Jenny Weber said today. “Since the destruction of the year long Weld Camp, 13 arrests have occurred in defence of these world heritage quality forests, “The defence of this wild place will continue, with a planned Community walk in tomorrow to defy the 10km media and public exclusion zone over this new roading into potential national park forests,”
“Tasmania police and now Forestry Tasmania employees are working as security guards for woodchip giant, Gunns Ltd,” Ms Weber said. Saturday, November 18, 2006 Forest Defender goaled for two nights A Justice of the Peace tonight refused bail for Weld Forest defender, Warwick Jordan. This means he will be remanded in custody for two nights, until he can appear again in court on Monday. “This is a serious attack on freedom of speech when a brave forest defended is gaoled for standing up for Tasmania’s ancient forests,” said spokesperson Adam Burling. “Warwick is a dedicated non-violent activist and deserves the democratic right to protest,” said Mr Burling 19th November 100 Tasmanian’s Support Weld Valley Protection.
“Community support for the protection of the Weld Valley was shown today with 100 people walking 10km in to ancient forest where current road destruction occurs. Members of the community defied the media and public exclusion zone, to bear witness to the current destruction of World Heritage Quality forests,” Spokesperson Jenny Weber said.
“In a peaceful show of solidarity for the campaign to protect the Weld Valley, 100 people turned up today as a sign of community concern for these ancient forests,” Jenny Weber said.
“Our efforts to highlight the devastation of the habitat of native wildlife in the Weld Valley will continue, and a message of solidarity will be shown for activist Warrick Jordan who will appear in court tomorrow after 2 nights in jail,” Jenny Weber said.

More actions & arrests in the Weld Valley
by Lilia Letsch Melbourne IMC 26/11/06
Yesterday [25 November 06] more than 50 people, including Tas Greens leader MHA Peg Putt, walked through the police exclusion zone in the Weld Valley to the site of the destroyed blockade camp. 7 more people were arrested.
Community members and supporters yesterday staged a walk-in through the police exclusion zone in the lower Weld Valley. Around 50 people walked through a police line and continued their walk to the site of the demolished Weld blockade and Weld Ark pirate ship. Tasmanian Greens leader MHA Peg Putt attended the walk-in to show her party's support for the campaign.
During the walk-in 7 people were arrested for non-violent, peaceful protest. Police seemed to target anyone who was towards the front of the walking group, arresting them, and then dropping them outside the exclusion zone at the Eddy Road forestry gate.
Total arrests since the Weld Camp raid on the 15th of November have now reached 27.

Related??Raw live footage of the walk-in yesterday:
Community walk into Weld forests - 5 arrests

