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Muslim Community promote 9/11 Truth - Meeting in Bradford - a first?

dh | 26.11.2006 00:43

Branded and targetted - the Muslim community in Bradford hit back with a peaceful message - it was not us - so don't expect apologies
The terror crap is largely an invention of the West and its intelligence agencies, though some Muslims may have been taken in and act as idiots or patsies

MUSLIMS AGAINST TERRORISM INVITE YOU TO A PEACEFUL, ENLIGHTENING EVENING OF first time FILM SHOWING of RE: OPEN 9.11, Loose change, followed by speech by David Shayler & Annie (ex-M15 & Whistleblowers) on how to confront evidence towards Love and Peace + panelists , Dr Mustaqim (writer/journalist)

Sunday 3rd Dec @ (6pm)


The platform will also feature Simon and Joseph from the West Yorkshire Truth Campaign

Quote from publicity

"The Last Prophet of Mercy to Mankind Muhammad (PBUH) Said out of Numerous Prophecies & Warnings About the End of Time: “Time will became short, knowledge will decrease, miserliness will become widespread in people’s hearts, afflictions will appear & there will be much Harj’.
The people asked ‘O Messenger of Allah (Swt), what is Harj?’
He replied,“Killing, killing!”
3000 people were killed in the USA. Many MORE people have since been killed in the Wars & Genocides in
Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
We are constantly told of the THREAT of TERRORISM…Thousands of people in Britain, Ireland and All around the World have looked at the Evidence and are now asking their Governments and the Media:
There are HUNDREDS of substantiated FACTS about the collapse of the World Trade Centres and other events on 9/11 and 7/7 that make the Official Government & Mainstream Media explanation of these events implausible and/or impossible….9/11 is being used to justify an indefinite Global War by the US & UK. Muslims are scapegoats! There is enough EVIDENCE to prove US Gov’t complicity in 9/11. How it would puncture the case for an Endless Global “War on Terror” if complicity were proved in the eyes of the World !
“Confronting the Evidence - Loose Change”
Followed by a very inspiring Talk by David Shayler & Annie Machon
(Former Ex-MI5 Officers/Whistleblowers now turned Anti-War Truth Activists) on :
Date: Sunday 3 December, 2006
Time: Doors open 6pm (Film Starts 6.45pm Approx) ‘For Security Bring NO Bags’
Venue: Peel Park Community Centre, Otley Road,Undercliffe, Bradford 3.

Includes a totally Honest, ‘Questions & Answer Session’ Open to the Public to our
Panel of Learned Scholars, Writers, Journalists, Truth & Peace Activists, Chaired by Mr Nadeem
(Student of late Sheikh Deedat/Truth Film Maker*) including a small pre-view clip from his Highly successful,
‘Shock-U-Mentary ! New Islamic Era Media’s TM, Production of :
*‘From the Shadows in Motion: Exposing the New Secular World Order!’ ©…
‘A Film Western Media and other parts of the world media don’t want you to see!
Produced well before Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 Truth Film…’

The scale of this Cover-Up suggests WE ARE ALL UNDER SERIOUS THREAT- not just Muslims. It threatens Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Communists, Socialists & yes –also Jews…FREE! ALL WELCOME!
For further details of how YOU can support, sponsor and become part of Our Truth Campaign Email Us: 077 325 25 861.
To Join a Local Truth Campaign OR Check out Truth Websites:,,,"

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27.11.2006 22:40

West Yorkshire Truth Campaign and the 9/11 Truth Campaign have withdrawn support for this meeting because of certain aspects of the publicity, non-consultation as regards that publicity from the meeting organisers, and association via the publicity with the West Yorks and National campaign
Sorry to sound mysterious, but that's it. At the moment, right or wrong, we've pulled out

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Hide the following 18 comments


26.11.2006 04:34

It couldn't have been Al Qaeda, it must have been a plot by the CIA/Mossad/Freemasons/lizardmen. I'm sure bringing these nefarious plots to public attention is a wonderful way for the muslim community to gain credibility with wider society. You're on a winner there.

