ephemera special issue on Latin America
LA | 20.11.2006 15:19 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Zapatista | World
Whether in Oaxaca, El Alto, Buenos Aires or Porto Alegre - Latin America is a continent that has seen many social struggles and popular resistances in recent years. This special issue of "ephemera" is dedicated to giving voice to some of these struggles, in order to share their experiences across the globe. Comprising 10 contributions, published in Spanish or Portuguese and translated into English, these texts particularly explore the question of how struggles and resistances have been organized in the Latin American context.
ephemera (
volume 6, number 3 (august 2006)
América Latina / Latin America
[Pt] Vozes da Dissidência e a Organização das Lutas e Resistências: Uma Edição Especial sobre a América Latina
[En] Voices of Dissent and the Organization of Struggles and Resistances: A Special Issue on Latin America
Maria Ceci Misoczky
::artículos / artigos / articles::
[Pt] Comportamento Fotográfico
[En] Photographic Behavior
Eduardo Seidl
[Es] Pensar la herramienta política (estratégica) del campo popular
[En] Thinking the (strategic) political tools of the popular field
Miguel Mazzeo
[Es] Territorio y Estructuras de Acción Colectiva: Microgobiernos Barriales
[En] Territory and Structures of Collective Action: Neighborhood Micro-Governments
Pablo Mamani Ramirez
[Es] Las Batallas de la Globalización: Resistencia Indigena al TLC en Ecuador
[En] Globalization Battles: Indigenous Resistance to the FTA in Ecuador
Pablo Dávalos
[Es] Evo Morales y la Descolonización Fálica del Estado Boliviano
[En] Evo Morales and the Phallic Decolonization of the Bolivian State
María Galindo
[Es] Feminicidio, Estado y Violencia en Ciudad Juárez
[En] Feminicide, State and Violence in Juárez City
Servando Pineda Jaimes
[Es] Situación de los hijos e hijas de mujeres victimadas en Ciudad Juárez, México
[En] Situation of sons and daughters of murdered women in Juárez City, Mexico
Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa
[Es] Los limites del desempleo estructural como disciplinador social
[En] The limits of structural unemployment as a social discipliner
Miguel Mazzeo
[Pt] Uma Outra Linguagem: A Mística na produção da consciência dos integrantes do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)
[En] Another Language: Mística and the production of consciousness among members of the Landless Workers Movement (MST)
Joysinett Moraes da Silva y/e/and Rafael Vecchio

volume 6, number 3 (august 2006)
América Latina / Latin America
[Pt] Vozes da Dissidência e a Organização das Lutas e Resistências: Uma Edição Especial sobre a América Latina
[En] Voices of Dissent and the Organization of Struggles and Resistances: A Special Issue on Latin America
Maria Ceci Misoczky
::artículos / artigos / articles::
[Pt] Comportamento Fotográfico
[En] Photographic Behavior
Eduardo Seidl
[Es] Pensar la herramienta política (estratégica) del campo popular
[En] Thinking the (strategic) political tools of the popular field
Miguel Mazzeo
[Es] Territorio y Estructuras de Acción Colectiva: Microgobiernos Barriales
[En] Territory and Structures of Collective Action: Neighborhood Micro-Governments
Pablo Mamani Ramirez
[Es] Las Batallas de la Globalización: Resistencia Indigena al TLC en Ecuador
[En] Globalization Battles: Indigenous Resistance to the FTA in Ecuador
Pablo Dávalos
[Es] Evo Morales y la Descolonización Fálica del Estado Boliviano
[En] Evo Morales and the Phallic Decolonization of the Bolivian State
María Galindo
[Es] Feminicidio, Estado y Violencia en Ciudad Juárez
[En] Feminicide, State and Violence in Juárez City
Servando Pineda Jaimes
[Es] Situación de los hijos e hijas de mujeres victimadas en Ciudad Juárez, México
[En] Situation of sons and daughters of murdered women in Juárez City, Mexico
Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa
[Es] Los limites del desempleo estructural como disciplinador social
[En] The limits of structural unemployment as a social discipliner
Miguel Mazzeo
[Pt] Uma Outra Linguagem: A Mística na produção da consciência dos integrantes do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)
[En] Another Language: Mística and the production of consciousness among members of the Landless Workers Movement (MST)
Joysinett Moraes da Silva y/e/and Rafael Vecchio