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cell phone wars

brian | 24.11.2006 22:51 | Health | Technology | London

are cell phone safe? The following video and articles may change your mind

AND how many people live near cell phone towers and have experienced health problems?

Eileenm Connor:

Mobile Phone Masts and Health Concerns
Please find enclosed report which is now available in pdf which makes it user friendly and contains all the information that I presented in my powerpoint presentation to the EMF Discussion Group at the Health Protection Agency in London on 16th October, 2006.

Feel free to forward it to your friends, family, colleagues, MPs, Doctors, the media and as many officials as possible as we need to create awareness to this very serious situation.

Also read Dr George Carlo's report which is on the front page of the Radiation Research Trust website.

Best wishes
Eileen O'Connor
Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust



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Why not actually post an article here?

24.11.2006 23:01

Chances are this post will be hidden as it doesn't really contain any content, just links off site.
That's really annoying and if the issue is important enough for you to post, why not take a little longer and actually indymedia readers with something to read rather than just promoting content elsewhere?
The indymedia newswire is intentend to be an independent news service, not a jump point to u-tube etc.
