Report From Anti Fascist Demo at bnp "conference" in Blackpool.
John Smith | 25.11.2006 20:46 | Anti-racism
On Saturday November 25th, the bnp's national conference was a big flop. Only 50 fascists turned up to the Kimberley Hotel, Blackpool, to join Nick Griffin and local organiser Roy Greenwood. Anti Fascists outnumbered them 5 to 1, and staged a lively protest in Blackpool town centre, and then outside the venue itself.
Anti Fascist Demo Blackpool
I have just reurned from the anti fascist demonstration in Blackpool, called because the bnp were holding what they claimed was a "national conference". The venue of their "conference" the Kimberley Hotel - Blackpool was kept a closely guarded secret. A demonstration called by local Trades Councils, Student Unions, and UAF was held in the Town Centre. There was a lively gathering, speakers, and leafletting. It was heartening to see the rednblack flags flying amongst the usual UAF placards.
The venue of the fascist "conference" was inevitably leaked and we set off to confront the bnp. A small group of people arrived before the main body of the march. At that point the venue was left reasonably easy to get to, with a very small police presence being some distance away. The small group of anti fascist exchanged unpleasantaries with the bnp security scum guarding their pathetic gathering at the doorway of the hotel. Eventually the fascists called the police and asked them to move us away. The police quoted Public Order Section 60, and advised anti fascists to remove head scarves, but with little success. (Though two female anti fascists were picked on by the police, pushed around, searched, and photographed.)
After a short time around 250 people from the Town Centre demo arrived outside the Kimberley Hotel and the fascists inside were forced to lock themselves in, and scuttle away from the windows, and doorways. The demo was noisy with the usual chants aimed at the fascist scum inside. The anti fascists outnumbered the bnp "delegates" by quite a margin. Only about 50 delegates managed to join Nick Griffin, and Blackpool bnp organiser Roy Greenwood, at this poor excuse for a national conference! The only shame is that the whole event wasn't shut down by militant anti fascism.
We should now take the anti fascist struggle back into our own communities. We can't afford simply to react to them standing in a local election in Decemeber. We need to build community resistance to the politics of the bnp here, and now. We also need to make sure the promised NUS position of "No Platform" is applied to bnp member and Lancaster University employee, Chris Hill. The struggle against fascism doesn't begin or end by voting labour at elections. After all new labour politicians must take a big slice of the blame for creating a climate of islamophobia and anti immigration prejudice which has allowed the bnp to grow. The fight against fascism will be won in our communities, workplaces, and on the streets.
I have just reurned from the anti fascist demonstration in Blackpool, called because the bnp were holding what they claimed was a "national conference". The venue of their "conference" the Kimberley Hotel - Blackpool was kept a closely guarded secret. A demonstration called by local Trades Councils, Student Unions, and UAF was held in the Town Centre. There was a lively gathering, speakers, and leafletting. It was heartening to see the rednblack flags flying amongst the usual UAF placards.
The venue of the fascist "conference" was inevitably leaked and we set off to confront the bnp. A small group of people arrived before the main body of the march. At that point the venue was left reasonably easy to get to, with a very small police presence being some distance away. The small group of anti fascist exchanged unpleasantaries with the bnp security scum guarding their pathetic gathering at the doorway of the hotel. Eventually the fascists called the police and asked them to move us away. The police quoted Public Order Section 60, and advised anti fascists to remove head scarves, but with little success. (Though two female anti fascists were picked on by the police, pushed around, searched, and photographed.)
After a short time around 250 people from the Town Centre demo arrived outside the Kimberley Hotel and the fascists inside were forced to lock themselves in, and scuttle away from the windows, and doorways. The demo was noisy with the usual chants aimed at the fascist scum inside. The anti fascists outnumbered the bnp "delegates" by quite a margin. Only about 50 delegates managed to join Nick Griffin, and Blackpool bnp organiser Roy Greenwood, at this poor excuse for a national conference! The only shame is that the whole event wasn't shut down by militant anti fascism.