movie from a community walk-in on Nov 19th:
Weld Valley forest defenders

Come to Camp weld

3 dead in Oaxaca - Indybay report
by 27/11/07
A peaceful protest in Oaxaca was repressed by the federal police stationed in the center of the city. By nightfall, a few people were reported killed, hundreds arrested and hurt and many disappeared.
Today, after the seventh megamarch in Oaxaca, members of the APPO attempted to form a human fence around the federal preventative police (PFP), but were attacked with gas. This unleashed a series of clashes with violence again igniting in the city. Many have been arrested and there are reports of many wounded, some by gunfire. It is confirmed that three people were killed. The march unfolded in a festive atmosphere until it reached Oaxaca’s downtown. There began the attempt to form a human fence around the PFP forces in Oaxaca's zocalo. Groups of PRI members started provoking the demonstraters with insults and shooting slingshots with marbles. Later, the PFP began using tear gas to disperse the people. People started to withdraw, but police kept moving forward and then began the riot.
While shooting off tear gas, police kept charging on. People tried to resist in a peaceful way, but couldn`t stand up against the tear gas. The people began to defend themselves with rockets, home made bombs and stones.
The situation became very tense toward the area north of downtown where the police attempted to surround the protesters. At some point, the PFP entered Santo Domingo, which is occupied by an APPO encampment, and then set fire to the camp. Many fires started throughout the city, which were set by saboteurs. A bus near the University City, a door of the Hotel Camino Real and then the legislative palace and external relationships buildings were all set aflame.
The police started using gunfire and also shot gas cans at the protestors. This practice has killed people before in Oaxaca on Nov. 2 and in other places like Atenco. Radio Universidad made a general call to withdraw and to get off the streets. Three people were shot by police from two pickup trucks using heavy gunfire near the College of Medicine. Reports indicate more than one hundred shots heard. The killers took two of the bodies and left the third one lying at the spot. Near a place known as El Pochote, a big group of people were surrounded by the police. Also in the streets of Fiallo y Colón, a big number of teachers and workers of the health department were detained and removed in two buses.
To the north of downtown, several reports indicate that there were massive arrests of up to thirty people who were sprayed with gas after being detained. In a place called El Fortin, witnesses report how police were beating up and torturing detained ones before moving them from the spot aboard pickup trucks. Radio Universidad keeps transmitting and making announcements and denunciations. The pacific mobilization received an attack from the federal police with gases and gunfire.
Then protesters faced a wave of represion by armed police officers and paramilitary which resulted in the deaths of three people, many injured individuals, more than 60 detained protesters and innocent bystanders and an unknown number of disappeared people. The numbers are increasing because violence has not ceased in the streets of Oaxaca. People caught on the streets are looking for safe places to hide as the night promises more terror. Radio Universidad is asking its listeners to open their doors and allow people to hide. Now the PFP is entering people’s homes to ransack them and search for protesters. The APPO has made a plea for all national and international organizations in solidarity with the Oaxaca struggle to protest where they can against the brutality of the Mexican federal government in its support of Ulises Ruiz.

Photos from 7th Megamarch in Oaxaca November 25th
By Rochelle Gause Info Shop 26/11/06
The march was yet another incredible showing of support for APPO and for the removal of both the corrupt governor of Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, and the Federal Preventative Police who have been in Oaxaca for almost a month now...
After marching for 5 hours from a town outside the city, the march began to circle the main square, which the federal police have occupied since their arrival. The police were in full riot gear at each of the entrances to the main square. In many of the entrances a police officer could be seen on top of the armored vehicles armed with live ammunition. Within half an hour street battles broke out between the movement and the police in atleast two of the entrances. Some members of the movement, armed with rocks, maltov cocktails and fireworks, faced off with the police who used an an incredible amount of tear gas, rocks and marbles shot with slingshots. After awhile the police pushed the people north up the hill, at one point taking over the Santo Domingo plaza where the movement has been centered since the police forced them out of the main square. The police continued to fire teargas into the crowd and burnt the tarps and other items in the Santo Domingo plaza. The report from APPO's most recent Constitutive Congress were scattered all over the ground. During this time plain clothed police were detaining people in the streets. After the police retreated back to the main square, many movement members regrouped in Santo Domingo as night was falling...
All of a sudden the police lines began advancing back up the hill on multiple streets at once forcing the crowd to run up the hill. I took this last photo as I was running from the police with hundreds of others. Medics were running behind me with a man on a stretcher clenching a blloody cloth against his head. They slid into the makeshift clinic that was set up weeks ago in the Santo Domingo plaza closing the door behind them.
The police advanced over eight blocks forcing the crowd to continue running north of the main square. Paramilitary groups also arrived on the scene shooting into the crowd as people ran for their lives. Throughout the next few hours federal police and plainclothed gunmen continued to attack members of the movement who had taken cover in various locations. Three movement members are dead, over 100 detained, and over 200 injured (40 with live amunition). These people are guilty of simply demanding justice and trying to organize an alternative to the corrupt and repressive leadership that governs their state. The Mexican federal government's response, supposedly to restore peace, has instead attempted to maintain the exploitive status quo through further repression and with no regard for the true root causes of this conflict, the extreme poverty and injust government policies that benefit a few at the cost of the majority. Please continue to take action in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca!
For more photos of the struggle in Oaxaca...

To contact me... rochelle (at)

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02.12.2006 14:36
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