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hybrid Parrot XVIII

Congratulations West Yorkshire

26.11.2006 07:31

......for putting together this meeting. It is time that ALL British people united to expose the truth behind the events of 9/11 and 7/7. I see from the quick reaction from the spooks that the unity of people is their worst nightmare, and a huge step on the road to exposing the real terrorists in the US and UK....OUR GOVERNMENTS.


I see!

26.11.2006 09:02

That's right, Cassandra. Anyone who disagrees with the "official" account must be a SPOOK!

Or failing that, someone with a shred of intelligence who can see the lies, delusions, and half truths of Feltzer, Jones, and the so-called "Truth" movement for what they are - cack.


Re: Not a majestic emperor

26.11.2006 10:44

"It couldn't have been Al Qaeda, it must have been a plot by the CIA/Mossad/Freemasons/lizardmen"

The article did not mention anything about what you call "lizardmen". Do you not think people will have the ability to see through your deliberate and pathetic misrepresentation?

Brian B

911 was an inside job - get over it

26.11.2006 10:56

anyone that disagrees with the official account is more likely a free scientifically ground thinker, the lies behind 911 and 77 have been so blatant, numerous, consistent and outrageous. Zogby poll says 40% of the US says it was an act by the Bush regime.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win." - Gandhi

science speaks louder than fiction

The Lies of the 911 "Truth" Movement

26.11.2006 11:33

Free thinking scientific thinkers my beam end. Examples:

1. WTC1 and WTC2 fell at free fall speed. LIE

2. No steel framed building ever failed due to fire. LIE

3. Steel is inherrently fire proof. LIE

4. The fires were too cool to cause failure. LIE

5. The fires were going out. LIE

6. WTC was controlled demolition. LIE.

7. Scholars for Truth are experts. LIE.

And have you seen the latest spat? Feltzer and Jones are having an argument about whether - wait for this one - the collapse was actually a BEAM ENERGY WEAPON !!!!

911 was caused by a bunch of disgruntled Arab terrorists rightly upset at many, many years of American imperialism in the Middle East. It wasn't rocket science. The real question is how it was hijacked to invide Iraq.


The real question...

26.11.2006 12:22

"The real question is how it was hijacked to invide Iraq. " The real question is, "How dumb do these conspiracy theorists think we are?"



26.11.2006 20:35

"1. WTC1 and WTC2 fell at free fall speed. LIE

2. No steel framed building ever failed due to fire. LIE

3. Steel is inherrently fire proof. LIE

4. The fires were too cool to cause failure. LIE

5. The fires were going out. LIE

6. WTC was controlled demolition. LIE.

7. Scholars for Truth are experts. LIE. "

Writing LIE don't make it so - demonstrate please

I'd point out that this initiative comes independently from the Muslim community, rather than being organised by the WYTC or the national 9/11 Campaign. The latter organisations, while supporting the general aim of the meeting, do not by any means endorse all the aims, beliefs or publicity materials of the organisers

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and some questions.

26.11.2006 23:43

When the Taliban were running things, there was no poppy production. Since the invasion they are producing more than ever. What is all that pontless arguing about 9-11 for? No one worries that the British and American Governments are working for the Mafia. No one proposes that we string up the Mafia stooges and bring the troops home. Thinking about it, we would have more honest Goverment if the Mafia were running the Countries.

Those LIE statements are either wrong or irrelevant. Steel will not burn, but once a fire is hot enough, an unprotected steel truss will fail more catastrophically than a timber timber truss carrying the same load.

There is a 9-11 question that seems unanswered. Is the weight of the collapsing building going to generate enough heat to melt the fire pre-heated steel - as it has been said that the jet fuel would not be enough to heat steel to melting point. Where did the puddled steel come from?

Is there likely to be someone at the meeting who can answer the question I put some time ago about the Koran saying that people of the book should not be killed if they refuse to convert. Exactly what does it say, and are there differing translations/implications of it?


What puddled steel? There was no controlled demolition.

27.11.2006 11:36

There is of course no evidence of puddled steel:

The central claim of the 9/11 'truth' movement is that the world trade centre was brought down by controlled demolition. Beyond any bullshit about particle beams or holograms the central motivating spur to many who have dabbled in this distinctly unpleasant milieu was that the Twin Tower's collapse looked, to them, like a controlled demolition. In fact, it looked like what it was, a tall building collapse, but the only reference people had were tall buildings collapsing due to controlled demolition. This article by a demolition expert proves that in fact it wasn't a controlled demolition and explains the differences between the footage of the WTC collapse what a controlled demolition looks like.

