Women and Politics Today
red letter | 27.11.2006 13:39
Respect Women's Conference – Saturday 3rd March 2007
Women and Politics Today
At the Respect National Conference held this year, a resolution was passed which requested that a one day National Women's Conference be organised to coincide with International Women's Day. Therefore on Saturday 3rd March 2007, Respect will be hosting a conference on women's issues. This will be held at South Camden Community School, near Kings Cross, London
This conference will be open to Respect members and supporters and will cover topics such as:
Women and Imperialism
Muslim Women and Politics
Young People – Does Apathy Rule?
Abortion – Should we defend a Women's right to choose?
The raunch culture and sexual exploitation.
How do we get more women elected and does positive action work?
This will be a brilliant opportunity for women to get together and discuss all the above and more.
We will also be inviting a number of very high profile speakers.
More details on the conference will follow shortly but if you do have any queries please contact Ghada Razuki or Jennifer Braunlich on 0870 850 1978

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