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Arboretum Pub is burnt out by arsonists and listed building lost

Tash [alan lodge] | 20.11.2006 20:49 | Social Struggles

Arboretum Pub is burnt out by arsonists and listed building lost.

This has been quite a landmark on the Nottingham Scene and is adjacent to the Arboretum Park, the venue for many live music events over the years.

Arboretum Pub is burnt out by arsonists and listed building lost

This has been quite a landmark on the Nottingham Scene and is adjacent to the Arboretum Park, the venue for many live music events over the years.

Last week, it was burnt out by arsonists and is now no more than an unstable shell. It will probably have to be demolished. As it still stands at the moment, it is quite an eyesore and hardly adds to the tranquillity of the park.

Personally speaking, I believe that the building should have been squatted. It was a large and considerable space that could have been used by those seeking housing and shelter, many of which cant afford rented property and anyway, there is insufficient available. Further, the whole area lacks amenity for the locals to congregate, socialise, participate and general do all the things together that 'make' a community.

As well as all this, squatters, or, licensees, provide a valuable service to both the community and the owners of property in that they provide a free security service, to help maintain and protect such property. They frequently prefer to live themselves in a safe and clean environment, and can help keep junior fire-raisers, pimps, prostitutes, and 'bad drug' users at bay. Hardy the 'official line' I know, but just my opinion ..... [discuss].

Anyway, no-one is getting the building now, it is lost!

earlier posting by Joni:
arboretum listed pub empty & burnt out

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
OS Grid Ref: SK 575414 - Lat/Lon: 52:58:03N, 1:08:38W

Tash [alan lodge]
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High School involvement?

21.11.2006 10:15

Interesting to know that the nearby High School aquired the building some time ago and that their planning permission to convert and change the building was denied by the City Council for the reasons that the building was listed. They will probably get it now.

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Arboretum pub gutted - and so am I

15.12.2006 01:12

I can't believe that the Arboretum pub has been burnt to the ground. I performed a search on the internet purely by chance to find out about the pub because I met my partner there 8 years ago.

I was a student at Nottingham Trent University in 1998. I was planning to get a tattoo done with name of the pub inscribed on my arm. Myself and my fiance get married this year and have a baby daughter.

I have great memories of that pub. It was a cracking student haunt and the atmosphere was always great.

Lets hope the venue will be a phoenix.

Daniel Gill