Israeli Settlements Are Illegal
transmitter | 21.11.2006 15:25 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | World
The majority of Israeli settlements have been constructed either entirely or partially on private Palestinian land, in violation of Israeli law itself, according to a new report by Peace Now, one of the oldest peace movements in Israel that monitors Israel settlements in the West Bank. Based on data from a 2004 survey by the Civil Administration, which was leaked to Peace Now through an official in the CA, the report found that nearly 40% of the land the settlements sit on is effectively stolen from Palestinian landowners. Settlements in the occupied West Bank are illegal under international law, but Israel has long 'rejected' this. Some 430,000 Jews live in these residential areas in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Read the full report (pdf)
Summary of the findings
- For the first time Peace Now is able to prove, that despite the State and settler's claims, the majority of the settlements in the West Bank have been constructed on private Palestinian land and not on State land.
- 130 settlements were constructed either entirely or partially on private Palestinian land.
- Around 60 thousand dunams of the land used by the settlements is actually private Palestinian land.
- Private Palestinian land accounts for 40% of land used for settlements.
- Construction of settlements of private Palestinian land is illegal according to the Supreme Court ruling, (Elon More precedent of 1979), and thus cannot be authorized. The result is that not only were the outposts constructed in an illegal manner, but also a large number of the veteran settlements were established on private Palestinian land and are thus illegal.
- The data presented here has been hidden by the State for many years, for fear that the revelation of these facts could damage it's international relations. Only recently did Peace Now manage to obtain this material.
For many years the state of Israel has been seizing thousands of dunams of private Palestinian land in order to construct settlements. The claim by the State and settlers that the settlements have been constructed on state land is misleading and false. The vast majority of settlement construction was done against the law of the land and the Supreme Court ruling and therefore unauthorized.
On a moral note, this report paints a picture of the Israeli state acting in daylight robbery of Palestinian land and handing it over to Israeli settlers. The State has been taking advantage of the weakened status of the Palestinians in order to steal their land.
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No one is illegal!!!!?
21.11.2006 17:59
... you are responsible for this ...
22.11.2006 14:25
perhaps if we tried putting flowers down the barrels of their guns
This young woman tried to make a positive difference to the world by using her body as a shield against repeated violent attacks by grown jewish men on small children on their way to school.
What she got is what anyone can expect from this settler racist scum mentality:
... spit rained down on her ... the many police watch
... insults about her gender and sexual habits (assumed) ... the many police snigger
... cries of 'we killed jesus, we will kill you' ... the police and the whole gathered crowd erupt in cheers
... a glass bottle thrown into her face, where it exploded causing her jaw to shatter, her eye to be cut and skull to be fractured ... the crowd explode into laughter and jeers and the police gently escort the culprit back to his waiting, and now jumping for joy, friends.
Even as she lay on the ground, the blood oozing, laughter, jeers, spitle and objects pouring down ... the ambulance was prevented from approaching ... so her friends helped her to walk to it.
All because she tried to defend small children from grown men.
You were responsible for this jp and you and all your ilk will pay.
There are no words left ...
Now cowards and mealy mouthed imcuk apparachicks, hide me (I dared call these extremists jewish, rather than apologise for their racist supremacist death cult)
the missing picture
22.11.2006 15:00
come on, negotiation might work this time[sic]