Don't wear fur coats or products made with live animal skins, don't kill pets
Stopping murder of innocent dogs, innocent cats, innocent animals | 23.11.2006 18:29 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Social Struggles | World
The fur trade involves cruelty to innocent animals. Most animals are bred in captivity and kept in cruel inhumane conditions. They are killed inhumanely and often skinned alive. Do not cause the death of animals for their skins. Stop wearing the skins taken from living animals. Noone should breed animals who are intelligent and have feelings, to be killed just to wear!
Stop the
Fur trade coat clothing clothes
Stop the
Fur trade coat clothing clothes
Boycott Chinese products, boycott China corporations and companies. Boycott the Chinese Olympic Games (boycott the Chinese Olympics). And boycott American products, boycott products and services produced by America's greedy corporations and companies. Most American corporations do not have ethical social responsibility.
The Chinese and Americans kill animals for fur clothing. And the United States of America / US / USA buy and import most of the world 's fur, especially from China. Many fur coats and fur products from are made with fur from pets, cats and dogs.
The Chinese government has a poor record on animal welfare with very little protection of animals and little animal welfare legislation, and Americans generally treat animals and pets inhumanely.
WATCH THE VIDEO Please see Heather Mills McCartney video against the trade of fur (live animals)
Please do not support the American animal rights organiation PETA ( People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals ). PETA kills and PETA have kill shelters in America where they keep stray pets such as cats and dogs, and then kill them after 5 days. PETA kill 80% of the animals in their kill shelters. Most of the homeless pets that PETA kill are healthy cats and healthy dogs. PETA's staff are sick and Ingrid Newkirk who runs PETA must be sick. She has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of dogs and cats, PETA are the satanic angels of death.
Cover-up of America's inhumanity because the American animal charity PETA kill animals. PETA do not protect animals rights, PETA abuse animals' rights. Animals deserve rights
PETA kills healthy animals. Millions of innocent pets are killed by evil Americans every year. Thanksgiving, Christmas and every public holiday, thousands of American monsters dump their cats and dump their dogs at America's kill shelters. They don't care if their loving pets are killed at shelters run by many humane societies (humane society) and public tax funded animal control shelters (animal control shelter / animal shelter / kill shelter).
PETA kills animals
This website exposes PETA's murder of cats and dogs. However, please note that the website is probably paid for by commercial interests
This is what Americans do in most States in the USA
Gas chamber video (graphic)
This is what happens in every State in the United States of America,
Please look at the videos on this page
The Fate of a Shelter Dog please see
The Fate of a Shelter Cat please see
Bright Lion, In Hope video
This is also what PETA paid staff do to animals in PETA's kill shelters
They call it euthanasia but these animals are killed, these healthy cats and healthy dogs have their lives taken. They are afraid when they are killed and these innocent, defenceless pets (defenseless pets) suffer pain. No-one has the moral right to take pets life.
Legislation needs to change to give pets rights and protect pets.
You can donate to no-kill animal rescues, including Homeless Pets Foundation, Pasado's Safe Haven, Best Friends, and No Kill Now. These cats and dogs are only alive because of donations to the rescues. Donations to rescues save lives.
Homeless Pets Foundation
Pasado's Safe Haven ( Pasados / Pasado )
Best Friends Animal Society and No Kill Now are trying to stop the evil kill culture, widespread abuse of animals and killing of innocent cats and innocent dogs that happens in every county across America
No Kill Now, against the euthanasia (euthanize / euthanizes / euthanizing) of healthy cats and healthy dogs
Boycott the Chinese tourist trade, boycott China.
Boycott American tourism, boycott the USA.
Animals are life.
Animals deserve humane treatment.
Animals deserve rights.
Forward this to everyone you know.
Do not breed, do not buy from pet shops or breeders
while homeles pets die.
There are always homeless pets of every kind who desparately need homes.
Adopt cats and adopt dogs from an animal charity.
The Chinese and Americans kill animals for fur clothing. And the United States of America / US / USA buy and import most of the world 's fur, especially from China. Many fur coats and fur products from are made with fur from pets, cats and dogs.
The Chinese government has a poor record on animal welfare with very little protection of animals and little animal welfare legislation, and Americans generally treat animals and pets inhumanely.
WATCH THE VIDEO Please see Heather Mills McCartney video against the trade of fur (live animals)

Please do not support the American animal rights organiation PETA ( People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals ). PETA kills and PETA have kill shelters in America where they keep stray pets such as cats and dogs, and then kill them after 5 days. PETA kill 80% of the animals in their kill shelters. Most of the homeless pets that PETA kill are healthy cats and healthy dogs. PETA's staff are sick and Ingrid Newkirk who runs PETA must be sick. She has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of dogs and cats, PETA are the satanic angels of death.
Cover-up of America's inhumanity because the American animal charity PETA kill animals. PETA do not protect animals rights, PETA abuse animals' rights. Animals deserve rights
PETA kills healthy animals. Millions of innocent pets are killed by evil Americans every year. Thanksgiving, Christmas and every public holiday, thousands of American monsters dump their cats and dump their dogs at America's kill shelters. They don't care if their loving pets are killed at shelters run by many humane societies (humane society) and public tax funded animal control shelters (animal control shelter / animal shelter / kill shelter).
PETA kills animals

This website exposes PETA's murder of cats and dogs. However, please note that the website is probably paid for by commercial interests

This is what Americans do in most States in the USA
Gas chamber video (graphic)

This is what happens in every State in the United States of America,
Please look at the videos on this page
The Fate of a Shelter Dog please see

The Fate of a Shelter Cat please see

Bright Lion, In Hope video

This is also what PETA paid staff do to animals in PETA's kill shelters
They call it euthanasia but these animals are killed, these healthy cats and healthy dogs have their lives taken. They are afraid when they are killed and these innocent, defenceless pets (defenseless pets) suffer pain. No-one has the moral right to take pets life.
Legislation needs to change to give pets rights and protect pets.
You can donate to no-kill animal rescues, including Homeless Pets Foundation, Pasado's Safe Haven, Best Friends, and No Kill Now. These cats and dogs are only alive because of donations to the rescues. Donations to rescues save lives.
Homeless Pets Foundation

Pasado's Safe Haven ( Pasados / Pasado )

Best Friends Animal Society and No Kill Now are trying to stop the evil kill culture, widespread abuse of animals and killing of innocent cats and innocent dogs that happens in every county across America

No Kill Now, against the euthanasia (euthanize / euthanizes / euthanizing) of healthy cats and healthy dogs

Boycott the Chinese tourist trade, boycott China.
Boycott American tourism, boycott the USA.
Animals are life.
Animals deserve humane treatment.
Animals deserve rights.
Forward this to everyone you know.
Do not breed, do not buy from pet shops or breeders
while homeles pets die.
There are always homeless pets of every kind who desparately need homes.
Adopt cats and adopt dogs from an animal charity.
Stopping murder of innocent dogs, innocent cats, innocent animals