We should now take the anti fascist struggle back into our own communities. We can't afford simply to react to them standing in a local election in Decemeber. We need to build community resistance to the politics of the bnp here, and now. We also need to make sure the promised NUS position of "No Platform" is applied to bnp member and Lancaster University employee, Chris Hill. The struggle against fascism doesn't begin or end by voting labour at elections. After all new labour politicians must take a big slice of the blame for creating a climate of islamophobia and anti immigration prejudice which has allowed the bnp to grow. The fight against fascism will be won in our communities, workplaces, and on the streets.
John Smith
More thanks to protestors
26.11.2006 11:28
Our thanks to everyone who either came along or contributed in any way to the demo. An excellent job done by everybody concerned. Hopefully, the frostbite will wear off eventually!
All we need to see now is an anti-fascist organisation formed in Blackpool to help co-ordinate the fight.
Over 200 anti-fascists gathered in Blackpool today to protest at the British National Party holding their conference at the resort. Protesters came from Blackpool, Lancaster, Barrow, Preston, Manchester and Liverpool, and included students and trades unionists.
Speakers included Weyman Bennett: Joint Secretary UAF, Ruquayyah Collector: Black Students' Officer NUS, Alec McFadden: North West TUC, Pete Marsden: Blackpool Unison, Mark Barker: Vice-Chair Regional PCS, Paul Jenkins: Barrow and South Cumbria UAF and Mike Killian: Manchester UAF.
Following the gathering at the entrance of the Winter Gardens, marred only by three sieg-heiling idiots in masks, the crowd marched through the town centre, distributing leaflets en route, to the New Kimberley, the hotel hosting the conference, the location of which we had already confirmed thanks to a bit of co-operation between the press and UAF.
We spoke to the BBC who had just left the Kimberley after interviewing Nick Griffin inside the venue, who informed us that total attendance of the conference appeared to be around 50-60 people including security - a far cry from the 5-600 the BNP claimed would be there. The promised counter-demonstration never materialised, unless you count the three morons already mentioned or the small group photographing us (no doubt for Redwatch) in the town centre who literally ran away as soon as the police showed an interest in them.
A restaurant-owner who had come to see what all the fuss was about as we marched to the New Kimberley was horrified to hear that the BNP was meeting in Blackpool. He offered free teas and the use of his facilities to all the protestors - an offer which we gratefully accepted after a few hours in the wind and rain.
We held our rally directly in front of the BNP's hotel, with more speeches and an awful lot of shouting as the BNP security watched us nervously from the foyer and trainee BNP-councillors made rude gestures from the windows or peeped around curtains at us.
Despite numerous appeals from leaders of Blackpool City Council for hotels to deny the BNP a venue in the town, and warnings that unions would boycott any venue that provided the BNP with space for any reason, the management of the New Kimberley decided to go for short-term gain and accomodate the fascists. They'll soon find this backfiring on them as UAF and trades unionists are beginning an immediate campaign to place a permanent boycott on the hotel - and any other hotel - that provided space for the BNP.
If you wish to make a complaint direct to the New Kimberley Hotel, you can do so by ringing 01253 341184, faxing them at 01253 408737 or writing to them at 585-589 New South Promenade, Blackpool FY4 1NQ. Curiously, for all its much-vaunted two-stars, it can't rustle up an email address.
We'd be interested in finding out who owns this fascist-friendly B&B so if you know, please share your information with us by emailing
Lancaster UAF -
All we need to see now is an anti-fascist organisation formed in Blackpool to help co-ordinate the fight.
Over 200 anti-fascists gathered in Blackpool today to protest at the British National Party holding their conference at the resort. Protesters came from Blackpool, Lancaster, Barrow, Preston, Manchester and Liverpool, and included students and trades unionists.