I'm afraid this article is incontrovertible and destroys the central plank of the 9/11 'truth' cult.

(Particle) beam me up Scotty
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get over it - they LIE

27.11.2006 17:42

"I'm afraid this article is incontrovertible and destroys the central plank of the 9/11 'truth' cult"

but it -
Provides no evidence to support most of his assertions.
Repeatedly invokes a privileged body of evidence and ignores the vast body of public evidence.
Excludes possibilities out of hand, cherry-picking a few issues to address.
Relies on flat denials, such as his assertion that there is no evidence of explosives use.
Exploits fallacies such as appeals to authority and appeals to prejudice.
Promotes common misconceptions, such as that demolitions must proceed from the ground up.

my scientist is better than your scientist

The scary mind of a fanatic

27.11.2006 20:57

These last two posers are lost. There is absolutely no evidence, argument or logic that could ever shake their faith. Those that have called 9/11 truth a cult are dead right. The webpage that pretends to de-bunk the testimony of the controlled demolition expert is truely frightening. If you want to see, flim flam, bare faced evasion and complete inability to even attempt objectivity then read this glimpse into the mind of a fanatic. No one who wasn't completely commited to the conspiracy world view could do anything but stare in disbelief.

Tom Thumb


27.11.2006 23:30

I'll be there,though I think David and Annie won't, as an individual not a representative, to amswer your queries, comments, criticisms

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bombs and other nasty stuff

28.11.2006 00:40

on one hand I can understand that that governments do all sorts of black ops stuff , the flip side of that seems that the conspiraloons don't seem to believe that anyone else is capable of actually taking up arms against there percieved enemies, the brits in Ireland were up to all sorts of naughtiness [ well documented ], and collusion with the loyalists was rife...but the IRA were well capable of carrying out military actions with out state support, I'm sure bin ladens mob are well pissed off that any actions they undertake couldn't possibly be off there own back ad are credited as a cia plot to demonise muslims

concerned of gipton

The Irish troubles manipulated

28.11.2006 01:17

While the FRU were feeding the Loyalist paramilitaries with target information, the IRA were infiltrated to the very top with agents provocateurs
The Good Friday agreement released many people who had been framed by the British Secret State along vwith the guilty

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In 2 minds

28.11.2006 09:59

As part of the West Yorkshire team - I am in 2 minds to turn up to the invent. If I do - I will just be a spectator and not get actively involved. I am with dh on this one.

Riaz A
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Peel Park 9/11 Truth meeting

04.12.2006 01:51

After all the fluster and furore, I went to this meeting and it was fine, perfectly fine.
On a cold windy wet night, the radiators didn't seem to meet the halls requirements and I ended up shivering but that's my most negative comment
The evening consisted of an extract from an updated version of 'Shadows in Motion' which imho is a rather fine film though I find the Simpsons comments a sticking point - no sense of irony huh? - and being non-muslim I can't wholly agree with it's conclusions - however the new version looks much improved
There was then a showing of Mind The Gap which is ok though to be honest I find Ludicrous Diversion to be a much sharper and clearer exposition, and I wished I'd got around to making some copies to take along to give out
The audience consisted around fifty, btw, the vast majority muslims
The Panel consisted of Dr Sahib Mustaqim Bleher, a white Muslim convert who seems to be behind most of the Shadows material. A rather fine and interesting speaker. Keith Mothersson from the Scottish and National 9/11 Campaign, Karl Dallas local Bradford Peace activist, Palestinian campaign supporter and human shield, and Simon Ralli Robinson, shaman author activist and all round one of us
I can't be bothered to go into the details here but this was a rather good Muslim event which invited into its fold white and non-muslim speakers
I looked at the publicity posters around the hall and that little star of david motif had been removed and the pyramid had been moved to the side.
The 'Jews' reference had been removed. The posters were perfectly muslim pc
I was glad to have gone because I managed to make some contact into the Muslim orientation, and the furious spinning against this event seemed somehow dissipated
Better to try to work together at the local level and try to overcome ego issues and differences
And where the hell are the women?

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