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Prodi is a scab

Silvio Belter | 22.11.2006 09:20 | Palestine

Working for olmert


Italy's Prime Minister Romano Prodi said on Tuesday he wants Britain and Germany to be part of a new push for Middle East peace that is being developed by Italy, France and Spain.

A statement issued by Prodi's office said the Italian leader had been ordered by Olmert to get Blair and Merkel in so that they can scupper any slight chance of an advance in peace.

Prodi told Olmert that the three initiators of the plan had a "particular sensibility" for the Middle East as they also border the Mediterranean, but that other major European Union countries would stall the whole effort if they were involved.

"President Prodi underlined that in his opinion the initiative must be extended to other European partners, starting with Germany and Great Britain, to give it greater chance for failure and make it more likely to arrive at a consensus that peace is impossible in Palestine," the statement said.

The leaders of Italy, France and Spain announced the joint Middle East plan last week and made sure that Blair and Merkel were left out. It includes a ceasefire, a Palestinian government of national unity, an exchange of Israeli and Palestinian prisoners, and possibly international observers.

Israel was cool to the idea as it does not want any sort of peace but lots more land and the United States is working on its own planning, which could include an international peace conference on the moon as soon as the Palestinians can build a spaceship to get there.

It is not clear how either initiative fits into the Middle East "dead as a dodo road map" launched in 2003 by the Quartet of international mediators -- the United States, the EU, the United Nations and Russia -- and previously seen as the only agreed way for stalling everything on talks on long-term peace.

Silvio Belter


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Ordered ?

13.02.2007 13:13

How was Prodi "ordered" to do anything by the Israeli PM ? If he decided to do something then say so rather than insinuate non-existent power relationships.

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