Speakers included Weyman Bennett: Joint Secretary UAF, Ruquayyah Collector: Black Students' Officer NUS, Alec McFadden: North West TUC, Pete Marsden: Blackpool Unison, Mark Barker: Vice-Chair Regional PCS, Paul Jenkins: Barrow and South Cumbria UAF and Mike Killian: Manchester UAF.
Following the gathering at the entrance of the Winter Gardens, marred only by three sieg-heiling idiots in masks, the crowd marched through the town centre, distributing leaflets en route, to the New Kimberley, the hotel hosting the conference, the location of which we had already confirmed thanks to a bit of co-operation between the press and UAF.
We spoke to the BBC who had just left the Kimberley after interviewing Nick Griffin inside the venue, who informed us that total attendance of the conference appeared to be around 50-60 people including security - a far cry from the 5-600 the BNP claimed would be there. The promised counter-demonstration never materialised, unless you count the three morons already mentioned or the small group photographing us (no doubt for Redwatch) in the town centre who literally ran away as soon as the police showed an interest in them.
A restaurant-owner who had come to see what all the fuss was about as we marched to the New Kimberley was horrified to hear that the BNP was meeting in Blackpool. He offered free teas and the use of his facilities to all the protestors - an offer which we gratefully accepted after a few hours in the wind and rain.
We held our rally directly in front of the BNP's hotel, with more speeches and an awful lot of shouting as the BNP security watched us nervously from the foyer and trainee BNP-councillors made rude gestures from the windows or peeped around curtains at us.
Despite numerous appeals from leaders of Blackpool City Council for hotels to deny the BNP a venue in the town, and warnings that unions would boycott any venue that provided the BNP with space for any reason, the management of the New Kimberley decided to go for short-term gain and accomodate the fascists. They'll soon find this backfiring on them as UAF and trades unionists are beginning an immediate campaign to place a permanent boycott on the hotel - and any other hotel - that provided space for the BNP.
If you wish to make a complaint direct to the New Kimberley Hotel, you can do so by ringing 01253 341184, faxing them at 01253 408737 or writing to them at 585-589 New South Promenade, Blackpool FY4 1NQ. Curiously, for all its much-vaunted two-stars, it can't rustle up an email address.
We'd be interested in finding out who owns this fascist-friendly B&B so if you know, please share your information with us by emailing
Lancaster UAF -
Lancaster UAF
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Thanks from Blackpool
26.11.2006 02:03
This is only the first step in keeping the BNP out of Blackpool and we'll be working hard over the coming months (and years) to make sure people understand that the BNP are a racist, fascist, and terrorist organisation and that in May they use their vote positively to keep them out of Blackpool and everywhere else in the UK.
BTW does anyone know who owns the New Kimberley Hotel these days. We should look at a local and national boycott of any hotels, bars, clubs they own.
I sincerely hope that it's under different management than it was a 3-4 years ago. Right now I feel ashamed to have worked in that hotel in the past.
Blackpool Students' Union
Kimberley Hotel - Shame On You!
26.11.2006 09:54
Kimberley Hotel Blackpool
15.10.2006 01:30
Blackpool Dave
Simon Fenwick
26.11.2006 12:16
Sab the Kimberley!
27.11.2006 11:58
27.11.2006 12:48
Stewards kept up the same two chants for the duration of the march:
"One, two, three, four, BNP, NO MORE!"
"Five, Six, Seven, Eight, WE DON'T WANT YOUR RACIST HATE!"
"The BNP is a Nazi party,
but also in evidence were:
"Whose streets? OUR STREETS!"
"No borders, no nations, STOP THE DEPORTATIONS!"
"Hitler, Griffin and Le Pen, NAZI SCUM, NEVER AGAIN!"
"Hitler, Griffin, are the same, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE NAME!"
and at the hotel:
"SCUM! SCUM! SCUM! SCUM!" (to those 'delegates' who slunk in)
and "Your Party's shit, your hotel's shit!" (the Kimberley looked the most dilapidated shithole on the prom, and that's quite an achievement!)
Also worthy of note was the fact that a fairly sizeable proportion of the demo had the sense to keep masked up, especially sensible as a 4-man 'affinity group' of the fascists turned up at the rally location to phone details of numbers to the 'HQ' and to take photos. As reported, they disappeared pretty sharpish when followed by a single WPC, but their presence shows the need for people to take precautions on such does the fact that two Lancaster University students were jumped when making their way back to the bus station.
Our affinity group headed to a punk venue for a post-demo sit-down, wamp-up and pint, and found 4 Nazi stickers hidden around the place, with the slogans "Commie-Free Zone", "Smash Communism", and "Send 'Em Back!" (charming). More evidence that people need to watch out for these serious violent idiots spreading their filth.
Well done all who came, next time the locks should be super-glued...
27.11.2006 13:08
seasider II
any more news...
27.11.2006 20:42
Also any more news on the boycott of the venue?
fash fighter
Small update
28.11.2006 11:21
The process for a full boycott of the hotel has started - that's all that can be said at this stage - and the owner is, apparently, a Mrs Metcalfe. More later.
Lancaster UAF
Hotel Boycott
28.11.2006 14:22
Glad the students are ok. This just highlights what I told the local press about the BNP. They're a bunch of thugs who bring violence with them wherever they go.
Blackpool Students' Union
Lancaster UAF Campaign of Intimidation
28.11.2006 15:02
If you want to complain to him about his campaigns of harassment here are his contact details :
Name : Ketlan Ossowski
Address : 16 Laburnum Grove , LANCASTER , LA1 5RT
Phone : 01524 34296 or 840074
E-mail :
Or if you are thinking of popping round in person for a chat with him then here's some handy directions :
the flags
28.11.2006 16:17
Indeed it was; communists and anarchists standing side by side in opposition to the bnp, along with the regular UAF and trade unionists. Next time we need more flags though comrades!
Far Left
Redwatch O'Watmough
28.11.2006 17:29
As everyone but Infiltrator (Kevin Watmough of Redwatch fame) knows, the Lancaster UAF blog is updated by three or four people, not just Ketlan. And it's a while since Ketlan was involved in animal rights protests (and never as an extremist, whatever that is).
Lancaster UAF worrying you a bit is it, Kev, you poor little glue-sniffing imbecile? Can't fight it with brains so you use DoS attacks, email bombs and spam, followed by bullshit accusations. What a saddo.
28.11.2006 21:42
Just who are the fash?
03.12.2006 20:02
The Kimberley hotel is a legitimate business who have merely made a transaction with a customer of whom you disagree with their politics. Casual viewers of this site who may otherwise sympathise with the anti-fascist movement are not going to be impressed by the rather adolescent calls for violence, intimidation and sabotage against lawabiding members of the public. Just really who are the thugs here? It certainly doesn't seem to be the BNP from where I'm standing.
04.12.2006 01:08
Yet another apologist for the BNP and its supporters.
04.12.2006 18:38
And again, you demonstrate your contempt for BNP criminality by, er... endorsing acts of criminality!
Are you people for real???????????
You see what you want to see
04.12.2006 21:24
Apologist for criminality
05.12.2006 17:20
Hardly sounds like an "insignificant bit of criminal damage" as you put it, does it? Especially as this twat 'Mel' clearly infers that this is not an exhaustive list of methods of attacks he'd be prepared to launch on this business. Maybe you don't endorse this behaviour but you haven't condemned it either. So it makes one wonder, doesn't it?
And can you quote me the original source for the assault upon the two anti-fascist campaigners, and also evidence that the assailents were indeed connected in some way to the BNP?
Sab the Kimberley? Wot?
06.12.2006 14:55
The best thing to do is to let it continue to rot away until the place falls in which can't be long. Besides, even if you break a few windows etc, no one will actually care that much but other hotels around the area, dilapidated or otherwise, will begin to hate you for it and feel sorry for them and the BNP and they will get more support; they've already got loads in Blackpool anyway.
Place should be renamed 'Guest House Paradiso'.
Quality Street
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